Frequently Asked Questions 答客問
About Toastmasters Reports 關於演講會報表 |
Where are the reports? 何處可以看到報表 |
As World Headquarters (WHQ) rolls out a new information system during the last half of 2003, reports will be added to the Web site as they become available. We appreciate your patience. |
How often are reports updated? 多久這些報表會更新 |
During non-peak periods the Dues Renewal and Club Officer List reports are updated daily. The Educational Achievements, New Clubs, Sponsors and Mentors, and Coaches reports are updated weekly. During peak periods updates may vary.
在非尖峰時段,收取半年會費或是分會陳報幹部名單報表,每天都會更新,教育性的達成度( CTM…. )、新成立的分會、分會發起人、指導人等,每週會更新一次,在尖峰時段,更新的時間就不同了。 |
What is the ‘received through' date listed on some of the reports? 在一些報表中有關”received through”是什麼意思? |
The received through date indicates that the information on the report is accurate for items received at WHQ through that date. Please allow plenty of time for your submittal to be received before you become concerned. Delivery time for the United States can be up to 7 days, and up to 15 days for international mail.
意思是說報表中的資料,世界總會在接獲日期之間是正確無誤的,在你傳送或寄送這些資料到世界總會時,請允許一些時間作業,通常寄送到美國至多約七天,國際郵寄最多約需十五天。 |
Can I sort the information on the reports? 我可以將這些資料排序嗎? |
Yes! To sort the information click on any blue column heading. For example, if you click the "club" column, the data will sort in ascending club number order. Click again and it will sort in descending club number order.
可以,只要將這些報表的表頭藍色部份按一下就可以了,舉個例子說:假如你在”club”欄位按下一滑鼠左鍵,資料就會依分會號碼以升冪遞增排列,再按一次就以降冪遞減排列。 |
Can I save a report for future viewing? 我可以預測未來的趨勢嗎? |
Yes! The reports can be saved in an HTML format for future viewing and printing. From the "File" menu in your browser, choose "Save as," and select file type (we recommend Web Page, HTML only) and save location.
可以,報表以 HTML 格式儲存,就可以達到目的,從你的瀏覽器上方的 File 功能鍵,選”另存新檔”,選擇 HTML 格式,然後儲存就可以了。 |
Can I "import" a report into Excel or another similar format? 可以將報表以輸入方式轉為 Excel 或其他類似格式嗎? |
Yes! You can copy the data from the report page and paste it into a program such as Excel. For best results copy only the column headings and corresponding data, not the entire page. Once the data is pasted into Excel, you will likely want to adjust the column width and height to accomodate the formatting.
可以, 你可用複製及貼上功能, 將報表另存成Excel格式, 最好的方式, 是僅複製報表中的表頭以及你所需要的資料, 不要複製整個檔案, 一旦你將檔案複製成你所需的Excel檔時, 你就可以自由的調整欄位的寬度及高度。 |
Dues Renewal Status 年費及會藉更新陳報狀態 |
How can I determine if WHQ has received dues renewals for a specific club? 如何能決定是否世界總會己經收到分會的年費報告? |
If you know the club's name or number, press Ctrl+F on your keyboard to initiate a search. Enter the club name or number and press Enter. (This may vary if you are using a Macintosh or an older version of Windows.)
假如你知道分會的名字(英文)及號碼 , 按鍵盤上 Ctrl+F,再鍵入會名及號碼,再按 Enter 就可以了。( 如果使用 Macintosh 電腦或是較老的 Windows 版本 ,可能會有不同的方式 ) |
How can I view a list of clubs for which WHQ has not received renewals? 如何看到沒有陳報會藉更新作業的名單? |
On the Dues Renewal Status report, click the column heading titled “Renewal Status” to sort the data in groups. You'll see, by group, a list of clubs for which dues have not been received. You'll also see groups of clubs that have submitted complete dues renewals as well as groups of incomplete, partial or problem renewals.
