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中華民國國際演講協會 | ||
2006春季大會 會刊徵稿 |
Dear Toastmasters, 親愛的演講會會員:
Spring is coming. 春天來了。
We have all known that 2006 Spring Convention will be held on April 22/23 at 翔園 in Taichung. 我們都已經知道,2006年春季大會將在四月 22、23日假台中縣翔園舉行。
Besides eagerly waiting for the coming of Spring Convention, what are you going to do or what can you do for the Convention? 除了熱切期盼春季大會來臨之外,你準備為春季大會做些什麼呢?或者,你能為春季大會貢獻些什麼?
How about writing an article for the Convention? I suggest. 來為春季大會寫篇文章吧!
Here I introduce myself first. I am Cory Chen, the Area B1 Governor and also the Chief Editor of 2006 Spring Convention Book. 在此我先自我介紹,我是 Cory Chen,是 B1分區總監,也是 2006 春季大會手冊的總編輯。
Would you like to write an article on this Convention Book to share your successful achievement or unforgettable experience in Toastmaster? 你要不要來為大會手冊寫一篇文章呢?讓我們共同分享你在演講會的成就與經驗。
Once your article be printed, it can not only give us the benefit of reading it but also a forever good memory for yourself. 一旦你的文章刊登出來,不僅我們可以從閱讀中獲益,還可以為你自己保留一個永久美好回憶。
Why not raise your pen or key in your script on your computer NOW? Any topics concerning the speech, evaluation, table topic, training, mentoring, communication and leadership are welcomed. 現在就提筆,或者就在你的電腦上開始寫作吧!任何有關演講、講評、專題討論、教育訓練、輔導方法、溝通以及領導的主題都歡迎。
However, I plan to open a Feature Article Session which is named “How to complete a Table Topic Speech effectively?” in the Spring Convention Book. You can express what you have learned from Toastmasters career. This could be benefit to much more new members to share your successful experience. 不過,我為本次大會手冊開闢了一個主題討論區,題目訂為:「如何有效做好即席演講?」大家可以針對這個主題充分發表個人心得,讓更多新進會員可以分享你的成功經驗。
If you are interested in writing an article on the Convention Book, please use Microsoft Word software to save the text and graph with .doc then forward your document to Jason Huang <[email protected]>, one of editing members of the Convention Book. 如果你有興趣在春季大會上寫文章,請用微軟 word 軟體寫作,並用 .doc 格式儲存圖文,並將檔案寄給大會手冊編輯成員之一的 Jason Huang <[email protected]>。
Here I have a small suggestion to each Division Governor in our District. Could you recommend an outstanding member in each of your areas to write an article? It means an article per Area. 在此我對台灣總會的各區總監(Division Governor)做個小小建議,希望你能推薦你所轄各分區(Area)的傑出會員貢獻一篇文章,每一個分區一篇文章。
The Deadline of forwarding your article is March 15th. 截稿日期:3月15日。
Dear Club Leaders, please forward this message to your members and encourage them to write an article for Convention Book. 各位親愛的分會領袖,請將這份訊息轉發給你的會員並鼓勵他們踴躍投稿。
Let's Fly To Spring together. 讓我們一起飛向春天。
Cory Chen 0912-308-225 |