永遠的懷念 |
Dear Fellow Excom Leaders,
Jack and I were surprisingly shocked
when we heard the bad news of our beloved past council governor Jerry
Ma's past away from Marain on my 1st day training in Washington D.C..
I met Jerry on last month at Yamakawa
club's installation ceremony.
He told me very proudly that Taoyuan
Area will soon to have the very 1st Taiwanese club and he gave many good
suggestions of how to support the re kicking-off Sampo club, he devoted
his greatest passion and enthusiasm in Taiwan Toastmasters. let's always
remember his true spirits and encouragements.
Since jack, Marian and I are now in
Washington D.C. joining the TI training and convention till end Aug.,
I am now urgently asking District PRO
Webster, Secretary Paul and Treasurer Susan represent D67 to show our
deepest condolence and last respects to Jerry Ma.
Salute ! Jerry !!
Steve Tung, DTM
District Governor
Bob: I am very saddened and shocked to learn our best friend Jerry Ma passed away suddenly on Saturday morning because of myocardial infarction (心肌梗塞). Having known Jerry Ma for more than 25 years, I always admire his good spirit and dedication to the development and growth of Toastmasters in Taiwan. He was Lt. Council Governor Education & Training 1996-1997 when I served as Council Governor. We both worked together closely and harmoniously for then ROC Territorial Council of Toastmasters, and also had been Toastmasters camaraderie in past years. Recently, he initiated an action to build Chung Li Taiwanese Toastmasters Club and a couple of preparatory meetings were held in Chung Li. He and I exchanged the ideas on the establishment of a Taiwanese Toastmasters club over telephone. He asked me to send him the recorded tapes of Kaohsiung Taiwanese Toastmasters Club meeting (8 /15) and of Pingtung Taiwanese Toastmasters club preparatory meeting(8/17). The tapes are ready to be sent. It is great pity he could not listen to these tapes. I sincerely hope his wish to build Chung Li Taiwanese Toastmasters Club will come true. Please pass my sympathetic condolences to Jerry's family, and let me know the date of his funeral ceremony. May God rest his soul! With Warmest Regards Y.H.Chen, DTM Tel/Fax: (07)286-2890 E-mail: yhktc@venus.seed.net.tw Address:高雄市 801前金區自立二路 73 巷 24 號 |
YH, A great loss for all the TM members in Taiwan. Jerry is a man with passion, dedication and full of energy. He was the ROC Council Governor in 1997-8. And I worked with him as his EVP and succeeded him in 1998. That was 8 years ago. I remember him as always enthusiastic, always with good spirit and always trying to help others. His attitude had an impact on me and my career in TM. Jerry is a good model for all the members of Toastmasters in Taiwan. Please send my sincere condolence to him and his family. your friend, Erick |
Dear Chinghung, I felt sad knowing that your father passed away this past Saturday. He was such an ardent Toastmaster and past council governor. Everybody who knew him liked him a lot. It was really a big loss of District 67, Taiwan Toastmasters Club. We all miss him a lot. I know how sad you must feel at the loss of your beloved father, just like what I did when my father passed away more than three years ago. However, you might feel a little better knowing that he chose to end his life at a very happy moment. Not many people can have it. So let's consider it a blessing from God, rather than a great sorrow. Still for your loss, Marian and I like to express our sincere condolence to you and your family. If there's anything we can do to help, please just let us know. Attached please find some photos of your father. Edward & Marian
