英文 - Division E 2020 新會員導引線上互動培訓
2020-08-15 8:30PM~10:15PM
Zoom ID: 84002154548; 會議密碼: 670385 Zoom (ID: 84002154548; Password: 670385)
聯絡方式:Frank Chen (line: eroca0121; 0920002385)
Dear Toastmasters members,
Join Division E New Member Orientation Interactive Online Training on Saturday, August 15 at 8:30-10:15 PM via Zoom (ID: 84002154548; Password: 670385)!
Your host for this event is Crystal Du, the new president of HiFi Zhubei Toastmasters!
· Agenda (workshops and discussions):
1/ Title: Expand Your Vision in Toastmasters
Speaker: Chiara Lee, ACS, ALB, PM4, VC2: Chiara is Division E Director, she is also the 3rd place of 2019 D67 Evaluation Contest.
In this session, Chiara will introduce Toastmasters International, District 67 Taiwan, Division E Taoyuan and Hsinchu and related website resources.
Duration: 15 minutes
2/ Title: Pathway Introduction
Speaker: Trista Chen, CC, CL, TC3: Immediate Past Area E2 Director, pay a huge endeavor to promote Toastmasters Pathways!
Trista has made comprehensive survey over user experience. She will be able to pinpoint the issues and introduce us a solution.
Duration: 15 minutes
3/ Title: Meeting Roles
Speaker: Kevin Lin, ACS, ALB: Kevin was the learning master of Toastmasters Region 13 and many other experiences of regional leaders. He won four top three in D67 English Speech Contest on consecutive two years.
The success of a club meeting depends on the participants. At each meeting, there are many roles to fill and they play an important part in making the club experience enjoyable. In this workshop you will review every role that you have known and learn to play each role better.
Duration: 15 minutes
4/ Title: Meeting Roles
Speaker: Richard Shen, ACG, ALB, EH4, PM2: Richard join Toastmasters on the end of 2014. Since 2015, he has already won six speech contest top three places in Division Contest and further being the contestant of national contest. How he made it?
Workshop Intro: We all pay the same membership fee. We all spend the same amount of time. But why is it after a period of time, some people are totally transformed into a better version of themselves in the ways they speak, they communicate and they influence, while some people seem to stay the same?
The first three years of your Toastmaster journey is the key. You will learn step by step what to think and what to do so that you can build a solid foundation to excel in your personal and professional life.
Duration: 15 minutes
5/ After four workshops, Jimmy and Scott will conduct two discussion sessions. Jimmy is a senior member and successful club coach and Mentor in Indonesia. Scott is also a senior member since 2013 in Zhongli Toastmasters Club.
Jimmy will invite more members to share their useful tips and Scott will embrace questions from New Members.
Duration: 20 minutes
We welcome all your participation in the online interactive training!
各位親愛的 D67 Division E Toastmasters 會員朋友們 ,
超棒的新會員互動式線上培訓即將在8月15日(六) , 08:30-10:15 PM , Zoom 線上會議展開。
Zoom ID: 84002154548; 會議密碼: 670385
這場活動的主持人是 Crystal Du, HiFive竹北分會的新任社長!
1/ Expand Your Vision in Toastmasters
講者: Chiara Lee, ACS, ALB, PM4, VC2: Chiara現任的Division E Director,完成了銀牌高級演講員及銅牌高級領導員,更在去年拿下全國英語講評比賽的季軍!
在這次演說,Chiara會介紹Toastmasters International世界總會, D67台灣區, Division E桃竹分部及相關的網路資源。
時間: 15分鐘
2/ Toastmasters Pathways Introduction
講者: Trista Chen, CC, CL, TC3: 甫卸任的Area E2 Director,對Pathways的推廣不遺餘力!
時間: 15分鐘
3/ Toastmasters Club Meeting Roles
講者: Kevin Lin, ACS, ALB: 曾擔任Region 13的Learning Master, 並連續2年贏得4項全國英語演說項目的前三名!
在這次演說,Kevin Lin會告訴您,如何在Toastmasters meeting中,擔任稱職的Session Masters!
時間: 15分鐘
4/ How do you get the most of Toastmasters in the first 3 years?
講者: Richard Shen, ACG, ALB, EH4, PM2: Richard 是Division E過去5年英語演說比賽的常勝軍,全國比賽的經驗也很豐富,但他2014/10才加入Toastmasters,他是如何辦到的?
在這次演說,Richard Shen會與您分享,他如何在加入Toastmasters的前三年打好基礎,讓他的人生能因為Toastmasters而大放異彩!
時間: 15分鐘
在四場15分鐘的workshop之後,我們安排精彩的分享與互動時間,分別由在印尼又豐富Club Coach經驗的Jimmy與在中壢分會有豐富經驗的Scott主持。