Contest Information & FAQs

Information for Conducting Quality Speech Contests:


1. TI speech contest rulebook 2020-2021

    (and Speech contest rulebook changes)


2. How to Videos : TI Speech contest tutorial videos

- Overview & Roles in the Contest

- When You're the Judge

- Judge's Guide and Ballot


3a. English International Speech Contest Kit (a zip folder with all the documents will appear on the bottom left corner after pressing this link)


3b. English Evaluation Contest Kit (a zip folder with all the documents will appear on the bottom left corner after pressing this link)


3c. English Table Topics Contest Kit (a zip folder with all the documents will appear on the bottom left corner after pressing this link)


4. Videos to share with members 

- International speech contest training

- Humorous speech contest training

- Evaluation contest training


5. Contest Procedures

- International Speech or Humorous Speech Contests

- Evaluation Contest

- Table Topics Contest


6. Contest Toastmaster Scripts

- International Speech or Humorous Speech Contests

- Evaluation Contest

- Table Topics Contest


7. Contest Officials Responsibilities

- Timer

- Score Counter

- SAAs


FAQ about Contests:

a. Who invites the test speaker?

The contest chair invites the test speaker and the test speaker shall be a paid member and not a member of the same club as any of the contestants in that contest.

b. How many sheets of the Evaluation Contestant Note (Item 1177) can be given to each contestant?

There is no limit for the number of sheets to be given but it is very important that the same number of sheets is given to each contestant, to ensure fairness. And no other pieces of paper (or electronic devices) are allowed during the 5-min contestant preparation period.  

Download the Evaluation Contestant Note (Item 1177) here

c. Can a contestant or the test speaker get a speech credit at the contest? What's the limit?

Contestants or test speakers can get a speech credit at the contest as long as the objectives of the speech project are fulfillled. The member needs to inform his/her VPE in advance.

For the traditional educational system (i.e. CC, ACB, ACG, ACS), there is a maximum of two speeches per manual for speeches at contests. However, in Pathways, there is no limit in the number of speeches.

d. Do all contest helpers need to be paid members?

Yes, in fact all contestants, test speaker, contest officials including timers, score counters, SAAs, contest master, contest chair, judges, chief judge need to be paid members. 

Also, the contestant's club must be in good standing at the time of the contest (i.e. at least minimum membership fees of the club members have been paid on time).

e. What speech level does a contestant need to qualify for the contests?

International Speech contestants must have already completed six speech projects (C1-C6) in the CC manual or already completed Level 1 and Level 2 of a Pathways path. Note that L1 & L2 need to be approved in Base Camp and submitted in Club Central.

There are no restrictions for contestants for the evaluation or table topics contests.

f. Who fills in the Notification of Winner Form and who should receive the filled in form?

The Chief Judge fills in this form and gives it to the Contest Chair (who will pass it to the Area Director if it is a club contest, to the Division Director if it is an area contest and to the PQD if it is a district contest).

Download the Notification of Winner form (Item 1182) here

g. Is it necessary for the Chief Judge to introduce the judging criteria at a contest?

The Toastmasters International Contest Rulebook does not require the chief judge to do so, and it is not done beyond the club level. However, at club level, it is a good idea for the Chief Judge to introduce the judging criteria so that members become more familiar with the contest requirements.

h. What is the judge eligibility requirement?

At area and above contest levels, judges need to have completed the C6 manual speech or have completed Levels 1 & 2 of a Pathways path; and at Division and above contest levels, judges shall not be from the same club as any contestant to be judged. It is highly recommended to select judges who have attended Judge Training. 



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