In Memory of Jerry Ma Jerry invited me for dinner after I helped him select a bow tie and a matching shirt for convention party night when he served as the Council Governor of Taiwan in 1997. “Sherry, I wish I could be a little taller, then we could be a knockout on the dancing floor,” Jerry lamented. “Jerry, I wish I could be a little shorter, then we could dance all night at the convention party,” I replied. Jerry and I always teased with each other when we met for Toastmasters gatherings. Jerry was a ballroom dancer. He was always kind enough to reserve a dance for me. I really miss this good old Toastmaster fellow dancing in my arms. I couldn't recall how Jerry and I became close in the first place. Maybe because our names rhymed, Jerry and Sherry. Maybe because once at a debate on English education in Taiwan, I was impressed with Jerry's enthusiastic and positive attitude toward English teaching at a vocational school in Taoyuan. I admired Jerry's devotion and dedication to his students as well as to toastmasters. I learned from Billy Chen that Jerry passed away of myocardial Infarction (MI) during his morning dance class last Saturday, the 19th. It was a terrible shock. Jerry was so young. It seemed to me that I just saw him yesterday. As a pharmacist and microbiologist, I can't help not to talk about MI, the disease that claimed Jerry's life. MI attacks persons aged 40-70 years, mainly males with type A personality. The most frequent cause of MI is rupture within a coronary artery with subsequent arterial spasm and thrombus formation, resulting in an acute reduction of blood supply to a portion of the myocardium, and the rapid development of myocardial necrosis. Time is crucial in managing MI. If you have a chest pain, and the pain radiates to the jaw, neck, arms, please be on Alert. If MI attacks for more than 4-6 hours, it will result in irreversible myocardial necrosis. Proper management within this period can salvage the myocardium and reduce morbidity and mortality. Thrombolytic agents (tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase) administered within the first 2 hours can occasionally abort MI and dramatically reduce mortality. Immediate administration of aspirin might be of help. The end can come suddenly to anyone without warning. While we experience life to the fullest, we need to place health our top priority. Have a health check-up regularly. Balance the Diet. Exercise the body. Sleep Tight. Take an aspirin a day (to keep the doctors away). Comply with doctor's prescriptions, if any. It is a matter of seconds, to save our heart, our body, our life. Dear Old Jerry I hate to see you go But happy to know You left us on dancing floor If there is afterlife Save a waltz for me Your sweet Sherry |
周三(8/16)晚,我們還在為「中立閩南語演講會」的第二次示範例會而努力,您為推廣優美閩南語的用心,令人敬佩! |
馬老德亮走了! 乍聽惡耗,實在是難以置信。 自入演講會二十多年來,馬老與我之間似乎就結下不解之緣,尤其是多年前相見歡創立之初,他本可輕鬆享受退休生活,卻一口允諾接受我的邀請共同擔任創會輔導,期間的互動更加頻繁。創會維艱,馬老對相見歡中文演講會的付出及投入是大家有目共睹,而他的睿智及幽默也往往為例會帶來高潮笑聲不斷,這一切豈是“功不可沒”一詞所能帶過。相見歡有馬老,實屬至寶! “期待以後的例會,馬老,您還是要繼續力挺!”言猶在耳,馬老卻遽然捨他所熱愛的親朋好友離去,留給大家無限的懷念!唯一值得安慰的是他老人家是在沒有病痛的折磨下,輕快的舞步中驟然離去,冥冥中似乎也反應出他的人生哲學,追求快樂人生! 馬老,安息吧!
My dear fellow toastmasters: This is Johnny report. I just came back from the funeral parlor. God gave Jerry a call and he answered. We had lost our mentor. Our beloved club sponsor Jerry Ma passed away today when he was dancing- one of his favorite hobbies! I feel sad! I know we will all remember him. I will keep in touch with his son and follow up the funeral and let you know. Jerry had fulfilled his assignments in this world! He is now talking a brand new assignment! Let's pray for him and his family! God bless everyone!
I was very sorry to hear
that Jerry passed away and just want you to know that my thoughts and
prayers are with you. I have known him since 2003 while joining the ChungLi
club. He is active and enthusiastic member for any Toastmaster events.
Especially, he share many interesting and inspiring incidents with us
in the second round. I will cherish the memory of him. Claire and I
keep praying for him. He will be in Heaven.
Revelation 21:4 And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for
the former things are passed away.