在 Dues Renewal Status 報表, 在 Renewal Status 的表頭欄位按一下,你就可以看到所有己經完成會藉更新的資料,當然也可以看未完成的 ,或是有其他問題的。 |
I'm an Area Governor, can I determine the renewal status of clubs in my area? 我是分區總監,可以看到在我所管轄的分區各分會的會藉更新狀態嗎 ? |
Yes! Click the column heading titled “Area” to sort the data by Area. Then, scroll down to find your Area. You'll see the status for all clubs, whether received or not. This works the same for all headings.
可以,在表頭的 Area 欄位按一下 ,然後往下找到你的分區,你可以看到所有分會的會藉更新狀態。 |
Club Officer List Status 分會幹部名單狀態 |
How can I determine if WHQ has received a club officer list for a specific club? 如何能決定是否世界總會己經接獲分會的幹部名單 |
If you know the club's name or number, press Ctrl+F on your keyboard to initiate a search. Enter the number or name and press Enter. (If you are using a Macintosh or an older version of Windows this may vary.)
假如你知道分會的名字(英文)及號碼,按鍵盤上 Ctrl+F,再鍵入會名及號碼 ,再按 Enter 就可以了。( 如果使用 Macintosh 電腦或是較老的 Windows 版本,可能會有不同的方式 ) |
How can I view a list of clubs for which WHQ has not received officer lists? 如何可以看到世界總會沒有收到幹部名單的資料? |
On the Club Officer Lists Status report, click the column heading titled “List Status” to sort the data in groups. You'll see, by group, a list of clubs for which lists have not been received. You'll also see a group of clubs that have submitted lists.
在 Club Officer Lists Status 報表,在表頭 ”List Statue”欄位上按一下 ,你會看到沒有收到的分會名單,當然也可以看到世界總會己經收到幹部名單的分會。 |
Educational Achievements 教育成就 |
How can I determine if a specific person has received a CTM or other education award? 如何能看到某一會員是否取得CTM或其他的獎勵? |
Click on the column heading title “Name” to sort the list alphabetically by last name in descending order. Click name again to sort in ascending order. Scroll down the list. Or you can press Ctrl+F on your keyboard to initiate a search. Enter the person's name and click Find Next. (If you are using a Macintosh or an older version of Windows this may vary.)
在 ”Name”的表頭欄位上按一下,就會以姓為降冪遞減排序列出 ,再按一次就會以昇冪遞增排序列出,往下蒐尋,或是按Ctrl+F,鍵入這位會友的姓名,選擇尋找下一個功能鍵,就可以找到了。( 如果你使用 Macintosh 或較舊版本 Windows 作業系統 ,可能會有所不同 ) |
Why are there no totals on the Educational Achievement report? 為何在教育成就報告中沒有加總的功能? |
Totals will appear on District Performance reports when released. For District Performance reporting purposes, only one award type per person per club counts for credit. All awards, including multiple awards per person per club appear on the Educational Achievements report.
加總會在 District Performance 報表中呈現,在 District Performance 報表功能,只有每一分會每一會員的一項獎勵被計算,所有的獎勵,包括每一分會每位會友有多項獎勵者 ,會在 District Achievements 報表中呈現。 |
Can I sort the Education Achievements report by award type, date issued, etc? 可以用獎項種類及發給日期來排序教育成就報表嗎? |
Yes! Simply click on the appropriate column heading. |
I'm an Division Governor, can I determine if awards have been issued to members/clubs in my area? 我是分部總監,可以查到頒發給會友或分會獎項的資料嗎? |
Yes! Click the column heading titled “Division” to sort the data by Division. Then, scroll down to find your Division. You'll see the awards for all members/clubs.
可以!在 ”Division”表頭的欄位按一下,往下蒐尋你的分部 ,就可以看到所有會友及分會的獎項資料。 |
New Clubs 新成立的分會 |
Does this report show all new clubs chartered this year in my district? 這個報表可以呈現今年度, 在我們District所有新成立的分會嗎? |
Yes! All new clubs chartered for the current year are displayed, even if the club is suspended during the year.
Does this report show my districts prospective clubs? 這報表會呈現即將成立的分會嗎? |
No, clubs in formation are not shown on this report. Look for a report showing prospective during the last half of the 2003-2004 year.
