Meeting Date: |
11/24/2013 (2013秋季大會第二天上午9:00-11:00) 11/24/2013 (9:00 - 11:00 AM, 2nd day of 2013 Fall Con) |
Meeting Venue: |
2013秋季大會會場內 (台南勞工育樂中心 大會議室) Fall Con 2013 location (Main Meeting Room, Tainan Labor Center) |
Dear ExCom, Council and Association
親愛的執委會、代表大會及協會的幹部們大家好, First all, I would like to remind you which groups you belong to (Excom, Council, or Association), and the session(s) you should join. (for other sessions, you can audit, but are not entitled of speaking or voting right): 首先,提醒各會您屬於哪一開會組別,及您務必出席的時間( Because each meeting session has its own "quorum", you are required to attend each session. Please do your best to comply. If Quorum (proxies will be counted in) is not met, we have to hold the meeting again at a later date. Thank you for your cooperation. 因為每一會議均有其規定之"最低法定人數", 請大家務必配合撥冗出席。若未達最低法定人數(委任書也算入出席人數),將需擇期再召開本會。謝謝您的配合。 1. Excom members : Area Governors, Division Governors, and District Officers 執委會成員 : 區總監、部總監、總會幹部 a) Should attend : Excom meeting (9:00-9:40) + Council Meeting (9:40 - 10:40) 應出席議程:執委會 (9:00-9:40) + 會員代表大會 (9:40-10:4) b) No "proxy" is allowed for Excom meeting . Please attend the Excom meeting by yourselves. 執委會無委任代理制度,不可委託他人代理出席, 請務必本人親自出席簽到 2. Council members : EVP, Presidents, and Area Governors, Division Governors, District Officers. 會員代表大會成員: 分會教育副會長、分會會長、區總監、部總監、總會幹部 a) Should Attend : Council Meeting ( 9:40-10:40) 應出席議程:會員代表大會 (9:40-10:40) b) "Proxy" is allowed to use in the event of absence (for Presidents and EVP's only). For those Presidents and EVPs who cannot show up, please do ask one of your active members to attend the meeting with your signed proxy form. (Please see attached "proxy" form, and note the related regulations in the form). 若分會會長、教育副會長無法出席, 可委託該分會的常態會員出席,必須攜帶已由委託人簽名之"委託書"(請見附件,並注意其中之相關規定)。 3. Association Council Members : Those elected as Association Council on 6/23/2013. 協會理監事成員:在今年六月23日被選為協會理監事者 --- Should Attend : Association Council Meeting (time frame : directly after above two meetings) 應出席議程:演講協會理監事會議 (直接在上述兩議程之後) Enclosed is the preliminary agenda for the 2nd ExCom, 1st Council meetings. The agenda for the Association council meeting was sent to all Association council members by our Association Secretary Jeffery Huang already. Please kindly mark down on your calendar and attend the meetings. 附上第二次執委會、第一次代表大會聯合會會議初步議程。 協會理監事會議通知及議程已由協會秘書黃瀚誼發出給各理監事。 Thank you for your precious time and hard work devoted to District 67, and look forward to seeing you in 2013 Fall Conference in Tainan. 感謝您為演講協會投入的寶貴時間及辛苦付出; 期待與您相逢在台南2013秋季大會。 Attachment (附件) 1. Agenda 議程 Attachment (附件) 2. Proxy 委託書
Thanks & Best Regards,
Teresa Chang 張海星 District Secretary 總會秘書 2013-2014 District 67, Toastmasters International Tel : 886 4 22436153 #12 Fax : 886 4 22429853 Cell: 886 923 343551 e-mail: [email protected] |
第二次 執委會 |
時間 |
節目 |
人員 |
09:03 | 2nd ExCom Meeting Announcement 召開 第二次 執委會 Roll call and certification of Quorum 確認開會法定人數 |
DS. Teresa Chang / 張海星 |
09:05 |
Call to order- 2nd ExCom Meeting 宣佈 第二次 執委會 開會 Welcome Remarks 致歡迎詞 Reading of the District Mission 宣讀總會使命 Adoption of Agenda 確認本次會議議程 |
DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 Lt.ET. Eric Liang, DTM / 梁守誠 DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 |
09:10 | Reading, Correction and Approval of the previous meeting minutes 宣讀 修正 並確認上次會議紀錄 |
DS. Teresa Chang / 張海星 |
09:11 |
Special Committees Report 特別委員會報告 Realignment Committee 組織重整委員會主席報告 Coach Committee 救援教練委員會主席報告 Chief Ambassador 教育大使主席報告 Speakers Bureau 講師團報告 Translation Committee 翻譯委員會報告 2013 Spring Conference Committee 春季大會委員會報告 Venue Report for 2014 Fall Con 2014秋季大會場地報告 Venue Report for 2015 Spring Con 2015春季大會場地報告 Motion from the floor 臨時動議 |
Harry Fong, DTM / 方瑞源 Jorie Wu, DTM / 吳姿杏 Mike Yang, DTM / 楊冀光 Haishuo Lee / 李海碩 Solomon Chen / 陳立山 Conference CEO Jennifer Huang / 黃緹涓 Div Gov B/I/L 2013-2014 LGET Eric Liang, DTM / 梁守誠 DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 |
09:29 | Announcements 宣佈事項 Time and Place of Next Meeting 下次會議時間地點確認 |
DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 |
09:31 | Meeting Minutes Briefing and confirmed 會議記錄簡述及確認 | DS. Teresa Chang / 張海星 |
09:32 | Adjournment 散會 | |
第一次 代表大會 |
時間 |
節目 |
人員 |
09:40 | 1st Council Meeting Announcement 召開 第一次 代表大會 Roll call and certification of Quorum 確認開會法定人數 |
DS. Teresa Chang / 張海星 |
09:42 |
Call to order- 1st Council Meeting 宣佈 第一次 代表大會 開會 Adoption of Agenda 確認本次會議議程 |
DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 |
09:47 | Reports of Officers 執委報告(另附書面報告) | |
10:40 |
District Governor 總會長報告 Lt. Governor Education & Training 教育訓練副總會長報告 Lt. Governor Marketing 推廣副總會長報告 District PR Officer 總會公關部執行長報告 District Secretary 秘書長報告 Treasurer Report 財務長報告 District Internet Web Master 網路長報告 Division Governor Reports. 各分部總監報告 Excom Meeting Reports Briefing 執委會報告簡述 Motion from the floor 臨時動議 |
DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 LtGET. Eric Liang, DTM/ 梁守城 LtGM. Caroline Kiang, DTM / 張可芸 DPR. Jennifer Huang / 黃緹涓 DS. Teresa Chang/ 張海星 DT. Irene Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌敏 Dwm. Robert Chou 周鈞豪 Each DG 2 min. DS. Teresa Chang/ 張海星 DG. Joy Tsai, DTM / 蔡嬌燕 |
10:42 | Meeting Minutes Briefing and confirmed 會議記錄簡述及確認 | DS. Teresa Chang/ 張海星 |
Adjournment 散會 | ||
Meeting Minutes
Briefing and Confirmation
會議記錄簡述及確認 Meeting adjourned at 3:40會議於3:40結束 |