2020-2021 Division CNH 2nd Joint Officer Training

2020-2021 CHN部第2次幹部訓練

2020-12-12 13:05pm - 16:35pm

郵政博物館 (Postal Museum): 台北市中正區重慶南路二段45號10樓 (近捷運中正紀念堂站) (10F., No. 45, Sec. 2, Chongcing S. Rd., Jhongjheng Dist., Taipei City)  

語言:英文為主 (English)

聯絡方式:Edward Hsu (20-21 Div. N Director) lledward2000@gmail.com

報名截止日Deadline 2020-12-11

目前報名人數 135

********** 因預算有限,煩請盡量自帶環保杯飲水,謝謝! **********
Toastmaters International, District 67
2020 Division CNH 2nd Joint Officer Training
2020 CHN部 第2次幹部訓練 共好•同贏

Role Taker
13:05 20 Registration, Networking
報到, 會員交流
Emily Lai
Reception Leader
13:25 5 Call the First Half of the Training to Order
Chloe Hsu
Jo Wu
SSA 事務長
13:30 3 Warm Up, the First Half of the Training Starts
暖場, 上半場會議開始
Robert Lu 盧柏昌, ACG, ALB
Training Master 主持人
13:33 2 Training Chair Opening Remarks & Welcome
Edward Hsu 許宏任
Div. N Director
13:35 20 The Key to Motivate Your Members!
"The Four “W’s"
Matthew Mak 麥譽耀, DTM
Immediate Past D67 District Director
13:55 20 You Have to Mean It !
(How to Run The Club)
Paul Kenneth Sharpe, DTM
2020 Champion
14:15 20 Group Discussion (by Club Officer Roles)
小組討論 (依幹部職務分組)
Robert Lu 盧柏昌, ACG, ALB
Training Master 主持人
14:35 20 (各組分享) (雙語)
14:55 5 Group Photo 團體照 Yan Wu
Joe Zeng
Photographer 攝影師
15:00 15 Intermission 中場休息
15:15 2 Call the Second Half of the Training to Order
Chole Hsu
Jo Wu
SSA 事務長
15:17 3 Warm Up, the Second Half of the Training Starts
暖場, 下半場會議開始
Jill Yang 楊至善
Training Master 主持人
15:20 20 Attract The Feather to Flock Together Grace Chuang 莊雅琴, DTM
15:40 30 Couch Toastmasters (mainly in English)
(在沙發上玩吐司) (英文為主)
Alex Huang 黃文泰,ACG ALB
16:10 10 Q&A - Couch Toastmasters (Bilingual/雙語)
16:20 10 Appriciation & Awards Gloria Chen 陳凰櫻, DTM
D67 Club Growth Director
D67 總會分會成長執行長
16:30 5 Training Adjourns
Erica Chen 陳慈怡, DTM
Joseph Lee 李朝臣, LDL5
Div. C and H Director
Timer 計時員: Yun-Ling Wang, Emma Liu
Reception Team 接待組: Emily Lai, Jerry Chen, Emily Lin, Ken Yuan, Jade Kuo, Scott Su, Homing Yau
Equipment & Award Presenting Team 設備頒獎組: Division CHN Directors
This Training Conducted by Division CNH Directors:Erica Chen, Joseph Lee, Edward Hsu

The Key to Motivate Your Members! "The Four “W’s" - Matthew Mak 麥譽耀, DTM

  • In this 20 minute session, we will reflect on what it means to be a club officer and how to perform the duties effectively. We all know the roles and responsibilities of each office, but do we really know "how" to do it well? How do we go beyond the description of each officer role? How do we perform the role with a "human touch"? How do we motivate our members to grow "with" us and not "for" us?

Paul Kenneth Sharpe, DTM

(A member of TGIF since 2013 and charter President and member of Born to Shine. 2020 Champion of International Speech Contest and Table Topics Speech Contest,2019 3d Place International Speech Contest,2017 and 2015 2nd Place Table Topics Speech Contest)

Attract The Feather to Flock Together - Grace Chuang 莊雅琴, DTM (Charter President of Taiwan Toastmasters)

  • “Know thyself!” was carved into the stone at the entrance to Apollo’s temple at Delphi in Greece. People come to Apollo’s temple to ask for the oracles and some clues about their fate. Nowadays, people go online to search information to try to change their own fate by learning new skills. To attract people to join us, to learn with our toastmaster folks, we must know our own clubs quite well.

  • In this workshop, you will learn through playing games. Think about what kind of characteristics of members that your club wants and who might be interested in your club. Then team members will brainstorm for branding and marking strategies.

Couch Toastmasters (在沙發上玩吐司) - Alex Huang 黃文泰,ACG ALB

  • Couching surfing is an chill way to know the world by meeting new. There’s a new and comfy way to learn, that’s a Online Toastmasters. Some one are afraid of Online Contest and get rid of it, some one hates it and never ever need it. You can simply enjoy it on your sofa, experience the flavors of Toastmasters at home. All you need is to know something you don’t know. Let’s Couching Toastmasters with us!
Groups' Sharing (各組分享): 雙語 (Biligual)
  • Each group's reporter decided by lottery, if needed, the reporter can give the chance to another officer in your group. (抽籤決定報告人,討論過程中公佈,被抽到的分會幹部,也可禮讓別人上台分享)

  • Main course of the sharing, how to overcome difficulties, achieve goals such as DCP points,..,etc(報告內容 - 如何克服困難、達成目標或任務,如DCP)? (each group: 1 min/per reporter) (One reporter each group. If the group is over 10 officers, will have 2 reporters.) (每組: 每人1分鐘) (10以上2人報告,10人以下1人報告)