Dear District、Area
Officers、Club Presidents、EVPs
and Toastmasters,
We need to learn the rules
of the basketball game to play basketball; even if we just watch
baseball game, we still need to know the rules of the baseball game for
enjoying the whole game. Right? As a contestant or audience, are you
curious about the speech contest rules or judge criteria? Now there is a
great opportunity to answer your questions. Division F、B、 I will hold a Central Judge Training at TaiChung five star Windsor Hotel. We strongly suggest all Toastmasters do your best to attend this wonderful workshop because this is a great opportunity to learn. 國際演講會中部地區的三個分部 (B部、F部、I部)精心規劃,將聯合舉辦 "中區 裁判訓練"的講習活動。 地點特別選擇在五星級台中 裕元花園酒店 B1 國際演講廳,在此我們強烈的建議會友們盡量參加這個講習活動。 We can learn contest rules, contest procedures and judge criteria; we can also gain much marvelous knowledge for our Prepared, Humorous Speech, Table Topics and Evaluation, from excellent district contest champions. Especially, if we will join the contest or give suggestion to our fellow contestants someday in the future, this training will benefit us a lot.因為這次訓練不但對於我們了解演講會的各種比賽評分標準,更對於您準備有備演講(Prepared Speech、Humorous Speech)、即席演講(Table Topics)、擔任講評(Evaluator)有絕對的助益, 尤其我們如果將來要參賽,或我們要指導會友參賽,都會有很大的幫助。
Moreover, every registered attendee
will be awarded with a certificate of the judge training, and it is a
prerequisite of being the contest judge in any contests in the future.
please find the agenda, registration form and the venue in detail.
We sincerely invite all of
your members to attend this wonderful training. Please forward this
email to them.
Cordially yours,
教育訓練顧問群Training Advisors: and all
Judge Training Committee Members |
日期: | 97年 10月 11日星期六 13:00 - 17:00 | |
地點: | 台中市中港路三段 78-3號 裕元花園酒店 國際會議廳 (裕元基金會免費贊助) | |
費用: |
每人 50元(餐點及裁判講習證書工本費) Every attendee will be presented a Certificate of Training 每位參加者均可獲 裁判講習證書乙份 |
報名: | 9月30日前將參 加者資料 e-mail 給 | |
B部: | B部教育副總監 羅俊煇(Denzel Lo) 手機 : 0921-753-930 [email protected] | |
I 部: | I2區總監 邱垂珍(Jim Chiu) 手機 : 0928-332-976 [email protected] | |
F部: |
F部教育副總監 張海星 電話 :
04-2243-6153 分機 12, 0923-343-551
[email protected] |
場地座位有限,各部僅 100位名額,額滿為止,請早報名,以免向隅。 | ||
交通資訊 |
台灣高鐵: | ||
抵達烏日站後,轉搭高鐵接駁專車至裕元花園酒店站下車即可到達。 | ||
國道一號: | ||
下中港交流道後,往沙鹿方向,直走約 500公尺,遇到的第一個紅綠燈右轉進入安和路,於左手邊即可看到飯店停車場指示標誌,左轉進入巷道後直行,飯店大門就會在您的左手邊。 | ||
國道三號: | ||
下龍井交流道後,往台中市區方向,至福安路左轉,右手邊轉角有家 7-11,請右轉進入巷道,繼續直走到底,飯店大門會在您的右手邊。 | ||
中彰快速道路: | ||
下福科路,左轉福科路後,直走往台中榮總的方向,遇到第一個紅綠燈請轉安和路,直走約 100公尺,右手邊即會看到飯店停車場的指示標誌。 | ||