
District 67 Nominated Candidates for 2024-2025


I am pleased to announce the list of nominated candidates by the D67 District Leadership Committee for the 2024-2025 term!

One division director position remains open. As the District Leadership Committee report for the one position is incomplete.

Per Protocol 9.0:

“Qualified candidates must notify the District Director seven (7) days prior to their intent to run from the floor. Any nominations made by the DLC are valid.”

For all qualified candidates who wish to run from the floor for this position, please email me at“jenniferhtc104@gmail.com”no later than seven (7) days prior to the District Council Meeting on April 28 to express your intent to run from the floor for this open position.

District Officers Nominated Candidates.

DD: Ben Lin, DTM (Kaohsiung Medical University TMC)

PQD: Alex Huang, DTM (Good Life Toastmasters Club) Program 

CGD: Jay Lee, PM5 (Bei-Tun TC)

Scott Su, DL5 (Entrepreneur Toastmasters Club)

Division A Director: Valerie Chu, MS3 (Taipei TMC)

Division B Director: Brendan Yao, DL5 (USI Toastmasters Club)

Division C Director: Spencer Ye, LD2 (Legacy TMC) 

Division D Director: Clark Tsai, DL5 (Kaohsiung Toastmasters Club)  

Division E Director: Mike Hu, PM3 (Taoyuan Club)

Division F Director: Amy Chen, 陳亞曼DL4 (Lantern Taiwanese Toastmasters Club)

Division G Director: Vita Huang, IP3 (Taiwan Toastmasters Club)

Division H Director: Yi Hsuan Wang, SR4 (Evershine Bilingual)

Division I Director: Hao Chang, IP4 (Huwei Toastmasters Club)

Division J Director: Chi En Hung洪啟恩 (Sounder Bilingual Toastmasters Club)

Division K Director: xxx

Division L Director: Victor Liu, PI4 (Fengyuan Club)

Division M Director: Yu Chen Hung, IP1 (EYT Toastmasters)

Division N Director: Yu-min Chen, LD2 (NTPC Toastmasters Club)

Division O Director: Monica Yang, PM3 (Pingtung Toastmasters Club)

Division P Director: Sheng-Yu Syu, 許勝昱PI3 (Taipei Lions)

Get to know them in the coming weeks and make sure your club is represented at the District Council Meeting at the District Conference on April 28, 2024 to cast your vote!

Jennifer Huang, DTM 

Toastmasters International, District 67

District Director, 2023-2024


國際演講會第67 地區 2024-2025 年被提名候選人

我很高興在此宣佈由D67區提名委員會提名的2024-2025 年任期的總會幹部候選人名單已完成。


根據世界總會規章 9.0:“合格的候選人必須在會員代表大會前七 (7) 天通知地區總會長。提名委員會提出的任何提名都是有效的。 對於所有希望競選這兩個職位的合格候選人,請最晚在四月二十八日會員代表大會前七(7)天,以電子郵件的方式表達您有意願競選這一個空缺的職位。請把電子郵件發到jenniferhtc104@gmail.com


地區總會長: Ben Lin

課程品質執行長: Alex Huang

分會成長執行長: Jay Lee

分會成長執行長: Scott Su


A - Valerie Chu

B - Brendan Yao

C - Spencer Ye

D - Clark Tsai

E - Mike Hu

F - Amy Chen 陳亞曼

G - Vita Huang

H - Yi Hsuan Wang

I - Hao Chang

J - Chi En Hung洪啟恩

K - xxx

L - Victor Liu

M - Yu Chen Hung

N - Yu-min Chen

O - Monica Yang

P - Sheng-Yu Syu 許勝昱

請在接下來的幾週內多認識這些候選人,並確保您分會的代表參加 在4月 28日舉辦的會員代表大會,投下您寶貴的一票!

黃緹涓, DTM

