






譯者:傅憲成 Dick, ScienTech

Build a Better Brand
Michael Notaro


Nike, Starbucks, Apple, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Toastmasters. Those are just a few of the brand names we encounter each day. We live in a branded world brands have personalities and mean something; we recognize the ones we like and seek them out like old friends. There is one brand on display every single day that is often snubbed overlooked and ignored. That brand is you! Me Inc. Whether or not you realize it, every day your brand tells the world who you are, what you stand for and what you can offer.



Corporations spend millions of dollars building an identity. For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can build your brand at your local Toastmasters club. By delivering manual speeches and holding leadership positions, your personal brand emerges. Here are some tips for making that experience a successful one:


Be Authentic. The essence of your brand is you your passions, your interests and your ambitions. Why download a generic story from the Internet when your life is infinitely more interesting and engaging? Personal branding is not about creating an external image; it is about unearthing your best qualities and presenting them in an appealing way. Know yourself to grow yourself. Revealing your uniqueness immediately distinguishes you from others and makes you memorable.


Provide Audience Value. How will your speech benefit the audience? Is your talk designed to inform, inspire or entertain your audience, or is it just an excuse to get something off your chest? To deliver audience value, ask yourself this question before every speech: Would I pay money to hear me?


Be Consistent. Are you a reliable, consistent Toastmaster? Nothing kills a brand like sporadic bursts of activity, interspersed with extended absence. Fulfill your meeting roles and avoid last-minute cancellations. Live the Toastmasters promise and watch others perceptions of you soar. Your brand is the reputation that precedes you. It differentiates you and provides the foundation for your personal success. It is the positive expectation people feel when you enter the room. It is the emotional connection that makes others want to work with you because of your professionalism, integrity and value.


It all happens at Toastmasters: a place where leaders are made.


MICHAEL NOTARO, DTM 麥可·諾塔羅, 傑出會員

International President 世界總會長2011-2012

譯者:傅憲成 Dick Fu, ScienTech Toastmasters Club