不!這些資料不會呈現 ,你可以在 2003-2004 下半年的報表中找找看。 |
Why is the Division or Area blank or incomplete for some clubs? 為何有些分會的Division以及Area欄位是空的? |
This occurs when WHQ has not yet received the complete Division/Area assignment for a club. If you are a District Governor or Lt. Governor you can e-mail this information to WHQ at [email protected]. Be sure to include the club number, club name, division letter and area number in your e-mail.
這是因為世界總會尚未接到完整的指派,假如你是地區總會長 District Governor ,你可以用電子郵件[email protected] 連絡 ,包括分會號碼、分會名稱、分部及分區代號等資料。 |
Why are the club numbers so long? 為何現在分會號碼有六位數字 |
In WHQ's new system, club numbers are automatically assigned when the club record is created. You'll likely see eight-digit club numbers for several years to come.
New Club Sponsors and Mentors 新成立分會的發起人及指導人 |
What's on this report? 報表中有些什麼? |
Pending sponsors and mentors appear on this report for all clubs chartering during the last 12 months. Awardedsponsors and mentors appear on this report for 3 months after credit is recorded.
Pending 表格中呈現,表示是過去12個月內被授證的分會發起人及指導人。 |
I'm a Sponsor / Mentor and my status is pending. How do I get credit? 我是新成立分會的發起人或指導人 ,何時我的紀錄才會被承認? |
WHQ needs to receive notice from the president of the new club that you have fulfilled your role. When you were assigned, WHQ sent a “Get Credit” form to you. Ask the president to sign it and send it in by mail or fax ( 949-858-1207 ). If you don't have the form, an e-mail from the club president to [email protected]will suffice. Be sure to include the new club's number, club name, your name, and whether your service was as sponsor or mentor. Sponsors must apply for credit within 90 days of a club's charter date. Mentors must apply for credit no sooner than 6 months after a club's charter date.
世界總會必須接獲新成立分會會長的通知, 表示你己經完成你應有的責任, 當你被指定為這個分會的發起人或指導人時, 世界總會會寄給你一份 Get Credit 表格, 你應該要求新成立分會會長簽章, 然後寄回總會或以傳真 949-8851207 方式, 假如你沒有這份表格, 請新成立的分會會長, 以電子郵件向 [email protected]索取 , 請記得註明新分會的號碼、會名、你的名字以及擔任發起人或指導人起迄日期, 發起人必須在新分會授證後 90天內申請, 指導人必須不少於新分會授證六個月內申請。 |
I'm a District Governor, what do I need to do with this report? 我是地區總會長, 在這份表格內, 我要注意那些事? |
This report gives you the opportunity to confirm that the sponsor / mentor assignments recorded at WHQ are correct. Please send any updates to [email protected]. Be sure to include the club number, club name, and sponsor/mentor name. Changes and new assignments must be made within 60 days of a club's charter date. 這表格可以讓你有機會確定所有發起人或指導人的記錄是正確的, 隨時向 [email protected] 要求更正資料 , 請記得註明分會號碼、會名以及發起人及指導人的姓名, 這些更正資料必須在新分會授證六個月之內辦理。 Many districts assign a volunteer to follow up with pending sponsors and mentors to ensure they receive credit that may later be needed when applying for the advanced leader award. However, it is the responsibility of the sponsor and mentor to ensure the documentation is submitted and credit is recorded.
許多地區District有時會指派臨時替代者 , 替代原先的發起人及指導人, 以便獲得正式記錄, 如此可能會延誤獲得世界總會的認證。然而, 身為發起人及指導人, 你有責任自己確認是否寄送申請書表及獲得認證。 |
Club Coaches 分會指導 |
What's on this report? 表格內有些什麼? |
Pending club coaches appear on this report during their term of service.
Awarded club coaches appear on this report for three months after credit is recorded. |
Why are club specialists appearing on some reports? 為何有些表格會顯示分會專家的字眼? |
When the club coach program was created most existing club specialists chose to convert to club coaches. However, some chose to remain as specialists and complete their service under that program's requirements. This report allows you to track achievement for those few remaining specialists. |