




Dear Toastmasters,

This morning, Taipei was drizzling and the sky became gloomy.  Thank God for granting us beautifully sunny days in the past weekend!  Thank God for having most of you enjoy our performance!  Thank God for helping us bring out the best of ourselves!

Our job is not done yet.  Learning is a lifelong journey, and we are blessed to have found an easier track in Toastmasters.  If you happen to have any idea to share with us about our 2007 Spring Convention, your comment and feedback are most welcome.

Enclosed please find the DVD order form.  Kindly ignore our previous form, and take this one as the final.  To ensure the speedy delivery, please complete your orders no later than next Friday, May 4th 2007.  Note, the film for both opening ceremony and closing ceremony will be included in the DVD.  Besides, if you need extra convention journal or backbag, you are welcome to contact us.
在此附上最正確的 2007年春季大會 DVD訂購單,為確保準時交貨,請您務必於下週五(54日)前完成整個訂購動作,開幕及閉幕典禮所播放的影片也會燒錄其中。此外,您如果還需要大會手冊及背包,請即與我們連絡。

Once again we appreciate 715 friends joining us in the 2007 Spring Convention, no matter what sessions you attended.  Meanwhile, we also appreciate those members who couldn’t show up but gave us various advice.  We know there is still a very big room for us to improve, and thank you for bearing with us.
再次感謝現場 715 位朋友,參與 2007年春季大會的不同活動,同時,我們也要感謝那些無法參加,卻熱心提供建議的會友們。要改進的空間還很大,謝謝各位的包涵!

Blossom in Spring花語嬉春 (4/21~22, 2007)
2007 Spring Convention TEAM

[email protected]

Convention Chair大會主席
Gloria Chou  周國芳, A部總監 0915-664-107 Convention Co-Chair 大會主席
Jude Wei       魏宜豪, G部總監 0935-403-240 Convention Co-Chair 大會副主席
Robert Chou 周鈞豪,  F部總監 0928-295-919 Convention Co-Chair 大會副主席
