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Can We
Talk? Small Steps, Great Changes 作者:Maria Tomescu |
How Romania’s first club makes the most of new freedoms. 羅馬尼亞第一個演講會,如何創造新自由
On June
9, 2010, Victor Tomescu gave his 10th speech from the Competent
Communication manual, speaking about how Toastmasters in Romania had
reached success by following their dreams. His speech title was “Trebuie
doar sa vreau” (“I Only Have to Want It”), and his examples were so
vivid that he inspired fellow club members to try to accomplish great
things of their own.
Such a speech could never have been made in our country only a few years ago. Romanians lived under Communist rule and were not encouraged to think and dream about personal development outside the public education system. But today, we can dream, dare and share our stories. Best of all, we can join Toastmasters! So this is the story of Timişoara Toastmasters.
Timişoara is the first Toastmasters club in Romania. This is an important fact by itself. A group of highly motivated people had the courage to face a daunting challenge and implement a new idea. The journey began in November 2008, when the Timişoara club officially made its debut. A crowd of curious people wanted to see the “new thing.” Eventually, a solid team developed – a team kept together by one common goal: to grow personally and professionally. 帝明索拉演講會,是羅馬尼亞的第一個 演講會,這是很有意義的一件事。一群熱心的人們,勇敢的面對艱難挑戰,毫不退縮。帝明索拉演講會,正式於2008年開始了它的旅程。這群有好奇心的人們,想要一探「新事情」。最後,一個堅強的團隊,一群有共同目標而集合一起的團隊,建立這個演講會:為了個人及事業的成長。
“Communication skills are probably one of the most important assets a person can have,” says Silviu Trebuian, immediate past president and one of the club’s founders. “They are invaluable as a means of conveying ideas and fostering collaboration. When it comes to communication, Toastmasters clubs have proven their utility, and I felt that the startup of a club would be a real gain for Timisoara and a great personal accomplishment. 帝明索拉演講創會者之一,也是該會前會長的希薇亞崔布揚說:「一個人就重要的財富,可能是擁有與人溝通的技巧,這种技巧 對增進人與人間的了解和合作,是無價的,說到溝通技巧,這也正是演講會最大的功能了,我覺得創立一個新的演講會,對帝明索拉市來說,有很大的助益,對我而言,也是個人的偉大的成就。
“I’m proud of the quality and dedication [of our members].”
我們的第一個公開活動,是在2009年11月所舉辦的週年慶活動。那次辦得非常的成功,但更重要的部份,我們從籌備過程學到很多:我們找到一個很棒的場地、完成了行銷推廣、設計了議程表、以及提供了許多有準備的演講。對大部份的會員來說,都是第一次參與這類大型的活動。每當我們回想起來,那些美好的時刻,總會使我們嘴角帶著微笑。 In only two years, we have accomplished so much! So far, our club has three Competent Communicators, one Competent Leader and our own monthly newsletter (Revista Timişoara Toastmasters). For the first time, we participated as visitors in an international event – a speech contest in Vienna, Austria. In addition, our mentorship program is functional and we have already started a training program for our active members, beginning with Toastmasters’ Better Speaker Series.
Timisoara Toastmasters)。我們也第一次參加國際性的活動,於奧利利維也納舉行的演講比賽。另外,我們的導師系統也發揮功能,也準備好以「演講精進系列」
The times in Romania are rough even now, because the economic and political systems still do not function entirely properly. However, this does not mean we have to accept the situation. We now know it is in our power to create change, and that is what club member Paul Negruţiu encouraged us to do in his speech entitled “Ruşine!” (“Shame!”).He talked about actions and change needed in Romanian society and citizen mentality. 因為政治及經濟各方面,都尚未完全的上軌道,羅馬尼亞一直到現在,還是相當的因苦。但這並不是說,我們必須要接受現狀。我們現在知道,我們有能力改變現狀,就像我們的會友保羅尼古魯弟,他以「可恥!」為講題的演講,談到有關羅馬尼亞的社會及人民,必須要有採取行動改變的心態。他並以此鼓勵我們。
Flori Zilahi, a member of the club since February 2010, is a psychologist. In her job, communication is very important and she wanted to boost her self-confidence. She never misses our club meetings, enjoying the way she can experiment in a friendly environment. 我們的一位會友夫拉里梓拉希,是心理學家。在他的工作上,溝通是很重要的,為了增加自己的自信,在2010年2月加入為會員。她從不錯過任何一次例會,因她喜歡在友善的環境裡,進行她的實驗。
我們已溶入演講會的生活方式,我們知道,只要我們真的想要,達到卓越並非難事。現在,我可以很驕傲的說:前面所敘述的,就是「我們」,就是「我們」的故事。 作者:瑪利亞.塔米斯,帝明索拉演講會教育副會長 ,她的電子郵件:[email protected]. 譯者:許斯雄 Shawn, Nan Tou Toastmasters Club |