







譯者:陳建能 Jonathan, ALE MAX

What’s your Legacy ?
Pat Johnson

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my leadership style. I want to look beyond any immediate, short-term successes. I want to understand how choices I make now will impact the future. I want to know what my legacy will be.


I ask myself: “What do I stand for? What do I really believe in?” One question leads to another: “Am I living my life with purpose? How will I be remembered as a leader?” These are fascinating questions for leaders to ask ourselves; they are also important because the answers determine our lasting legacies.


  When we, as leaders, make the choice to turn dreams into realities, the future fills with exciting opportunities. Big dreams stretch us and pull us forward while providing focus and meaning in our lives. Because ambitious goals are often outside our comfort zones, they challenge us to show a greater degree of creativity in order to reach them.


When leaders take a stand on things that are crucial, such as ethics and values, we influence and shape our own future as well as that of others around us. All decisions and interactions make an impact. Every moment – and with each movement – consciously or not, we leave something of ourselves behind. Is the legacy we are leaving, whether accidentally or purposely, something for which we want to be remembered?

    當領導者對事情表現出立場是非常重要的,比如說道德和價值觀,我們能夠影響,和改變我們自己,與圍繞在我們身邊人的未來。所有決定和相互作用產生影響。無時無刻 ~每一個行動~ 有意或無意間,我們都在我們身後留下點什麼。我們遺留的,無論是意外或故意的,都是我們當初想要被記得的嗎?

  If we keep our eyes on the legacy we wish to leave, we can imagine a fuller, brighter, more exciting future. If we live our legacy in everything we do in our Toastmasters, professional and personal lives, we choose how we influence and shape others and their futures.


 There is no roadmap to guide us along the way, and therein lies the excitement! We need to imagine the bigger picture and hold on to the vision and ideals of what can be – the vision that comes from our heart. We need to move forward, toward our vision, realizing our dreams and creating our legacy.


  It has been said that leadership is like trying to find a path in a field of newly fallen snow. Once we walk across the field, we have discovered our path. Our legacies are discovered in much the same manner. We answer the important questions with each step forward. Now, I ask you to ask yourself: “What will my legacy be?”


Pat Johnson, DTM International President

作者:派蒂 強森 DTM 國際總會會長

譯者:陳建能 Jonathan Chen, ACB, ALS,  ALE MAX  Toastmasters Club