







譯者:高珮萱 Melissa, Hsin Chu

Achieving Your Educational Goals
作者:Alison Horner

When success is mere steps away.


Arthuretta Martin, of the Get Up To Speak (GUTS) Toastmasters club in Washington, D.C., earned five Toastmasters educational awards in a single year. Countess Clarke Cooper of the United States Department of Education Federal Student Aid (FSA) Toastmasters club in Arlington, Virginia, worked toward her Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), the highest achievement in Toastmasters, while juggling being a single parent, working multiple jobs and serving as an area governor. As you set your sights on your own educational goal for the current Toastmasters year, consider the advice of these, and other, successful Toastmasters.
Arthuretta Martin,在一年內獲得五個演講會教育的獎項。在美國維吉尼亞州阿靈頓市聯邦學生援助演講會的Clarke Cooper,也努力朝著傑出會員DTM邁進,這個榮銜是演講會最高的成就,此外,她同時身兼數職,除了為一個單親媽媽,身兼不同工作,也是分區總監。當你今年在演講會的目標鎖定在個人的教育訓練目標,參考這些提議,同時達到在演講會的另一個成功。

Pick a Goal in Line with Your Priorities

People who tie their educational goal to their personal or professional priorities have greater motivation to complete their goal, especially when things get tough. Martin, who serves as Vice President Education (VPE) for her club, notes that those who achieve their educational goals know exactly why they’re in Toastmasters. “They have a vision and know what they want to get out of their time.” For example, Martin’s Toastmasters goals fell directly in line with her desire to become a professional speaker. Cooper places a high value on personal growth and development, which the Toastmasters program assists her in achieving.


Consider: What are your top priorities in life? Which Toastmasters goal is most in line with your priorities? Depending on your situation, you may be more interested in the communication track, the leadership track, becoming a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) or serving as a club officer.

Create a Game Plan

Once you decide which Toastmasters goal holds the most meaning for you, it’s time to create a game plan that is tailored to your life. Cooper says that although Toastmasters lays out an overall structure for achieving goals, it helps to make the curriculum personal. “Put dates by your goal; then work backward.” she says. “Think: How many meetings does my club have in that time frame and how many speeches or roles do I need to fill? If I need to fill more roles than my club has meetings, then perhaps I need to visit another club. Be strategic.” Joining multiple clubs can be an effective tactic if you’d like to achieve your goal quickly. Martin joined four clubs so that she could rapidly meet her goals.


Be sure to consider the impact your goal’s time commitment will have on those in your life. Cooper alerted her family and childcare providers about her plans and the timeframe, so they could pitch in during her year as area governor. Notifying your VPE and other club members of your goal will help you get scheduled in the appropriate roles.
Cooper 就曾告知她的家人及孩童的褓母,有關她的計畫及時間的安排,因此他們能夠在她擔任區總監的年度主動提供協助與支持。告知你的教育副會長,及其他會員你的目標,他們會協助安排您擔任例會角色。 

Tips for Success

With your game plan nearly finished, consider incorporating some ideas from the following experienced Toastmasters. Daniel Pollard, DTM of the United States Department of Education FSA Toastmasters club in Washington, D.C., emphasizes building bonds with other Toastmasters. “Go to a variety of events outside your club, such as area contests and training events, to network,” he advises. By meeting other Toastmasters you will learn of opportunities to speak at other clubs, identify people who can serve as advisors and benefit from learning about their experiences.

Daniel Pollard為美國華盛頓聯邦學生援助演講會教育部的傑出會員,他建議:「參加你分會之外各式各樣的活動,來建立關係,像是分區比賽和訓練活動。」藉著認識其他演講會成員,你會有到別的分會演講的機會,瞭解誰可以擔任顧問,並由向他們豐富經驗學習之中獲益。 

Pollard further notes that “People seem to help each other in Toastmasters. The key is to let people know when you need help. If you don’t tell people when you need help they’ll have no way of knowing.” Reach out to others if you are getting stuck or need assistance.

James Scarborough, DTM, of the Foggy Bottom Toastmasters club in Washington, D.C., counsels, “Always be working on something and get credit for it.” For example, when serving as an area governor, there are many opportunities to speak. Get credit for those speeches. Finally, one of the more difficult requirements is the High Performance Leadership Program – which you can start earlier than one might expect. While this program falls under requirements for the Advanced Leader Silver award, you can begin it at any time. Pollard directs, “Get a head start by looking at this program early.”
Foggy Bottom演講會的傑出會員James Scarborough建議:「總是全力以赴,並得到應有的功勞。」舉例而言,擔任區總監,會有許多演講的機會。因此而獲得未來申請教育榮銜的條件。最後,你可以超乎預期地,提早開始有關高成效領導課程。當這個課程列入銀牌高級領導員的資格,你可以在任何時間開始這個計畫。Pollard更指出:「藉由早參加此課程取得先機。」。

Achieving Your Goal

It happens to Toastmasters every day and it can happen to you. Your personal or professional life can leap from mere dreams to amazing reality with the benefit of Toastmasters training. Achieving a Toastmasters educational goal is a stepping stone along the way to achieving a larger personal goal. And with each step you take closer to that new reality, you’ll find even more reasons to pursue those goals.


You may be looking to advance your career through improved public speaking or leadership skills, increase your network and sense of community, or pursue personal growth through the Toastmasters program. These are all terrific benefits of succeeding with each goal.

What’s more, you’ll develop the confidence and skills to pursue your ultimate goal. If you don’t already have an ultimate goal, now may be the time to consider it: Where are you planning to take the experience and knowledge you gained in Toastmasters? Which of your educational goals was your favorite? What did you enjoy achieving the most? Answer these to help you integrate your Toastmasters education into your personal or professional life. Then get ready to meet your dreams!

Alison Horner assists college students and young professionals with designing their life’s direction. She is proud to have completed her CC in August. Her Web site is www.alisonelissa.com She can be reached at [email protected]
Alison Horner, 致力於協助大專學生,以及年輕人設計他們有關職場領域的生活方向。她很榮幸在八月份,獲得CC中級演講員的榮銜,她的網址www.alisonelissa.com 電子郵件為 [email protected]

譯者:高珮萱 Melissa, Hsinchu Toastmaster Club.