
English Chinese
 The  High Performance  Leadership Program 高成效領導課程
 The Leadership Excellence Series 卓越領導系列
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A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats Toastmaster的多重角色
A Toastmasters International
Leadership Development Program (262)
國際演講會領導發展課程 (262)
About Your Club 關於您的分會
AC Bronze  (Advanced  Communicator Bronze) 銅牌高級演講員
AC Gold (Advanced  Communicator Gold) 金牌高級演講員
AC Silver (Advanced Communicator Silver) 銀牌高級演講員
Accredited Speaker Award 優良演講者評鑑獎
advanced communicator 高級演講員
advanced communicator bronze 銅牌高級演講員
advanced communicator gold 金牌高級演講員
advanced communicator silver 銀牌高級演講員
advanced leader 高級領導員
advanced leader bronze 銅牌高級領導員
advanced leader silver 銀牌高級領導員
Advanced Project: The Entertaining Speech 進階課程: 趣味演講
agenda of the meeting 例會議程表
Ah-counter 贅字記錄員
ALB (Advanced  Leader Bronze) 銅牌高級領導員
All About Toastmasters 關於Toastmasters國際演講會
ALS (Advanced Leader Silver) 銀牌高級領導員
American 美國的(adj.) 美式的(adj.) 美國人(n.)
An Opportunity to Succeed (207) 成功的契機 (207)
annual club membership program 年度分會會員招募計畫
Appendix 附件
application for membership 入會申請表
Area 區(小區)
Area Council 區代表大會(小區理事會)
Area Council Officers 區代表大會幹部(小區理事會理事)
Area Governor 區總監(小區總監)
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws 組織以及細則條款
Assignment 職務
Assist the Club’s Webmaster 協助分會網路主任
ATM (Able Toastmaster) 高級演講員
ATM (Advanced Toastmaster) 高級演講員
ATM Bronze 銅牌高級演講員
ATM Gold 金牌高級演講員
ATM Silver 銀牌高級演講員
Audience 觀眾
Audit Committee 稽核委員會
Badge 名牌
Ballots 選票
banner 旗幟
Beat the Clock contest 限時比賽
Befriend a Guest 與來賓為友
Beginning Your Speech (270) 開始您的演講 (270)
Best Evaluator 最佳講評者
Best Speaker 最佳演講者
Best Table Topics Speaker 最佳即席演講者
Board of Directors 理事會
booklet 小冊
budget 預算
Building a Team (316) 建構一個團隊 (316)
Building Your Thinking Power, Part I:
Mental Flexibilty (253)
建構您的思考力(第一部分): 彈性思考 (253)
Building Your Thinking Power, Part II:
The Power of Ideas (254)
建構您的思考力(第二部分): 創意的力量 (254)
call for reports 開始報告
call meeting to order 宣布(例會)會議開始
CC  (Competent Communicator) 中級演講員
CD   with   Powerpoint   Presentation (236CD) 簡報光碟 (236CD)
CD   with   Powerpoint   presentation (237CD) 簡報光碟 (237CD)
CD   with   Powerpoint   presentation (253CD) 簡報光碟 (253CD)
CD   with   Powerpoint   presentation (254CD) 簡報光碟 (254CD)
CD   with   Powerpoint   presentation (255CD) 簡報光碟 (255CD)
CD   with   Powerpoint   presentation (257CD) 簡報光碟 (257CD)
CD with Powerpoint presentation (242CD) 簡報光碟 (242CD)
CD with Powerpoint presentation (251CD) 簡報光碟 (251CD)
Chairman 主席
Chart of Motions (237C) 動議表 (237C)
charter member 創會會員
charter strength 創會最低人數
check-in/registration 報到註冊
CL (Competent Leader) 中級領導員
CL Award Application 中級領導獎項申請
closing remarks 閉(會)幕致詞
Closing the Sale (293) 達成目標 (293)
Club   Leadership   Handbook: A  guide  to Effective Leadership (1310) 分會領導手冊: 有效領導指南 (1310)
Club Administration programs 分會行政課程
Club and District Officers training 分會與地區總會(大區)幹部訓練
