







譯者:盧麗嫻 Lisa, Ta Ren

The Glamorous Role of Grammarian
作者:Lawrence Stone
How one member mixes humor with helpful hints about language?

I love being the grammarian.

This is not the popular view among my fellow club members. Too often, when the vice president education announces the open roles for an upcoming meeting, the job of grammarian remains available. By the time the meeting starts, it’s often delegated to a hapless member who arrives unsuspecting of the assignment they are about to receive. Thankfully, most Toastmasters graciously accept the job.

It’s easy to understand why this honorable but underappreciated role can go unfilled until the last minute. As described on Toastmasters International’s Web site, the grammarian, or “syntax sentinel,” has the duty of writing down “any awkward use or misuse of the language (incomplete sentences, sentences that change direction in the middle, incorrect grammar or malapropisms) with a note of who erred.” It’s a dignified description of what some call the “grammar police,” because the grammarian’s report – delivered at the end of the meeting – may unintentionally sound like a stern warning or rebuke.
這個榮譽但吃力不討好的角色,不到最後一分鐘才會確定人選,是很容易被理解的。正如國際演講會網站上所描述,語言講評人或「文法哨兵」的職責,是記下任何語言上彆扭或錯誤的用法(不完整的句子、中間轉向的句子、文法錯誤或誤用),和說錯的人名。這是美化被某些人稱為「文法警察」的敘述 ,因為語言講評人在例會結束前的報告,無意之間會被視為一個嚴厲的警告或指責。

Moreover, some clubs heap on the additional duties of choosing a vocabulary word of the day and challenging fellow club members to incorporate the word into a speech or Table Topics presentation.

Who would want such a job?

I do!

Being the grammarian is fun. I discovered this in my former club, Toastmasters of La Jolla in La Jolla, California. I always liked the grammarian’s report for its educational value, but I also wondered if anyone remembered the lessons after the meeting. Drawing from my experience in journalism and inspired by the humor of a morning radio show featuring the “Dean of American Sports,” I developed a grammarian’s report that was more akin to breaking news stories than a lecture. It worked so well, I’ve kept the routine in my present club, SeaWorld Toastmasters in San Diego.

Noting the Excellence and the Errors

To prepare, I take notes about anything said in the meeting that’s grammatically exemplary, egregious or just plain catchy. It could be part of a formal speech, an evaluation or Table Topics. (Table Topics speeches are a rich source of gaffes and extraordinary English.) I jot down noteworthy examples of language use during the meeting, such as a speaker’s vocabulary, a turn of phrase or pronunciation challenges. It could even be something said before the meeting. Then I group these utterances by a common “theme” and wrap them in short journalism-style comments.
準備時,我會記下在會議上任何文法典範、異常差的、或單純動聽的說法。它可能來自一篇正式的演講、講評或即席問答(即席問答演說是豐富的錯誤、和優異英語的來源)。 我匆匆記下會議中值得記錄的用詞,例如演說者的用字、句子的轉折或困難的發音,甚至它可能來自會議前有人說到的話。然後我將這些用詞,依相同的主題來分類,並將他們包裝成新聞報導型態的短評。

Finally, just as the General Evaluator is getting ready to introduce the grammarian, I highlight in my notes three or four of what I considered to be the best, worst or funniest linguistic feats. It’s a formula that practically writes itself (because I’m using other people’s words), and best of all, it gets laughs.

Here are examples I’ve presented in the style of radio news flashes:

“Asked what her favorite word is, Ricki said, ‘Warm sweaters.’ Her two-word mistake is understandable if you know her planned blog: warmsweaters.com.” 
當被問到她最喜愛的單字時,麗琪說:「Warm sweaters」。她誤用兩個字是可被理解的,如果你知道其實她設計的部落格就(把兩個字連成一個字),就叫 warmsweaters.com.

“Controversy strikes the club tonight, as Jon and Blair’s war of words divided the room into two factions: the progressives who pronounce the word schedule as ‘skeh-jool,’ and the strict constructionists who prefer the classic British pronunciation of ‘sheh-juhl.’ Is one preferred by reference books? A quick look at our hardbound, commemorative anniversary edition of Webster’s dictionary shows...we don’t have a hardbound, commemorative anniversary edition of Webster’s dictionary. And so the controversy continues.”
今晚分會因瓊恩和布萊爾的文字大戰,導致全場人員分裂為二,而產生派系糾紛。一派為將schedule的發成‘skeh-jool’的激進派﹔另一派是偏愛傳統英式發音 ‘sheh-juhl.’ 的嚴格構成派。到底哪一個為參考書所偏愛呢?經快速查詢我們精裝週年珍藏版的韋氏辭典顯示…我們沒有精裝週年珍藏版的韋氏辭典,所以紛爭將持續下去。

“Did you catch the prepositional ending? Henri concluded a sentence with the words ‘that’s what it’s used for.’ An easy way to avoid a prepositional ending is to end the sentence with a proper form of address. For example, Henri could have concluded with, ‘that’s what it’s used for, you stupid grammarian.’”

This reporting style earns compliments. Club members and guests almost invariably approach me after the meeting to say how much they enjoyed the report, with its unexpected humor. I’ve also heard fellow Toastmasters acknowledge and imitate the style in their own grammarian’s reports, which is truly flattering and gratifying.

It’s no secret that I enjoy the grammarian role. I’m ready and willing to take it on, even as I’m walking into my club meeting, and it’s the role I’m asked to fill whenever my former club holds an alumni meeting. I hope I’ve inspired you to be the grammarian in your club. Create your own distinct style and have fun with it. 

Lawrence Stone, ATMB, is the president of SeaWorld Toastmasters, in San Diego, California. Reach him at [email protected].
勞倫斯•史東,銅牌高級演講員是加州聖地牙哥海洋世界演講會會長。聯絡信箱 [email protected]

譯者:盧麗嫻 Lisa, Ta Ren Toastmasters Club