專題演講 |
中山樓、秋季大會宣傳單、秋季大會議程表、專題演講、Dana Lamon、英文進階手冊教育訓練、中文教育訓練、訂購 DVD、交通方式、大會主題徵稿、得獎名單、分會旗幟及照片、晚會表演節目、沙發衝浪在台北 | ||
1. |
Making the Moment Meaningful in Toastmasters
成就在演講會裡的每一刻 |
life is the only one you have, and you've got to make the best of it.
You can choose to let circumstances and events dictate the course of
your life, but in doing so, you miss your one opportunity to shape the
world. 你只能活一次,所以你要儘可能讓它達到最完美的地步;當然你也可以讓其它雜務或環境的因素來影響你的生活,若是如此的話,你將錯失創造寰宇光輝的良機!
At some point in time every person who is aware of his
or her surroundings yearns to be significant-- that is, to live with
meaning. Meaningfulness is not something to be sought; it is to be made. You can make each moment of your life meaningful if
you live within these parameters: |
a. |
is purpose in your being here and being now. 你的存在是有意義的 |
b. |
value of your life is most accurately measured by the impact you have on
the lives of others. 人生的價值在於你對別人造成了多大的影響 |
c. |
Self-development must be an ongoing process; it will allow you to adapt
to your changing
environment. 不間斷地自我開發! |
d. |
actions, reactions, and interactions define who you are. 行動,反應,互動決定你是何許人! |
2. |
Making your Message Memorable 帶給觀眾深刻的記憶 |
you have something significant to say, your presentation will have a
greater impact on the listener if it is remembered. The three components
of a memorable speech are substance, structure, and style.
假使你有些重要的事要說,而你能讓觀眾對你的演講記憶深刻,那麼你的演講將帶給他們具大的影響力. 讓人記憶深刻的演講是由三大要素構成的:內容,組織及風格!
In this stand-and-speak workshop Dana LaMon will share presentation
tools and techniques that will enable you to: |
a. |
Develop your message. When you know exactly what you want to say, it is
easier to figure out how best to say it. 建構你的訊息. 當你完完全全知道你想傳達的訊息;將易規劃出如何將它表達至最完美! |
b. |
your structure. When you employ the techniques for speech outline and
organization, your audience will follow you all the way to the point you
are presenting without being taken on a rambling course. 建立你的架構. 當你在你的演講上利用綱要和組織法, 聽眾將會很清楚地隨著你演講的論點進而體會你的意思! |
c. |
attention-holding ways of packaging your message. What good is it for
them to hear if they do not want to listen? 利用注意力的方法,包裝你的寓意,如果聽眾不想聽你演講,是因為他們不懂得你的演講能讓他們得到什麼好處! |
d. |
Employ the mechanics of delivering a successful speech. The fear of
speaking is not conquered by sitting and dreading but by standing and
doing. 利用工具表達一篇成功的演講,演講時的害怕不會因坐著擔心而克服; 而是因為起而行動來解除 |
e. |
Expose your bad habits in speaking. Eloquence is evident in polish and
refinement. 儘量讓你演講上的壞習性展現出來. 優異的口才是透過不間斷地練習及改善而形成. |