“Breathe deeply.” That’s what Lynn Baker advises when you find yourself
in a tense situation or one mired in conflict. Too simple an answer?
“Not so,” he says. Baker is a Toastmaster and an adjunct professor at
the University of Oklahoma, where he teaches conflict management.
Practicing this two-word mantra calms the body and puts you in control
of your emotions and responses. Taking a deep breath is a personal
strategy that can help you defuse a hot situation.
How to manage conflict and use it as a springboard to move forward are
challenges in today’s workplace. Not surprisingly, the key to tackling
these challenges is effective communication. Many companies have found
that effective communication reduces disagreements and promotes a
harmonious environment where employees are excited to work. It also
encourages productivity, creativity and responsibility.
The definition of conflict varies from person to person and ranges from
minor disagreements, antagonism and incompatibility to hostility, heated
arguments, bullying and even violence. A simple difference in pinion can
escalate to include individuals who originally had no interest in the
Tensions between people are inevitable, says Wendy Kaufman, CEO of
Balancing Life’s Issues, Inc., in Ossining, New York. “We need to learn
to embrace conflict and be less fearful about it,” she says. “When we
remember that we can learn from conflict, it becomes less threatening.”
位於紐約歐西寧,協調生命議題公司總裁溫蒂考夫曼說:「人與人之間關係, 緊繃是無可避免的。」她說:「我們需要學習擁抱衝突,並減少對它的恐懼。當我們記取我們可以從衝突中學習,它就變得較不具威脅性」。
Kaufman says training on conflict management and resolution has
increased in the past few years. “Astute business owners realize it’s in
their best interest to teach employees how to deal with conflict,” she
says. Having employees learn how to resolve workplace disagreements is
important because the stakes are high. Unresolved conflict affects the
financial bottom line of a company, contributing to low morale, reduced
productivity and distractions from job responsibilities.
Be Proactive
wise to identify early signs of disagreement and to take steps to
resolve them before they escalate. Kaufman suggests having a set of
ground rules in place and a proactive strategy to deal with concerns
before they polarize people into opposing sides. Ignoring conflict and
hoping it blows over seldom works.
Baker, the University of Oklahoma professor, is a member of the PROS
(Polishing and Refining Our Skills) Toastmasters club in Oklahoma City.
He suggests having a team meeting to discuss what specific values the
team wants to live by and what the prevailing norms should be:
collaboration, respect, listening, empathy or other values. Once you
agree on a set of values, then discuss how to implement them.
A good first step in preventing conflict is the popular advice given by
Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
“Seek first to understand and then to be understood.” And understanding,
notes Covey, requires effective communication skills – especially
Effective listening means giving your full attention to your
conversation partner or to the speaker, and is not limited to conflict
situations. It’s a sincere form of communication that shows respect,
which in turn enhances friendships and cements family relationships.
Here are a few listening tips:
● Remove or move away from distractions such as your
computer, phone or TV. Allow the person to talk without being
interrupted. With a group of people, be sure to give each person a
chance to speak. Use a timer or clock to ensure each person is given the
same amount of time.
Pay attention to
what the person is saying instead of mentally rehearsing your next
comment. Use responses that acknowledge you are listening, keep them
noncommittal and encourage the speaker to share his or her thoughts and
Ask open-ended
questions to clarify any unclear points and repeat or paraphrase what
you believe you heard the other person say. This helps prevent
misunderstandings and miscommunication. You may want to take notes,
which shows your concern and interest and keeps a record of the
Be aware of your
body language and that of the speaker. Positive body language can help
calm tense situations. Maintain good eye contact and use gestures such
as leaning forward and nodding your head to encourage the speaker.
One of
my former bosses was a master at listening. At the first sign of
tension, or if employees were beginning to grumble and take sides on an
issue, he would invite each employee to go on a “walk and talk” with him
through the office building. On this casual stroll, he listened
carefully and asked questions that encouraged each employee to share his
opinions, ideas and answers. He used input from these “walk and talks”
to develop a solution. By demonstrating respect and value for each
employee in the decision-making process, he made us all feel invested in
the solution and in the future of the company.
