翻譯委員會公告事項 |
本項翻譯係經世界總會授權,版權亦屬世界總會及中華民國國際演講協會所有, |
打造更好的品牌 |
Build a Better Brand |
Nike, Starbucks, Apple, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Toastmasters. Those are just a few of the brand names we encounter each day. We live in a branded world – brands have personalities and mean something; we recognize the ones we like and seek them out like old friends. There is one brand on display every single day that is often snubbed overlooked and ignored. That brand is you! Me Inc. Whether or not you realize it, every day your brand tells the world who you are, what you stand for and what you can offer. 耐吉、星巴克、蘋果、麥當勞、可口可樂、國際演講會。這些只有幾個字的品牌,我們每天都會碰到。我們就生活在品牌的世界,這些擬人化的品牌,有重要的意義;我們認識所喜愛的品牌,並會像老朋友一樣找出它們。有一種品牌,每天都呈現在你面前,而我們卻都忽略、輕視、以及不理不睬。這個品牌就是-你—我本人企業。不管你瞭不瞭解,每天你的品牌都會向全世界宣示,你代表什麼?以及你能提供什麼? |
Corporations spend millions of dollars building an identity. For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can build your brand at your local Toastmasters club. By delivering manual speeches and holding leadership positions, your personal brand emerges. Here are some tips for making that experience a successful one: 企業界花數百萬元的經費,來塑造他們的企業品牌。而你只要付比一杯咖啡還要少的錢,就可以在你的分會,建立起自己的品牌。藉由發表手冊演講,以及擔任各項領導的職務,你的個人品牌就能凸顯出來。下面有幾項葵花寶典密笈,讓你的經驗更容易成功些: Be Authentic. The essence of your brand is you – your passions, your interests and your ambitions. Why download a generic story from the Internet when your life is infinitely more interesting and engaging? Personal branding is not about creating an external image; it is about unearthing your best qualities and presenting them in an appealing way. Know yourself to grow yourself. Revealing your uniqueness immediately distinguishes you from others and makes you memorable. 可靠性。你的品牌中最重要的,就是你,你的熱情、你的興趣以及你的企圖心。當你的人生充滿了無限生機、有趣及魅力,為什麼要從網路,下載那些平凡無特色的故事呢?個人品牌不只是建立一個外在的形象,而是發掘你最好的能力,並且向所有人展現。瞭解自己,才能發展你自己。表現出你獨特的一面,馬上可以鶴立雞群,讓別人永遠記得。 Provide Audience Value. How will your speech benefit the audience? Is your talk designed to inform, inspire or entertain your audience, or is it just an excuse to get something off your chest? To deliver audience value, ask yourself this question before every speech: Would I pay money to hear me? 給觀眾價值。如何使你的演講,讓觀眾獲得好處?你所企劃的演講,是否正確表達、激勵或娛樂你的觀眾,或只是應付了事。要給觀眾價值,在發表演講之前,問問你自己這個問題;我會花錢來聽我的演講嗎?。 Be Consistent. Are you a reliable, consistent Toastmaster? Nothing kills a brand like sporadic bursts of activity, interspersed with extended absence. Fulfill your meeting roles and avoid last-minute cancellations. Live the Toastmasters promise – and watch others’ perceptions of you soar. Your brand is the reputation that precedes you. It differentiates you and provides the foundation for your personal success. It is the positive expectation people feel when you enter the room. It is the emotional connection that makes others want to work with you because of your professionalism, integrity and value. 一致性。你是不是一位值得信任,言行一致的演講會會員?偶而發生爆炸性的案件,對品牌最具殺傷力,它會讓品牌四分五裂,無影無踪。努力完成你在例會中的角色扮演,避免在最後一刻,打電話給教育副會長取消之。重視演講會會員的承諾,也看看別人是否也是如此,讓這種認知,帶著你展翅飛揚。你的品牌是一種榮譽,會領著你往前走。也會讓你與眾不同,建立你成功的基石。因為你的專業、正直及價值觀,這種情感的連結,使得其他人願意和你一起工作。 It all happens at Toastmasters: a place where leaders are made. 這些事經常發生在一個創造領導者的地方—國際演講會。 MICHAEL NOTARO, DTM 麥可·諾塔羅, 傑出會員 International President 世界總會長2011-2012 譯者:傅憲成 Dick Fu, ScienTech Toastmasters Club |