2010 春季大會手冊 |
Dear fellow officers & members, 各位領導先進及會友夥伴們,大家好! The HTC is responsible for editing our up-coming spring conference booklet, and I am the president, Ronald Huang. I sincerely invite you to contribute articles to be printed in our booklet. 即將出刊的2010年春季大會手冊將由箶蘆墩英語演講會負責編輯,在此誠摯地邀請您共襄盛舉踴躍投稿以豐富手冊內容。 I would appreciate if you compose your article in #14 word size, in an A4 paper, added the photo (if necessary or possible). The due time will be March 5th 2010. Please forward your article to my mail address: [email protected] 非常歡迎各位演講會會友夥伴們投稿,來稿請以14號字體A4紙張大小格式撰稿,若能附加照片更佳,截稿日期為2010年3月5日,來稿請以電子郵件傳送,請寄至 [email protected]。 If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. 有任何問題請隨時跟我們聯絡。 Sincerely yours, F部總監 吳恭讓 I部總監 邱垂珍 Jim Chiu B部總監 張永維 Vickie Chang HTC箶蘆墩英語演講會 會長 黃炳鐸 Ronald Huang 敬上 |