






譯者:傅憲成 Dick, ScienTech

A Guest is Special
作者:Michael Notaro
I recently traveled from my home in California to Greenwich, Connecticut, to attend the wedding of a grade-school friend whom I had not seen in more than a decade. I didnt know any of his current friends and at the wedding reception, when he was off getting his picture taken, I did not know a soul in the room.

After 15 minutes of standing alone, I decided I had done my friendship dutyand planned to return to my hotel room to watch TV. As I walked toward the exit, a woman approached me, smiled from ear to ear and said, Michael Notaro! Is that you? Are you Michael Notaro? She introduced herself and escorted me around the entire reception hall, introducing guests to the grooms special childhood friend, Michael Notaro.

People began crowding around to talk with me. Suddenly, I felt like a celebrity! I had the time of my life and was the last one to leave the reception hall well after midnight.

Do you remember what it felt like to be a guest at a Toastmasters meeting? You walk into a room filled with strangers, and there is the fear of meeting new people combined with the fear of public speaking. Guests often feel alone and anxious. Some visitors make it as far as to the parking lot, but they are so frightened that they cannot get out of their car.

Hospitality is critical to creating a warm and inviting environment at your Toastmasters club. Greeting guests is not just the responsibility of the sergeant at arms and vice president membership every club member should make visitors feel welcome.

Greet every guest as quickly as possible. Ask them to sign the clubs guestbook and engage them in a friendly conversation. Take the lead in introducing them to other members. Never let a guest sit alone. After the meeting, answer their questions and concerns, and follow up with a thankyou email. Of course, dont forget to close the sale: Ask them to join.

Treat guests like royalty and watch your membership grow at Toastmasters
以上禮對待來賓,讓他們觀察會員在演講會裡成長 一個創造領導者的地方。

MICHAEL NOTARO, DTM 麥可·諾塔羅, 傑出會員
International President
Dick Fu, ScienTech Toastmasters Club