Club Building Strategy Guide for Districts 地區總會(大區)分會創建策略指南
Club Climate Questionnaire (251C) 分會氛圍問卷 (251C)
club coach 分會救援教練
Club Coach Award 分會救援教練獎
Club Committees 分會委員會
club constitution and bylaws 分會章程
club executive committee meetings 分會執委會議
Club Leadership Handbook 分會領導手冊
club meeting 例會
club meeting agenda 例會議程表
Club Mentor or Club Sponsor Award 新會指導人或新會發起人獎
club newsletter 會訊
Club Newsletter Editor 分會會訊主編
club officer 分會幹部
club officers training program 分會幹部訓練課程
Club PR Campaign Chair 分會公關活動主席
club records 分會記錄
club reference file 分會檔案
Club Special Event Chair 分會特別活動主席
Club Speech Contest Chair 分會演講比賽主席
Club Success Plan 分會成功計畫
Club Webmaster 分會網路主任
club’s leadership 分會的領導
club’s semiannual membership report 分會半年度會籍報告
Committee Minutes Record 委員會會議記錄
Communicating on Video (226J)  錄影溝通 (226J)
Communication  and Leadeship programs 溝通與領導課程
communication  track 溝通系統
Communication and Leadership Awards 溝通與領導獎
community contact team 社區聯絡小組
Community Service programs 社區服務課程
Competent Communication (225) 中級溝通 (225)
competent communication manual 中級溝通手冊
Competent Communication: A Practical Guide to becoming
a Better Speaker
Competent Communicator (CC) Award Application 中級溝通員獎項申請
Competent Leadership (265) 中級領導 (265)
competent leadership manual 中級領導手冊
Competent Leadership: A Practical Guide to becoming a
Better Leader
Complete Listing of the Advanced Communication Series 進階溝通課程系列完整清單
Concluding Your Speech (271) 總結您的演講 (271)
Confidence: The voice of Leadership (101) 信心: 領導之聲 (101)
Controlling Your Fear (272) 控制您的恐懼 (272)
Coordinator Certificate (260) 指導員證書 (260)
Coordinator Guide (204) 指導員手冊 (204) 
Coordinator Guide (236B) 指導員手冊 (236B)
Coordinator Guide (237A) 指導者手冊 (237A)
Coordinator Guide (242A) 指導員手冊 (242A) 
Coordinator Guide (251A) 指導員手冊 (251A)
Coordinator Guide (253A) 指導員手冊 (253A)
Coordinator Guide (254A) 指導員手冊 (254A)
Coordinator Guide (255A) 指導者手冊 (255A)
Coordinator Guide (257A) 指導員手冊 (257A)
Counters’ Tally Sheet (1176) 計分表 (1176)
Creating an Introduction (277) 準備“介紹詞” (277)
Creating the Best Club Climate (294) 創造分會最佳氛圍 (294)
Critical Thinking 關鍵性思考
CTM (Competent Toastmaster) 中級演講員
current club officer 現任分會幹部
current member 現籍會員
DCP Goals Wall Chart 傑出分會計畫目標一覽表
Debate Handbook 辯論手冊
Delegate to Empower (315) 委任授權 (315)
Developing a Mission (312) 建立使命 (312)
Distinguished Club 傑出分會
Distinguished Club Program 傑出分會計畫
Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan (1111) 傑出分會計畫暨分會成功計畫 (1111)
District  Leadership  Handbook: A guide to Effective Management (222) 地區總會(大區)領導手冊: 有效管理指南 (222)
District Committees 地區總會(大區)委員會
district conference 地區總會大會(大區會議)
District Council 地區總會代表大會(大區理事會)
District Council Officers 地區總會代表大會幹部(大區理事會理事)
District Executive  Committee 地區總會(大區)執委會
District Executive Committee Officers 地區總會(大區)執委會幹部
District Governor 地區總會總會長(大區總監)
district leader 地區總會幹部(大區領導)
District Leadership Handbook 地區總會(大區)領導手冊
district officer 地區總會幹部(大區幹事)
