

瀟灑一生 優雅一生 的 Richard

緒言懷念摯友懷念再見記憶瀟灑一生記憶中痛失好友再會無名英雄長存我心好生好死指導員給Richard的信A Letter to RichardA Letter from William LeeA Light that Shines永留我心記憶中的Richard悼東衡夫人茶友會編後感想

To: [email protected]
From: Grace Hsu

Dear Richard,

I wonder if you’d be able to receive this message this time, as more than ten years in the past, we used to communicate via this way to share valuable articles, breath-taking photos and heavenly voice of singings. Because of sharing and learning from the same beautiful messages, I had been becoming as elegant and graceful as you were, birds of the feather.

Personally, I think we are close friend by serving as the same officers team, fostering the same new club, and – having the same age. Being the good old friend, what impressed me the most about you, besides your decent characters which I am not going to mention more as friends all had known and remembered about those, would be your speeches I had listened. Those were about inspiring character?sculpturing and informative also educational criminal cases you had dealt with in your career, even you gave us that kind of message instead of your personal information in your C1 ice-breaking. Fortunately, we had enough time to know you well.

In Toastmasters meetings, I believe that audience may sometimes pretend that they 100% comprehend a speech. Why, Richard, I have to tell you a secret. One night while we were still in FYTC, I was assigned as the Master of in?club contest, I got the agenda and found that I could not read the word in your speech title –Abien, I felt it would be a shame to ask the meaning so I came to you and ask: “Richard, are you one of the contestants tonight? What is your speech title?” and your reply was “ The title is – The man Abien (阿扁)”, so I announced the speech title easily. After the speech contest during the intermission, J.S Lin came to me and said with a timid smile: “I was curious about the word Abien and dared not to ask.” Take this experience, when hearing new members feel bad about their listening comprehension in the meetings, I used to comfort them that don’t be cheated as other audience may just pretend. Ha Ha Ha! It worked, new members relieved.

Recently, the Earth may have been sick – severe cold snow storms in the northern part and flood in the southern part of the earth, Richard, from now on, your are excused from experiencing these disasters and resting peacefully in the heaven. This may be good for you, however, it’s really hard to let those good old memories go.

Good bye ~ 瀟灑一生 優雅一生 的 Richard.

Best Wishes,