Timothy Wang
嗚乎!ゼリマーよ永久に幸あれ 成功日本語クラブ 蕭阿全 私がゼリマーと交わりましたのは、学校の教職を定年退職した後の事です。その時の私は残りの人生をどう暮らしたらいいのかと、思案に暮れていた頃です。 この一生を子供たちと一緒に、四十数年、教えと学びの分野で探索を続けて来たこの私に一番遺憾な事は、文化に於ける精神分野で、国際的に外国人の思想と行為を認識する上に於いて、無くては成らない、交流の橋。英語に関して、私は私は60の年を越えるまで、空白な認識で社会上各階層の人達と付き合おうとしてるのです。小学校卒のバックグランドですが、既に若い時から日本語、中国語をマスターした私にとって、この英語に無知であると言う事は、絶対に耐え難き、心の痛手です。そこで退職後私は直ちに、以前ののRCA附近にある、カトリック教会の内部に設立された、美語村言語センターに通って英語を一生懸命勉強しました。三四ヵ月後の或る日、初めて教室の中でゼリマーの英語授業を受けました。その日にゼリマーは私にトーストマスターズの事を紹介して頂きました。 それからクラブの催しがある毎に、ゼリマーと一緒にスピーチクラブに参加しました、初めの頃は、みんなが一体どんな事を言ってるのか,殆どちんぷんかんぷんで、何が何やら話してる事の意味が殆ど解りません。そででも悪戦苦闘の揚げ句、少しづつ解って来ました。 在る日ゼリマーに、英語スピーチクラブに参加するには、どんな資格がいるのかと聞きました、ゼリマーは「入会資格なんて形式的なものは無いが、只不怕死なら誰でも入会できる」と答えました。私は幾ら何でも倶楽部に入る為命を捨てる事なんてあり得ないからと思って、盲蛇に怖じず、で直ぐ入会しました。 私はスピーチをする時に、原稿が出来たら、先ずゼリマーに文章の修正をお願いします、ゼリマーは私が巧く話せる様に、何時も真夜中になるまで、細かく詳しく注意を払って、修正して頂きます。この様にゼリマーのサポートが力になって、私は一回、一回とスピーチを重ねていく事が出来ました。 二三年ほどして、ゼリマーは台湾で一番先に出来た日本語のトーストマスターズ倶楽部パシフイック倶楽部に私達夫婦を連れて、デモンストレイションに参加しました。私達夫婦に,貴方方は日本語を話せますから、ここに入ってクラブの実務をしっかり見習って、将来は桃園で日本語クラブを成立する計画を立てて下さい。と私達に言付けました。 ゼリマーの計画が着々と運ばれて、我等は遂に桃園で日本語演説会を創立する日が来ました。ゼリマーの全力サポートの下に国際総会に提出するべき創立の申請から、会員の募集、こんな未経験者には何処から手を着けて良いのか解らない仕事などはゼリマーの献身的な貢献が無ければ、この成功日本語演説会はそんなに順調に成立出来なかったと思います。 ゼリマーは成功日本語演説会に与えて頂きました。新しい会の創立に対する語学的な或いは行政的な、それから人間関係的な援助を各地の国際演説発展に日夜を問わずに骨身惜しまず献身的な貢献をしています。最近のゼリマーは英語クラブ、日本語クラブの分野で献身するのみならず、中歴市に新しく設立された客家語演説会、台湾語演説会、中国語演説会台湾中部に於ける国際語、若しくは地方の民間に使われている方言は全部漏らさず、スピーチの教育訓練と言う方式で潜在能力の開発が民間で実施されています。これは従来の学校教育で押し込み式の記憶学習で行われて来ましたのが、社会応用の方式で発表式に行為と思想改善にスピーチとして練習を強調するようになったのです。 この偉大な語学教育の民間開発に、提唱者として一生涯を奉げてきましたゼリマーの貢献をもう一度見直して、初めてその偉大さを痛切に感じます。 八月十九日天の神々は、ゼリマーに新しき使命を与える為、我等の恩師を天に呼び返しました。この日我が会はリハーサル会を催す矢先に張新潭会長の報告より敬愛するゼリマーが、心肌梗塞で倒れました凶報を聞いて、全員は愕然としました。会場は直ぐ悲しみの雰囲気に覆われて、張会長リードの下に全員はこの毎日をトーストマスターズに貢献してきました一代の偉大なトーストマスターズのリーダーに心の奥から「偉大な恩師よ、永久に幸あれ!」と静かに5分間黙祷しました。嗚乎!偉大な恩師よ、永久にさちあれ!