district performance report 地區總會(大區)成果報告
District Recognition Program 地區總會(大區)獎勵計畫
District Recognition Program (1490) 地區總會(大區)獎勵計畫 (1490)
district-sponsored club officer training 地區總會(大區)協辦之分會幹部訓練
Division Council 部代表大會(中區理事會)
Division Council Officers 部代表大會幹部(中區理事會理事)
Division Governor 部(中區)總監
DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster) 傑出會員
dues payments (會員)年費
dues renewals 續籍
Education and Training Committee 教育訓練委員會
education committee 教育委員會
educational material 教材
Effective Evaluation: Tips and Techniques for Giving Helpful Evaluations 有效講評:提供有用講評的訣竅與技巧
elections 選舉
Evaluate to Motivate (292) 透過講評來激勵 (292)
Evaluate Your Club 評估您的分會
Evaluate Your Progress, Part 1 評估成長 (第一部份)
Evaluate Your Progress, Part 2 評估成長 (第二部份)
Evaluation Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot (1179A) 講評比賽同分裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1179A)
evaluation contests 講評比賽
evaluation forms 講評表格
Evaluation Speech Contest Kit (1169E) 講評比賽全套資料袋 (1169E)
evaluations 講評
evaluator 講評者
Executive  Committee 執行委員會
executive committee 執行委員會
executive summary 執委摘要
experienced Toastmaster 資深會員
Facilitating Discussion (226D)  引導討論 (226D)
Facilitation 導引
Fall Conference 秋季大會
feedback 回饋
fees and annual dues 會費與年費
Finding New Members for Your Club (291) 為您的分會招募新會員 (291) 
flipchart 翻頁掛表
Founder’s award 創始人獎
From PROSPECT to GUEST to MEMBER (108) 從旁觀者到訪客到成為會員 (108)
From Speaker to Trainer (257) 由演講者成為講師 (257)
fundraising 籌款
gavel 議事槌
general evaluator 總講評人
Gestures: Your Body Speaks - How to become
Skilled in Non-verbal Communication
姿勢:您的身體會說話 - 如何學會善用非語言溝通
Get Comfortable with Visual Aids 視覺輔助
Get to the Point 目標明確
Giving Effective Feedback (317) 提供有效的回饋 (317)
Giving Feedback 給予回饋
Goal Setting and Planning (314) 目標設定與規劃 (314)
Going Beyond Our Club (298) 跨出分會 (298)
governor 總監
grammarian 語言講評人
guest  來賓
guest book 來賓簽名簿
Guidance Committee Handbook (263) 指導委員會手冊 (263)
Hall of Fame 名人堂
handbook 手冊
Help Organize a Club Membership Campaign or Contest 協助籌辦分會會員招募活動或比賽
Help Organize a Club PR Campaign 協助籌辦分會公關活動
Help Organize a Club Special Event 協助籌辦分會特別活動
Help Organize a Club Speech Contest 協助籌辦分會演講比賽
Help Produce a Club Newsletter 協助製作分會會訊
helpful hints 小提示
High Performance Leadership program 高成效領導課程
Honorary Club Membership Award 榮譽分會會員獎
hot seat 熱席
How to be a Distinguished Club (299) 如何成為傑出分會 (299)
How to Build a Toastmasters Club: A Step-by-Step Guide 如何創立分會:“循序漸進”指南
How to Conduct Productive Meetings (236) 如何主持有效率的會議 (236)
How to Introduce a Speaker 如何介紹講者
How to Listen Effectively (242) 如何有效傾聽 (242)
How to make your “Butterflies” fly in formation 如何克服緊張
How to Rebuild a Toastmasters Club: A Step-by-Step Guide 如何重建分會:“循序漸進”指南
How to say it 遣詞用字
How to Start a Toastmasters Speakers Bureau (127DCD) 如何開始建立演講會講師團 (127DCD)
How to Write and Deliver Great Speeches:
Toastmasters International Guide to Public Speaking
(Instructor’s Manual)
