1st D67 Online Toastmasters Meeting

1st D67 Online Toastmasters Meeting

2019-04-15 7:30-9:00 pm

Zoom (online) Zoom (online)


聯絡方式:Simone Nash, DTM 0983636670 (simonenash.tm@gmail.com)

SPECIAL EVENT: APRIL 15, 2019 7:30-9:00pm (Taiwan time)

1st online Toastmasters Meeting in Taiwan
Open to all D67 Toastmasters members!

Step 1: Download ZOOM APP (laptop or smartphone)
Step 2: Test your audio and video works (show your video so we can enjoy being together in the meeting)
Step 3: Click this link to join the meeting live online

Experience a Toastmasters meeting with members from all over District 67, Taiwan!

Hear from our keynote speaker, Mark Snow, DTM - the first Pathways DTM in the world!