Conflict often brings out the drama and emotion in our words. Someone
who is upset and controlled by emotions may be unable to communicate his
feelings and ideas and may distort what he hears. Author and
communication consultant Sam Horn suggests strategies to use when
communicating about tough issues. Her book, Tongue-Fu! ®: How to
Deflect, Disarm, and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict, offers constructive
word choices for sensitive situations. She describes “tongue-fu” as a
mental martial art where the speaker chooses to stay kind even if others
are inconsiderate and rude. It’s a way to disarm with charm.
Choose Your Words Carefully
says your choice of words can either calm or incite the situation. She
suggests avoiding extreme words like always, never, everyone and
no one. Instead, substitute sometimes and some people,
which are more accurate. She also suggests “tongue-glue” – not a
product, but a practice of thinking before you speak, to avoid
regretting your words later.
The blame game can also escalate conflict. Name-calling, accusations,
bringing up past injustices and wrongs, and of course offensive
language, are off limits, as are ridicule, criticism and put-downs. Stay
clear of any conversation that includes yelling, name-calling or
When you have to present or defend your side of an issue, organize your
thoughts. That’s when taking a deep breath will give you a moment to
clear your mind, calm your emotions and choose your words. This is
another way your Toastmasters training will benefit you: Before
conversation, say the person’s name to start and focus the conversation.
Have a
purpose for your comments. Make a list of points you want to cover and
refer to the list if the conversation strays from the topic.
Keep your comments positive. Use indirect statements instead of
confrontation. Use “I” statements like, It seems to me, I understand,
I perceive, My impression is…. These deal more honestly with your
reaction to the situation.
So what do you do when prevention and listening skills don’t work? Allow
the person to vent, which helps release some of his pent-up energy and
emotion. Telling a person to “calm down” often aggravates and escalates
the conflict. Instead, after she has finished her rant, calmly repeat
the message with words like, If I understand you correctly…. If
you have a satisfactory solution, offer it; if not, ask the person what
solution she would suggest. If you agree on a solution, follow through
to implement it.
Take Time to Cool Off
Another suggestion is to put time and distance between you and the
conflict when things become heated – 24 hours is a good amount of time.
This allows all parties an opportunity to cool off. Then come back and
readdress the issue. Involve an uninvolved party, if necessary, to help
mediate and monitor the conversation.
- 24小時是個好主意。這可使雙方有機會冷靜下來,之後再重啟這個議題。如果有需要的話,邀請第三方來協調,和監督雙方的對話。
The perception and expectation of Toastmasters is that with our
communication skills, we can easily calm tempers and negotiate peace
from the uncooperative. The reality is that we also face conflict
and communication challenges, even in Toastmasters meetings.
Baker recalls a situation when members of the PROS club were planning a
presentation on parliamentary procedures to help other clubs. How to
give the topic pizzazz and make it interesting became a challenge to the
group. One member began to react testily to suggestions and to take them
as personal criticism. Baker suggested not making any changes to the
presentation unless the person felt comfortable with them. When the
member realized his input was valued, the tone of the meeting changed,
and the PROS members were able to put together a popular program that
they often present to other clubs and organizations.
Ultimately, managing conflict means managing yourself – your
emotions, words and actions. Simple techniques like deep breathing,
attentive listening and considering word choices can defuse a hot
situation and help you and others move forward to resolution.
Linda E. Allen, CC, is a member of the Pacesetters Toastmasters
in Stillwater, Oklahoma. She is a writer, speaker and trainer
specializing in cultural awareness, professional and personal
development, and leadership. Reach her at
[email protected].
作者:琳達艾倫,中級演講員,奧克拉荷馬州靜水城先鋒演講會會員。她是位作家、演說家及在文化認知、職能與個人發展及領導等領域的專業教練。她的電子郵件信箱[email protected]
Lisa, Ta Ren Toastmasters Club
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