翻譯委員會公告事項 |
本項翻譯係經世界總會授權,版權亦屬世界總會及中華民國國際演講協會所有, |
智商與情緒指數 |
IQ versus
EQ 作者:Pat Johnson |
「我發現 ...,那些成功的領導者都有一樣的特質:他們都有著高度的情緒控制能力。我們姑且稱為之它為情緒指數。」 - 丹尼爾高曼 Many years ago, I heard a Toastmaster comment on how this organization teaches us emotional intelligence (EQ) and how important it is in the development of highly effective leaders. I ran to my nearby bookstore and began the long journey to understanding emotional intelligence. Some say that IQ (intelligence quotient) might get you a job, but your EQ is what enables you to keep it. 很多年前,我聽到一位會員的評論,指出我們這個組織,是如何教導有關情緒指數(EQ),以及它對成為一個成功的領導者,有是多麼重要。我跑到附近的書店,花了點時間來了解何謂情緒指數。有人說,智商(智能指數)可能讓你得到一份工作,但你的情緒指數,則是能讓你保住工作。
Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and author of the 1995 bestselling book
Emotional Intelligence, compared cognitive skills, technical skills, IQ
and EQ, he found that emotional intelligence proved to be twice as
important as those other qualities for jobs at all levels. This is never
truer than in the leadership roles we fill at the club, area, division,
district, Board and international levels.
Goleman outlines five
components of emotional intelligence:
Internally focused 1. Self-awareness begins our EQ development. People with a high degree of self-awareness are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are able to talk about them. 1.自我意識開啟我們的情緒指數發展。人一旦擁有高度的自我意識,將知道自己的長處和弱點,並能夠談論他們。 2. Self-regulation flows from self-awareness. People with this trait are able to control their impulses and/or channel them in a specific direction. 2.自我調控來自於自我意識。擁有此特徵的人,能夠控制自己的衝動,和/或導引他們在一個特定方向。 3. Motivation relates to possessing a passion for achievement for its own sake, not because someone requires it of you. This is the principal ingredient for developing effective leadership. 3.動機涉及為宣洩一時激情,或成就自己著想,不是因為有人需要你。這是發展為有效領導的主要成分。
Externally focused 4. Empathy takes into account the feelings of others when you make decisions. This is different from “taking on” everyone’s troubles. 4.當你做出決策,會移情考慮到別人的感受。這不同於「注意到」每個人的煩惱。 5. Social skills are the culmination of the previous four traits and include the ability to build rapport with others, foster cooperation and inspire participation. 5.社會技能是綜合前面四個特徵的高潮,包括能夠與他人建立關係,促進合作,激勵參與。 Take a moment and consider how these traits relate to you and your Toastmasters opportunities. We can boost our emotional intelligence, but not through the traditional training programs that target the rational part of our brains. We are able to become more effective, emotionally intelligent leaders only through extended practice, feedback from colleagues and our own enthusiasm for making the change. We in Toastmasters have the opportunity to develop EQ through our ongoing supportive learning environment while we fulfill our various roles. 花些時間來考慮,如何將這些特徵,連結到你和你的演講機會。我們可以提高我們的情緒指數,但不是經由那些,只應用到我們大腦合理部分,作為目標的傳統培訓計劃。我們有能力變得更有效率,瞭解情緒指數的領導人,只有通過額外的訓練,從同事的反應,和我們自己的熱情來作出更改。我們身在的演講會, 是一個有機會讓我們的不斷發展情緒指數的學習環境,這環境同時支援我們,履行我們各種角色。 Sounds just like what we do best, doesn’t it? Let’s build our EQ together in Toastmasters! 聽起來就像是我們來做最合適了,不是嗎?讓我們共同在演講會提昇我們的情緒指數!
譯者:陳建能 Jonathan Chen, ACB, ALS, ALE MAX Toastmasters Club |