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ĶªÌ¡G±dºÑ¯Æ Christina, ScienTech

The Never-Ending Journey
§@ªÌ¡GBani Arora

Learning from my Toastmasters, lessons through the years.

The Toastmasters program came to me by osmosis. When my husband and son joined a local Toastmasters club and Youth Leader­ship program, respectively, I found myself listening ¡V during our family dinner-table discussions ¡V to their comments about building communication and leadership skills. They talked about improving vocal variety, body language and gestures in project speeches. While serving their food, I soon noticed that our spontaneous chatting about daily events had transformed into well-organized communication, just like Table Topics.

Becoming a Toastmaster

Gradually, my grudge against their evening club meetings faded, and I began to soak up the information my husband and son brought home.

Instead of nagging, I provided constructive evaluations! My work as a teacher ¡V I had been a university professor ¡V convinced me that I was an experienced and practiced speaker, but with the energy permeating these dinnertime Table Talks, it dawned on me that I should join Toastmasters too.
This was the beginning of an awakening: Formal education may end, but learning never ends.

I eventually joined the Town and Gown Toastmasters at the University of Guelph, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The club meets Wednes­days at 7:15 in the morning. It took me six months just to convince myself that I could make it to the club¡¦s early-morning sessions before starting my work day. But leaving home on Wednesday mornings, I started looking forward to the fully charged meetings in the university¡¦s majestic Johnston Hall. Then arriving at work 15 minutes earlier than my regular time ¡V following a stimulating Toastmasters session ¡V helped me start the day in a more re­freshed and cheerful mood. This was the beginning of exhilaration: Passion for work may end, but passion for learning never ends.
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Succeeding as a Toastmaster

Teamwork is the most important lesson I¡¦ve learned in Toastmasters. It works! In the past couple of years, our club¡¦s list of accomplishments has blossomed ¡V from members excelling at the area, division and district-level contests to achieving the President¡¦s Distinguished Club award. Every member seems committed to helping the Town and Gown Toastmasters while in the pursuit of individual goals, and our motto reflects that:
Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM).
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We created the club Web site, welcomed five new members (and earned credit for the Beat the Clock membership-building award), organized two speech marathons (under the VPE¡¦s leadership) to help mem­bers catch up on their project goals, designed an orientation book­let to help new members start their training, launched a brochure to familiarize first-time guests with club procedures and kept an inventory of club resources. All of these projects were examples of our club working together.
This was the be­ginning of realization: Individual goals may reach an end, but learning as a team never ends

Helping Others in Toastmasters 

I passed another milestone in my learning curve when I was assigned to mentor a struggling club as a requirement to earn the Advanced Leader Silver award.

Like some other mentors, I tried too hard to get the struggling club to do things successful clubs were doing. In hindsight, I realize that I missed seeing what this club was doing. For example, the meeting time was in the middle of the day, from noon to 12:40 p.m. Leaving in the middle of the day was something I had not experienced in any other club. It occurred to me that attending meetings regularly required a significant level of commitment, determination and organization from every member.

Over the ensuing months as a club mentor, I learned many lessons in true leadership. Others needed a model to emulate, but for me, it was a huge challenge to effectively de­monstrate the various roles that people fill in a regular session. Even showing how to stay within time limits was an issue. I went through many days of frustration when one step forward seemed to bring two steps back. I felt that I let myself down.
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These initial hiccups made me understand that change is a slow and natural process that brings sweet­er rewards when given its own time and space. Recently, one member who had been in the club for a couple of years finally stood up and delivered his Ice Breaker. It was a moment of elation not only for him but for everyone in the group! This was the beginning of self-actualization: My journey to achieving awards in Toastmasters may end, but the journey of learning through Toast­masters will never end

Leaving a Toastmasters Legacy

Some time back, I was struck with a chronic illness that can be controlled but not cured. Along with a string of X-rays and blood work, a sense of finality crept into my heart. It felt as though a curtain had been drawn on many activities that I loved.

We went on vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and my husband and I took a walk along a lake at one of the resorts. He asked, ¡§What legacy would you like to leave behind you?¡¨ What a Toast­masters-style question from my Toastmaster husband! Again, it seemed like Table Topics. I was reminded of an e-mail that we had received from Neha, our 20-year-old niece in India. About three years earlier, I had sent her a copy of the Toastmaster magazine and she expressed interest in joining a club. However, it didn¡¦t work out. In this recent e-mail, she mentioned again coming across the magazine I had sent her.

I Googled Toastmasters¡¦ Web site again to find a club near my place, and this time I wasn¡¦t disappointed, as I found a club in Dwarka [in New Delhi]. I was happy and I decided to go there. The meeting day arrived¡K. And I must say it was an awesome experience. I thanked myself for traveling all the way there. There were around 35-40 members in the club: students, professionals and retired people. I interacted with them and got to learn so many new things in a single meeting. I have attended two more meetings and am looking forward to joining the club soon.¡¨
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This gave me the answer to my husband¡¦s Table Topics question about the legacy I would like to leave. I promised him and myself, ¡§It is the legacy of
living Toast­masters ¡V supporting lifelong learning across countries and continents. That is what I would like to leave behind me!¡¨

Bani Arora, ACG, ALB, is a member of Town and Gown Toastmasters in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. She is the owner and operator of the Oxford Learning Center in Guelph. Reach her at [email protected].

§@ªÌ¡GBani Arora, ACG, ALB ¬O¥[®³¤j¦w¤j²¤¬Ù°ò»²¤j¾ÇªºTown and GownºtÁ¿·|·|­û¡A¦o¦b°ò»²¥«¸gÀçºÞ²z¤û¬z¾Ç²ß¤¤¤ß¡C¦oªº¹q¤l«H½c¡G[email protected]

ĶªÌ¡G±dºÑ¯Æ Christina, ScienTech Toastmasters Club