HPL Guidance Committee Member 高成效領導指導委員會委員
Humorous Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot (1191) 幽默演講比賽裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1191)
Humorous Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot (1191A) 幽默演講比賽同分裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1191A)
Humorous Speech Contest Kit (1169H) 幽默演講比賽全套資料袋 (1169H)
Humorously Speaking (226O) 幽默演講 (226O)
Ice Breaker 破冰演講
Immediate Past District Governor 前任總會長(前任大區總監)
Immediate Past President 前任分會會長
Impromptu Speaking (273) 即興演講 (273)
impromptu talk 即席演講
Improving Your Management Skills (259) 增進您的管理技巧 (259)
in front of an audience 在聽眾前
inducting ceremony 入會儀式
inducting officer 入會儀式主持人
induction ceremony 就職典禮
Inspire Your Audience 激勵啟發
Instructions for the Advisor (208) 顧問指南 (208)
international convention 總會國際年會
International Speech Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot (1172) 國際演講比賽裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1172)
International Speech Contest Kit (1169) 國際演講比賽全套資料袋 (1169)
Interpersonal Communication (226M) 人際溝通 (226M)
Interpretive Reading (226L) 詮釋朗誦 (226L)
Introducing the Speaker 介紹講者
Introduction 介紹
invocation 祈願
keep record of all financial transactions 保留所有財務往來紀錄
Keeping the Commitment (297) 信守承諾 (297)
keynote speaker 主講嘉賓
keynote speech 主題演講
Know Your Audience (275) 瞭解您的觀眾 (275)
leadership track 領導系統
Leadership, Part I:
Characteristics of Effective Leaders (255)
領導(第一部分): 有效率領袖的特質 (255)
Leadership, Part II:
Developing Your Leadership Skills (256)
領導(第二部分): 發展您的領導技巧 (256)
Leadership, Part III: Working in the Team Environment (258) 領導(第三部分): 在團隊環境中行動 (258)
learn-by-doing 作中學
lectern 講台
Let the World Know Publicity and Promotion Handbook 讓大家都知道:公關及推廣手冊
Listening 傾聽
Lt.-Governor Education and Training 教育副總會長(大區教育及培訓副總監)
Lt.-Governor Marketing 推廣副總會長(大區市場副總監)
Lt-Governor Education and Training 教育副總會長(大區教育及培訓副總監)
Lt-Governor Marketing 推廣副總會長(大區市場副總監)
Madam Toastmaster 總主持人
manual 手冊
manual speech 備稿演講
Marketing Committee 推廣委員會
Master Your Meetings 主導你的會議
Meeting Roles  and Responsibilities (295) 例會角色(職務)與職責 (295)
meeting roles and responsibilities 會議角色及職責
Member Achievement Program 會員成就計劃
member achievement records 會員成就紀錄
Member Interest survey 會員喜好調查
member program progress chart 會員課程進度表
Member Program Progress Chart 會員學習成長進度表
Membership Achievement Record 會籍達成記錄
Membership Application (Item 400) 入會申請書 (項目400)
Membership building 會員增長
Membership Campaign Chair 會員招募活動主席
Membership Campaign or Contest Chair 分會會員招募活動或比賽主席
membership certificate 會員證書
membership committee 會員委員會
Membership Growth (1159) 會員成長 (1159)
membership roster and records of dues paid 會員名冊及繳費紀錄
Membership Strength 會員人數
mentee 受指導者
mentor 啟導 (v)/導師 (n)
Mentor Certificate 輔導員證書
Mentor for a New Member 指導新會友
Mentor for an Existing Member 指導現有會友
Mentoring 指導
Mentoring (296) 輔導 (296)
minutes 會議紀錄
Mission of the Club 分會使命
Mission of Toastmasters International 國際演講會使命
