Project Demonstration Video Library /Pathways 的影片資料庫
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District Pathways Interactive Online Training Video Recordings
Subscribe to our Pathways YouTube Channel - click here
May 9, 2020: Understanding Your Leadership Style & Active Listening
May 16, 2020: Deliver Social Speeches & Evaluate the Evaluator
May 22, 2020: Presentation Mastery (PM) Reflect on Your Path / Create a Podcast
May 30, 2020: Connect with Storytelling & Public Relations Strategies
June 6, 2020: 回顧學習歷程 IP 創新學習計劃 / 等級一單元
June 20, 2020: Motivational Strategies (MS) Reflect on Your Path / Understanding Your Communication Style / Inspire Your Audience
July 4, 2020: Engaging Humor (EH) Reflect on Your Path / Present a Proposal / Introduction to TM Mentoring
July 18, 2020: 回顧學習歷程 DL 活力領導 / 運用描述性語彙 / 透過正性教練達成改進
August 1, 2020: Team Collaboration (TC) Reflect on Your Path / Understanding Emotional Intelligence / How to Create a Blog
August 15, 2020: 發掘幽默感 / 演講訓練營課程 Speechcraft
September 5, 2020: Mark Snow, DTM - How to Take Your Pathways Journey to New Heights
September 12, 2020: How to Moderate a Panel Discussion - What Makes a Championship Speech
September 12, 2020: Simone Nash's My Preparation Method (to be a moderator of a panel discussion)
September 19, 2020: Get Your Humor On by Anson Sat
October 7, 2020: Pathways 導師計畫 / Pathways Mentor Program (導師: 葛淑蘭, DTM)
October 17, 2020: Active Listening Live Demo with Audience (Jacky Chang, IP3)
October 31, 2020: 有效講評-如何做一個激勵人的講評員 (講師:邱羽立,DTM)
December 9, 2020: 常勝軍線上比賽心法大公開 (等級五: 選修單元: 主持小組專題討論)
December 19, 2020: 5-in-1 Contest Winning Speech Skills with Diana Watson (Prepare for an Interview)
Members' Pathways Project Speech Videos
Level 1
Ice Breaker by Iris Chou, TGIF
Ice Breaker by Susan Lee, TGIF
Evaluation and Feedback by Paul Sharpe, TGIF
Level 2 -
Understanding Your Communication Style by Paul Sharpe, TGIF
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5