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ĶªÌ¡G³\´µ¶¯ Shawn Hsu, Nantou

 So Shy!
§@ªÌ¡GAmanda Jaucian Balneg
How I climbed out of my self-imposed prison. 

I wish I had known Harry Potter when I was a child, because I was in terrible need of his invisible cloak. As a girl, I suffered from painful shyness and often wished that I could disappear. The same was true at school. If I knew an answer, I would not dare raise my hand for fear that I might sound dimwitted.
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Eventually, I underwent a dramatic change and developed a love of speaking. My involvement in Toastmasters ¡V I am a member of the Achievers Toastmasters club in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines ¡V has strengthened my passion for communication as well as my confidence. However, I first had to overcome some dark years before I saw the light.
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As a child, my way of expressing myself was through writing. I loved to write and felt at ease with my notebook and pen. I also learned through a school class on role- playing. This activity meant standing in front of people. The idea of having to talk at length under their scrutiny made me sick. Worse yet, I had to act! I considered skipping school, but I didn¡¦t want to fail.
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So I decided, All right, I¡¦ll just do it one time and forget it as some bad joke played on me.

Doomsday came. The hardest part was getting out of my seat and walking to the front of the class. I felt dizzy as I stood there. Somehow, I managed to compose myself and found the courage to say one word and then another, which led to a line and a paragraph. I went on to act in many plays.

Buoyed by these successes, I enrolled in speech classes, became a stronger communicator and eventually flourished in a series of speaking opportunities. I served as host on a youth-oriented music channel and appeared as a guest on a travel-themed radio talk show. I appeared in television commercials as a product endorser and presenter for Procter & Gamble and Brand Power products.

Now in Toastmasters, I am doing what I hated to do as a child but learned to love as a teenager: talking in front of people. No longer is it an odious task. Public speaking is a passion. I even earned an Advanced Communicator Bronze award and hosted our division¡¦s installation ceremonies when new officers were elected.

I still have it sometimes ¡V that shy, nervous feeling. Only, now I can push back the negative emotions. Here are a few tricks I use to win the battle every time: 

• Cultivate your skills and talent.

     Being really good at certain things will give you more confidence. 

• Widen your comfort zone slowly.

      Start with your inner circle ¡V a small, intimate group of family members. Then branch out to a wider circle
      consisting of friends. Expand your circle further to include strangers and people whose presence may initially
      intimidate you. 


• Make your desire stronger than fear.

     When movie star Clint Eastwood was asked about his success, he replied, ¡§I try to look back and think what drove 
     me when I was 25 years old to want to be an actor when so many people shook cigars in my face and said that I was
     a bum ¡V there was some little voice in there saying, ¡¥Well, let¡¦s not worry about that, let¡¦s just move onward
     and upward until something clicks in.¡¦¡¨
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• Show up.
     Each Toastmasters meeting provides an opportunity to improve. Successful people keep moving. They make
     mistakes or meet adversity, but they don¡¦t quit. There¡¦s something to be learned from your mistakes. 


• Have a clear plan.

     What do you want to achieve as a Toastmaster? Is it to sharpen your humor skills? Is it to think faster on your feet?
     Do you dream of winning the ribbon for Best Table Topics?

I¡¦ll always be grateful that these ideas helped me out of that darkness and into the light, where my family and friends waited with open arms.

Amanda Jaucian Balneg, ACB, is a member of the Achievers Toastmasters club in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. She can be reached at www.getawayswithamanda.tk.

Amanda Jaucian Balneg,  »ÉµP°ª¯ÅºtÁ¿­û¡Aµá«ß»«°¨¥§©Ô°¨¥d¦a¥«ªº¡u¦¨´NªÌ°ê»ÚºtÁ¿·|¡v·|­û¡A¦oªººô§} www.getawayswithamanda.tk.

ĶªÌ¡G³\´µ¶¯ Shawn Hsu¡A Nantou Toastmasters Club¡C