Moments of Truth (290) 關鍵時刻 (290)
Motivating People (319) 激勵他人 (319)
Motivation 激勵啟發
Mr. Toastmaster 總主持人
name tag 名牌
new club demonstration meeting 新會示範會議
new member kit 新會員資料袋
New Member Orientation Kit 新會員入門資料袋
New Member Profile Sheet 新會員個人資料表
news release 新聞稿
newsletter 會訊
nominating committee 提名委員會
Notification of Contest Winner (1182) 優勝名單通知書 (1182)
objectives 目標
officers 幹部
officers training program 幹部訓練課程
one last thought 最後一個想法
Organization and Delegation 組織與授權
Organize Your Speech 條理分明
Organizing Your Speech (276) 組織您的演講 (276)
orientation session 新會員講習
Outstanding Toastmaster 卓越會員
Outstanding Toastmaster Award 卓越會員獎
Outstanding Toastmaster Certificate 卓越會員證書
parliamentary procedure 議事程序
Parliamentary Procedure in Action (237) 執行議事程序 (237)
Participant Certificate (261) 參加者證書 (261)
password 密碼
Persuade with Power 勸說誘導
Persuasive Speaking (226I)  說服性演講 (226I)
pin 徽章
Planning and Implementation 計畫與執行
play a role 扮演角色   擔任職務
policy bulletin 政策公告
political and campaign ethics 政治及競選活動操守
PR Campaign Chair 公關活動主席
Preparation and Practice (278) 準備與演練 (278)
prepared speeches 備稿演講
present  awards 頒獎
President 分會會長
President’s Distinguished Club 總會長傑出分會
program assignment notice 課程職務委派通告
progress chart 進度表
project completion record 單元完成紀錄
projects 單元
proven 證明
proxy 代理/代理人
Public Relations (226C)  公共關係 (226C)
Public Relations Committee 公關委員會
Public Relations Officer 公關長
Put on a Good Show: Meeting Planner Handbook 完美演出:例會規劃手冊
Quarterly Assignment Schedule 季度職務分配計劃表
quarterly financial reports 季度財務報告
Recognition awards 榮銜
record of assignment 職務紀錄
Record of Regular Meeting 例會記錄
Research Your Topic 研究題材
Resolving Conflict (321) 化解衝突 (321)
role 角色
roster 會員名單
rules of order 議事規則
sample meeting assignment schedule 會議任務委派表樣本
scoring 計分
Secretary 秘書長
Select Distinguished Club 優選傑出分會
Selecting Your Topic (274) 選擇您的演講題材 (274) 
self-confidence 自信
semiannual membership report (club’s) 半年度(分會)會員報告
Sergeant-at-Arms 事務長
Service and Leadership (320) 服務與領導 (320)
short seminar 小型研討會
Smedley’s Award Smedley 獎  史邁利獎
Smedley's Award; Talk Up Toastmasters; Beat the Clock 史邁利獎; 宣揚演講會獎; 最後衝刺獎
speaker 講者
Speaker’s  Certification  of  Eligibility and Originality (1183) 演講者資格暨原創性聲明書 (1183)
speaker’s checklist 講者清單
Speakers Bureau 講師團
Speakers Bureau Award 講師團獎
Speaking to Inform (226B) 報導演講 (226B)
Special Occasion Speeches (226N) 特殊場合演講 (226N) 
Specialty Speeches (226E)  專長演說 (226E)
speech contest 演講比賽
Speech Contest Judges Training Program 演講比賽裁判訓練課程
Speech Contest Rulebook 演講比賽規例
Speech Contest Rulebook (1171) 演講比賽規則手冊 (1171)
Speech Contest Time Record Sheet and Instructions for Timers (1175) 演講比賽計時表暨計時員指南 (1175)
Speech Contestant Biographical Information Sheet (1189) 演講比賽參賽者個人資料表 (1189)
Speech Evaluation Forms (251D) 演講講評表 (251D)
speech evaluator 演講評論員
speech goals 演講目標
speech marathon 演講馬拉松
Speech Topic Suggestions 演講題目建議
Speech Topics: They’re All Around Us 演講題材:無所不在
