


緒言懷念摯友懷念再見記憶瀟灑一生記憶中痛失好友再會無名英雄長存我心好生好死指導員給Richard的信A Letter to RichardA Letter from William LeeA Light that Shines永留我心記憶中的Richard悼東衡夫人茶友會編後感想

James Lin, DTM, IPDG of D67
林義雄醫師 剛卸任
D-67 地區總會長
January 09 2011


Our beloved member‐ Richard Wu, passed away on Dec. 15, 2010. (58 years of life) We were very sad and startling, even eyes were brimming with tears and members were crying together when we heard the shocking news. We lose a kind friend and spiritual leader forever when he left.

Richard left us, but looking back his 14 years history in Toastmasters, we are keenly aware of his humble and sincere personality. He made a great contribution to Toastmasters—he served or led members actively and dedicated to publicize or charter new club. Hence, his spirits of selflessness and enthusiasm have become our role model for all of
us to follow.

To cherish the memory of our good friend, Richard Wu, and to recollect his life style in Toastmasters, also to show our friendship concerning among Toastmasters, we arrange the special commemorative meeting and edit a memory booklet to memorize him.

We will open the stage for you to share your experience with Richard during the meeting. For the purpose of editing a commemorative album for this special event, we also invite you to donate an article and photo (It’s perfect if you have photo with Richard together) which will be printed in the album with your article.

Life is unpredictable, so how to know or diagnose a disease in advance and how to pre‐arrange your future life become the most important issue we have to consider now. Hence, you can mention some ideas you have in both of your address and article for our future reference.

Finally, I’ll represent all of the special memory meeting team members to express our respect to the family members and friends of Richard Wu for your participation and our appreciation to all of you for your articles and photos. With your support, the special meeting becomes successful and meaningful.

Sincerely Yours

Soar to a New Height!

Commemorative meeting Committee
Honor Chair Charles Chan, DTM, Past Division B Governor
榮譽主席 詹德聰 前B 部總監
Chair James Lin, DTM, IPDG
主席 林義雄 剛卸任總會長
Co‐Chair Michelle Lai, Division L Governor
副主席 賴秀春 L 部總監
Member Agnes Chang, President, Taichung Elite Advanced TC
委員 張潔芳 台中精英進階英文演講會
Vincent Wang, President, Fongyuan TC
委員 王炳森 豐原英文演講會長
Editor Teresa Chang, Area L‐1 Governor
編輯 張海星 L1 區總監