





 讓咱 們聊聊,小撇步可帶來大進步


譯者:許斯雄 Shawn, Nan Tou

Can We Talk? Small Steps, Great Changes
作者:Maria Tomescu

How Romania’s first club makes the most of new freedoms. 


On June 9, 2010, Victor Tomescu gave his 10th speech from the Competent Communication manual, speaking about how Toastmasters in Romania had reached success by following their dreams. His speech title was “Trebuie doar sa vreau” (“I Only Have to Want It”), and his examples were so vivid that he inspired fellow club members to try to accomplish great things of their own.
2010 6 9日, 維特塔米斯發表中級溝通手冊的第十次演講,敍述有關在羅馬尼亞的演講會會員,如何跟隨他們的夢想,達到成功的故事。題目是「只要我想要」,他舉了許多鮮明的例子,如何激厲會友們,試著去達成他們自己的卓越成就。


Such a speech could never have been made in our country only a few years ago. Romanians lived under Communist rule and were not encouraged to think and dream about personal development outside the public education system. But today, we can dream, dare and share our stories. Best of all, we can join Toastmasters! So this is the story of Timişoara Toastmasters.  


Romanian Society Had to Change First
Starting in 1990, democracy freed the Romanian spirit, but emboldening that spirit and accomplishing true change was not easy. The early years of democracy were characterized by political and economic uncertainty, which led to mass emigration to Western Europe, America and Australia. Unfortunately, those years also unveiled scars of the Communist mentality.


Real, substantial change began after the year 2000 and can be credited to several multinational companies that opened offices in Romania. They not only brought new workplaces, they also brought new ways of thinking and opportunities for our people to travel. Romanians traveled abroad, visiting other countries and cultures with a hunger for knowledge and innovation that is still growing. They became increasingly interested in personal and professional development, with new ideas and challenges being the words of the day. One such idea was a Toastmasters club in Timişoara, one of the largest cities in Romania and located in the western part of the country. 
年以後,一些外國大公司進駐羅馬尼亞,而有了 真正的改變。他們不僅帶入了新的工作機會,也帶來一些新的思維,以及國人到國外旅遊的機會。國外旅遊時,求知若渴地學習外國的創意和文化,使得人們繼續的成長。他們開始對個人及專業的發展,帶著異國文化的思維及挑戰,感到極大的興趣。一個新的點子,就是在我國西,羅馬尼亞最大的城市,帝明索拉市,成立一個演講會。

The Arrival of Toastmasters


Timişoara is the first Toastmasters club in Romania. This is an important fact by itself. A group of highly motivated people had the courage to face a daunting challenge and implement a new idea. The journey began in November 2008, when the Timişoara club officially made its debut. A crowd of curious people wanted to see the “new thing.” Eventually, a solid team developed – a team kept together by one common goal: to grow personally and professionally.

帝明索拉演講會,是羅馬尼亞的第一個 演講會,這是很有意義的一件事。一群熱心的人們,勇敢的面對艱難挑戰,毫不退縮。帝明索拉演講會,正式於2008年開始了它的旅程。這群有好奇心的人們,想要一探「新事情」。最後,一個堅強的團隊,一群有共同目標而集合一起的團隊,建立這個演講會:為了個人及事業的成長。


“Communication skills are probably one of the most important assets a person can have,” says Silviu Trebuian, immediate past president and one of the club’s founders. “They are invaluable as a means of conveying ideas and fostering collaboration. When it comes to communication, Toastmasters clubs have proven their utility, and I felt that the startup of a club would be a real gain for Timisoara and a great personal accomplishment.

帝明索拉演講創會者之一,也是該會前會長的希薇亞崔布揚說:「一個人就重要的財富,可能是擁有與人溝通的技巧,這种技巧 對增進人與人間的了解和合作,是無價的,說到溝通技巧,這也正是演講會最大的功能了,我覺得創立一個新的演講會,對帝明索拉市來說,有很大的助益,對我而言,也是個人的偉大的成就。


“I’m proud of the quality and dedication [of our members].”


