






  譯者:陳建能 Jonathan ALE MAX

A Consistent Toastmasters Brand
作者:Pat Johnson


“You now have to decide what 'image' you want for your brand. Image means
personality.Products, like people, have personality, and they can make or break them in the market place”
-David Ogilvy, renowned 20th century advertising executive

 現在你必須要決定,你要為你的品牌,豎立出什麼樣的'形象'。形象指的就是人格特質。產品, 像人一樣,有特質,他們能成就或,破壞產品在市場上的地位。

I see something ... something I recognize. This familiar sign tells me that I can order a personalized mocha latte or Americano. It also informs me of the quality I can expect to receive. All this knowledge rushes into my awareness as a result  of seeing simple green letters on a storefront in Malaysia, Japan, South Africa, Canada, Portugal, Mexico , New Zealand or Chile. Starbucks's brand works.


KFC is another strong brand that is recognizable worldwide for its fried chicken and "Original Recipe" which hasn't changed in more than 50 years. In the automotive world, people recognize the Mercedes Benz symbol, a three-spoke emblem within a circle, as the standard in quality, safety and luxury. These three examples illustrate to me the power of branding.

While a logo allows us to visually recognize a company or its products, its brand is something greater. A brand is the personality (or "image," as Mr. Ogilvy so aptly put it) behind the product, service or company. In each example above, we recognize each company because it has consistently delivered on its promise, and our experiences with them are consistently positive.

Executed correctly, a strong brand is instantly recognizable and consumers know what its products are, as well as the quality and service to expect, because the brand reflects the same set of values regardless of whether it is in Malaysia, Japan, South Africa, Canada, Portugal, Mexico, New Zealand or Chile. And all this information is wrapped up in a single word, a few letters or a symbol.

Is Toastmasters International recognizable to our potential customers around the world? Can we be found easily by the searching public? Does the perception of our brand accurately represent our learning program? I'm not certain that it does. However, I am certain that members of the general public find it confusing when they search for the Toastmasters program and find clubs with an inconsistent look and feel. We do not advertise the same product around the world, despite the fact that we all follow the same program. We use different colors and different images, sometimes even different logos, to advertise our programs.

Despite the confusion that exists today, I am excited as I look to the future of Toastmasters International and our strategic initiative to create a consistent look and feel for our organization worldwide. It will soon be a brand that is recognized in countries around the world by the color, the content and the symbol used to advertise what we stand for. We need to decide as David Ogilvy suggested what image we want for our brand and make an all-inclusive commitment to it.

Pat Johnson DTM     派蒂 強森 DTM International President  國際總會會長
譯者:陳建能 Jonathan Chen, ACB, ALS,  ALE MAX  Toastmasters Club