Speechcraft Program 演講訓練營課程
Speechcraft Promotional Kit (203) 演講訓練營推廣資料袋 (203)
Speeches by Management (226F)  管理層演說 (226F)
sponsor 贊助人
Spring Conference 春季會議
Storytelling (226K) 巧說故事 (226K)
Success 101 (1622) 成功的101終極寶典 (1622)
Success/Communication programs 成功/溝通課程
Success/Communication Programs 成功溝通系列
Success/Leadership programs 成功/領導課程
successful media placement 成功置入媒體
Supplemantary Educational programs 補充教育課程
supply catalog 貨品目錄
Table of contents 目錄
table topics 即席演講→即席問答(20151218)
Table Topics Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot (1180) 即席問答比賽裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1180)
Table Topics Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot (1180A) 即席問答比賽同分裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1180A)
Table Topics Speech Contest Kit (1169TBL) 即席問答比賽全套資料袋 (1169TBL)
Table Topicsmaster 即席演講主持人→即席問答主持人(20151218)
Talk Up Toastmasters contest 宣揚演講會比賽
tall tales contest 吹牛比賽
Tall Tales Contest Judge's Guide and Ballot (1181) 吹牛比賽裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1181)
Tall Tales Contest Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot (1181A) 吹牛比賽同分裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1181A)
Tall Tales Speech Contest Kit (1169TT) 吹牛比賽全套資料袋 (1169TT)
target speaker  test speaker (as used in Speech Contest Rulebook) 測試講者
Team Building 建立團隊
Technical Presentations (226H)  技術簡報 (226H)
Thanking a Speaker 感謝講者
The  Advanced  Communication Series 高級溝通系列教材
The  High Performance  Leadership Program 高成效領導課程
The Art of Effective Evaluation (251) 有效講評的藝術 (251)
The Better  Speaker Series 精進講者系列
The Better Speaker Series 精進演講系列
The Better Speaker Series Set (269) 全套精進演講系列  (269)
The Club Meeting 例會
The Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan 傑出分會計畫與分會成功計畫
The Entertaining Speaker (226A)  趣味演講/有趣的講者 (226A) 
The Ice Breaker 初試啼聲
The Leader as a Coach (318) 擔任教練的領袖 (318)
The Leadership Excellence Series 卓越領導系列
The Leadership Excellence Series Set (310) 全套優質領導系列 (310)
The Professional Speaker (226G)  專業演講者 (226G)
The Successful Club Series 成功分會系列
The Successful Club Series Set (289) 全套成功分會系列 (289)
The Toastmasters Educational Program (300) 國際演講會教育課程 (300)
The Toastmasters Experience 演講會經驗
The Visionary Leader (311) 有願景的領袖 (311)
Think fast!  Table Topics Handbook 快速思考 - 即席演講手冊
Tiebreaking Judge's Guide and Ballot (1188) 同分裁判評分指南暨評分表 (1188)
Time Management 時間管理
timer 計時員
tips bulletin 提示公告
Toastmaster (of the meeting) 總主持人
Toastmaster magazine 國際演講會雜誌
Toastmaster of the year 年度卓越會員
Toastmaster’s Promise 會員承諾
Toastmasters & You 國際演講會和您
Toastmasters Educational Program 國際演講會教育系統
Toastmasters International 國際演講會
Toastmasters Leadership Institute Certificate 國際演講會領導學院證書
Treasurer 財務長
trophies 獎座
Using Body Language (279) 巧用肢體語言 (279)
Values and Leadership (313) 價值與領導 (313)
Values of Toastmasters International 國際演講會核心價值
Vice-president  Education 教育副會長
Vice-president  Membership 會員副會長