Vlad Valea, another founder and charter member, recalls what was most important in the beginning. “The decisive ingredient for the success of Timişoara Toastmasters and the soul that led to its development in its first year was a core of extraordinary people,” he says. “Based on the involvement and the courage of these people – our colleagues – to embark upon an unknown road, we built this club.”


The first open event was our one-year anniversary celebration in November 2009. The meeting turned out to be a success, but the most important part was that we learned a lot from organizing it: We had found a great location, done the marketing, created an agenda and offered well-prepared speeches. For most of us, it was the first time being involved in something that large. Just remembering those happy moments makes me smile.  




In only two years, we have accomplished so much! So far, our club has three Competent Communicators, one Competent Leader and our own monthly newsletter (Revista Timişoara Toastmasters). For the first time, we participated as visitors in an international event – a speech contest in Vienna, Austria. In addition, our mentorship program is functional and we have already started a training program for our active members, beginning with Toastmasters’ Better Speaker Series.

只有短短的兩年我們有太多的成就。目前為止,我們分會有三位中級演講員、一位中級領導員、以及我們自己每月發行的簡訊(名稱叫 Revista Timisoara Toastmasters)。我們也第一次參加國際性的活動,於奧利利維也納舉行的演講比賽。另外,我們的導師系統也發揮功能,也準備好以「演講精進系列 這本手冊開始,對會員們的訓練課程。

Club president Calin Iepure joined Timisoara Toastmasters because he considered it an opportunity for self-development. After his term as president, he immediately took over as vice president public relations – only because he didn’t have any public relations experience and wanted to learn. For him, the trip to Vienna was a great experience because he says it put Timisoara on the Toastmasters International map. “The most important thing is the fact that I made connections,” he says. “I met fellow Toastmasters with whom I can share experiences and best practices.” 

我們的會長 卡林依普爾,為了增進個人的成長機會,而加入了帝明索拉演講會。他卸任會長後,隨即接任副會長的工作,只因他沒有任何公關經驗而想多學一點。對他說,這次維也納之行,是一個很棒的經驗,因為他說,參加這個活動,國際演講會的地圖,會帝明索拉的一席地位的。「最重要的是,與世界接軌的機會,我遇到其他分會的會員們,我可以分享我們的經驗,互相練習和切磋。」他說。 

Continuing Challenges and Achievements


The times in Romania are rough even now, because the economic and political systems still do not function entirely properly. However, this does not mean we have to accept the situation. We now know it is in our power to create change, and that is what club member Paul Negruţiu encouraged us to do in his speech entitled “Ruşine!” (“Shame!”).He talked about actions and change needed in Romanian society and citizen mentality.


True change is based on small steps. Our club now mentors a Toastmasters club in Cluj-Napoca, and we hope they will taste the same success that we do. Bucharest also has a Toastmasters club, and interested people from other cities in Romania have contacted us asking about founding new clubs. The Toastmasters spirit is spreading in our country, and general improvements will not be far behind.


Timişoara Toastmasters made us all look further than our daily jobs or activities. Given that we all come from different professions, we found in each other new points of view and opportunities for personal improvement that bind us and make us enjoy each other’s company beyond the weekly meetings.
帝明索拉演講會使我們放眼未來,而不再是目光如豆。  雖然我們來自不同行業,我們都發現彼此之間,為了達到個人成就的新觀點及機會,緊緊的連在一起,享受每週例會之外的互相扶持。


Flori Zilahi, a member of the club since February 2010, is a psychologist. In her job, communication is very important and she wanted to boost her self-confidence. She never misses our club meetings, enjoying the way she can experiment in a friendly environment.


We have embraced the Toastmasters lifestyle and we understand that it is easy to make a difference as long as we want to. And now I can proudly state: This is who we are. This is our story. 


Maria Tomescu is Vice President Education of Timişoara Toastmasters. She can be reached at [email protected].

作者:瑪利亞.塔米斯,帝明索拉演講會教育副會長 ,她的電子郵件:[email protected].

譯者:許斯雄 Shawn, Nan Tou Toastmasters Club