D67 Pathways Online Interactive Training - EH Engaging Humor Reflect on Your Path, Present a Proposal, Introduction to TM Mentoring

D67 Pathways互動式線上培訓 單元示範- EH 善用幽默 回顧學習歷程, 發表企劃案, Toastmasters 指導計劃介紹

2020-07-04 8:00 - 9:30 pm


語言:英文 English

聯絡方式:主辦人: Alex Shih, TGIF Club, [email protected] 主持人: Yun-Ling Wang, 2020-2021 China Toastmasters Club President; [email protected]

報名截止日Deadline 2020-07-05

目前報名人數 61

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3319914032

Meeting ID: 3319914032 (No Password)


District 67 Toastmasters presents:
Pathways Interactive Online Training hosted by 2020-2021 China Toastmasters Club President, Yun-Ling Wang! 
Sat. July 4, 2020 8:00-9:30pm (Language: ENGLISH) 
You know these events are high quality and live Q&A with speakers is an invaluable opportunity to pick their brains!
Register now: https://www.toastmasters.org.tw/page.php?page_type=event&id=20200526190004&ver=en&portal=club