Dear all District Officers (including Div Govs, Area Govs), Club Presidents,
and Club EVPs: 各位總會幹部(含: 部總監、區總監)、分會會長、分會教育副會長: Below is important meeting notice. Please read, and attend the meetings on time. (Club Presidents, EVP's: if you are not able to attend the meeting, please make sure to fill out the proxy, and give to your Area Gov or a club member of your club to represent you) 以下重要開會訊息,請務必閱讀,並準時參加。 (分會會長、分會教育副會長: 若無法出席也務必填寫委託書,並交由區總監或該分會會員代表出席) Subject : 4th ExCom, 2nd Council (and Association Council ) Joint Meeting 主旨:第四次執委會、第二次代表大會聯合會議 (暨協會第十八屆第三次理監事聯席會) Meeting Date : 4/13/2014 (9:00 - 11:50 AM, 2nd day of 2014 Spring Con) Meeting Venue : 2014 Spring Con location (Main Hall, CPC building) 開會時間: 4/13/2014 (2014春季大會第二天上午9:00-11:50) 開會地點: 2014春季大會會場內(台北中油大樓 國光廳) =============================================================================== Dear ExCom members, Council members and Association leaders, 親愛的執委會、代表大會及協會的理監事們,大家好, First all, I would like to remind you which groups you belong to (Excom, Council, or Association), and the session(s) youshould join. (for other sessions, you can audit, but are not entitled of speaking or voting right): 首先,提醒各會您屬於哪一開會組別,及您務必出席的時間(其他時段可旁聽,但無發言及投票權)。 Because each meeting session has its own "quorum", you are required to attend each session. Please do your best to comply. If Quorum (proxies will be counted in) is not met, we have to hold the meeting again at a later date. Thank you for your cooperation. 因為每一會議均有其規定之"最低法定人數",請大家務必配合撥冗出席。若未達最低法定人數(委任書也算入出席人數),將需擇期再召開本會。謝謝您的配合。 |
1. |
Excom members : District Officers (including: Div Gov, LGET,
LGM, PR, Treasure, Secretary, Div Governors, Area Governors) 執委會成員 : 總會幹部 (包括: 總會長、教育副總會長、推廣副總會長、公關長、財務長、秘書長、部總監、區總監) |
a) |
Should attend : Excom meeting (9:00-9:45) + Council Meeting
(9:45 - 11:20) 應出席議程:執委會 (9:00-9:45) + 會員代表大會 (9:45-11:20) |
b) |
No "proxy" is allowed for Excom members . Please attend the
Excom/Council meeting by yourselves. 執委會成員無委任代理制度,不可委託他人代理出席,請務必本人親自出席簽到 |
2. |
Council members : EVP, Presidents, + Excom members (as above
1.) 會員代表大會成員: 分會教育副會長、分會會長 + 執委會成員(如上述1.) |
a) |
Should Attend : Council Meeting ( 9:45-11:20) 應出席議程:會員代表大會 (9:45-11:20) |
b) |
"Proxy" is allowed to use in the event of absence (for
Presidents and EVP's only). For those Presidents and EVPs who cannot show up, please do ask one of your active members to attend the meeting with your signed proxy form. (Please see attached "proxy" form, and note the related regulations in the form). 若分會會長、教育副會長無法出席,可委託該分會的常態會員出席,必須攜帶已由委託人簽名之"委託書"(請見附件,並注意其中之相關規定)。 |
3. |
Association Council Members : Those elected as Association
Council on 6/23/2013. 協會理監事成員:在去年六月23日被選為協會理監事者 --- Should Attend : Association Council Meeting (time frame : directly after above two meetings) 應出席議程:演講協會理監事會議 (直接在上述兩議程之後) |
4. |
District Officer Elections -- District officer elections for
2014-2015 will be held during the council meeting. It is
very important that you show up and vote for the best
candidates for our members island-wide. 總會幹部選舉-- 2014-2015 總會幹部改選將於會員代表大會中舉行,您的出席並為全國會員選出最好的總會幹部是很重要的!! |
5. |
Attached please also see the two previous meeting minutes. If
no objection from you, we will approve the minutes in 4/13
meeting. 隨信附上前兩次會議的會議紀錄供各位參考,若無異議,將於4/13 會議中通過該會議紀錄。 |
6. |
RE : Written Resolutions or Motions from the Floor -- In order
to improve our parliamentary procedure, please submit your
written resolutions to the District Secretary Teresa Chang
before 10PM, April 5, 2014. The submitted written
resolutions will be placed into the agenda according to the
order of submission before the deadline 10PM, April 5.
Resolutions not received before the deadline may be raised
during "Motions from the Floor" during the meetings. We
suggest you write out your motions in advance in Chinese and
English for display on the big screens. If you have any
questions regarding parliamentary procedures or the writing
of resolutions and motions, please consult District
Parliamentarian Helen Chen (email :
[email protected])
. For more information on parliamentary procedures at the Excom and Council meetings, please review the training files online on related links to the Announcement of Activities on the D67 website after the links to the Spring Conference. http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/d67web/ch/district/resolution.pdf 有關書面提案或臨時動議-- 為改善議事程序,請將提案事先以書面方式在期限內提交給總會秘書長張海星(書面提交期限: 4月5日晚間10點),經審查通過,將依收到的先後次序排在會議程序,提案的規格請參考總會網站 http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/d67web/ch/district/resolution.pdf 。 未在規定期限前送達的提案可在臨時動議時依照議事規則提出,建議您先把動議以中英文書寫以方便會中投射到大螢幕讓與會人士討論和修改,如果您對會議程序或提案內容的書寫有任何問題,歡迎聯絡陳凱倫議事長(email: [email protected])。提案的寫法也已經上傳到總會網站 。 議事規則請參考總會網站上公佈欄的區域春季大會連結相關的議事教學檔案 : http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/d67web/ch/district/resolution.pdf 也歡迎大家參加春季大會第一天的中文教育訓練: "議事規則入門" (由總會議事長陳凱倫主講). |
7. |
Meeting Agendas -- Enclosed is the preliminary agenda for the
4th ExCom, 2nd Council meetings. The agenda for the
Association council meeting will be sent to all Association
council members by our Association Secretary Jeffery Huang.
Please kindly mark down on your calendar and attend the
meetings. 會議議程-- 附上第四次執委會、第二次代表大會聯合會會議初步議程。協會理監事會議通知及議程將由協會秘書黃瀚誼發出給各理監事。 Thank you for your precious time and hard work devoted to District 67, and look forward to seeing you in 2014 Spring Conference in Taipei. 感謝您為演講協會投入的寶貴時間及辛苦付出;期待與您相逢在台北2014春季大會。 |
Attachment (附件) 1. Agenda 議程 | |||||
Attachment (附件) 2. Proxy 委託書 | |||||
Attachment (附件) 3. 2013.11.24. 3rd Excom/1st Council Meeting minutes第二次執委會及第一次會員代表大會會議記錄 | |||||
Attachment (附件) 4. 2014.01.26. 4th Excom Meeting minutes第三次執委會會議記錄 | |||||