Vice-president  Public Relations 公關副會長
Vision of Toastmasters International 國際演講會願景
Vocal Variety 抑揚頓挫
vote counter 計票員
web resources 網絡資源
Webmaster 網路主任
When You’re the Introducer 當您是介紹人
Word of the Day 每日一字
Word of the Day II 每日一字 II
Workbook (204H) 學習手冊 (204H)
Workbook (236A) 學習手冊 (236A)
Workbook (242B) 學習手冊 (242B)
Workbook (251B) 學習手冊 (251B)
Workbook (253B) 學習手冊 (253B)
Workbook (254B) 學習手冊 (254B)
Workbook (255B) 學習手冊 (255B)
Workbook (257B) 學習手冊 (257B)
world headquarters 世界總會總部
Your Body Speaks  肢體語言
Your Club’s #1 Membership Building Tool (203A) 分會招募會員首選工具 (203A)
Your Club’s Leadership 分會領導
Your Speaking Voice: Tips for Adding
Strength and Authority to Your Voice
Your Toastmasters Survival Guide 國際演講會教戰手冊
Youth Leadership Program 青少年領導課程
District Director, District #   #地區總會總會長(大區總監)
Program Quality Director, District # #地區總會課程品質執行長(大區課程品質理事)
Club Growth Director, District # #地區總會分會成長執行長(大區分會成長理事)
Administration Manager 行政長
Finance Manager 財務長
Public Relations Manager 公關長
Logistics Manager  後勤長
Division Director  部執行長(中區理事)
Area Director   區執行長(小區理事)
Distinguished Area Program 傑出區計畫
Immediate Past District Governor 前任地區總會長
Immediate Past Division Governor 前任部總監
Immediate Past Area Governor 前任區總監
Club Services Team 分會服務團隊
Public Relations Team 公關團隊
Education Session 教育時段
Sponsor Award 發起人獎
Tiebreaking Judge 同分裁判
Chief Judge 裁判長
Contest Chair 比賽主席
Area Contest Chair 區比賽主席
Distinguished Area Program 傑出區計畫
Newly chartered clubs 新成立的分會
Charter date 創會日期
Officially chartered 正式創立
Paid members 已繳費會員
Make up training 補訓
Leadership (as a team of leaders) 領導團隊
Leadership (as the concept of being a leader or leading a team) 領導
A Toastmaster's Promise A Toastmaster’s Promise | Toastmaster 會員承諾
As a member of Toastmasters International and my club, I promise 身為 Toastmasters International 及分會的一份子,我承諾︰
To attend club meetings regularly •    經常出席例會活動
To prepare all of my speech and leadership projects to the best of my ability, basing them on projects in the Competent Communication, Advanced Communication, or Competent Leadership manuals •    依照《中級溝通》、《進階溝通系列》或《中級領導》等手冊中的計畫 指示,做好準備並全力以赴完成每一個單元演講及領導任務
To prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments •    準備並完成指派的例會工作
To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations •    給與會友具建設性、有幫助的講評
To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to learn and grow •    積極協助分會營造會友學習、成長所必須的正面及友善環境
 To serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so •    若獲青睞,必定盡全力以幹部身分服務所屬分會
To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy •    以禮相待並尊重所有與會之會友與來賓
To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership offers •    邀請來賓參加例會活動,體驗加入 Toastmasters 的益處
To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters education and recognition programs •    遵守 Toastmasters 為教育與升級制度所訂立之指導方針及規則
To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities •    以誠信與高道德標準參與所有的 Toastmasters 活動