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發自瑞典國王內心演說 |
譯者:鄭小玲 Sherry, Hsin Chu |
Sweden's King Speaks
From the Heart 作者:Daniel Bengtsson |
Sweden’s monarch toasts his
daughter at royal wedding. 瑞典國王對他的女兒在皇室婚禮的演說
By Daniel Bengtsson King Carl Gustaf of
Sweden (far right) speaks to Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling
on their wedding day. |
It’s not often that you
hear the King of your country deliver a wedding speech. But when Swedish
Crown Princess Victoria married Daniel Westling on June 19, the King of
Sweden demonstrated how powerful a speech can be when it comes from the
heart. 國家元首在婚禮上演說,這可不是經常發生的事。但六月十九日瑞典王儲維多利亞嫁給丹尼爾.韋斯特林,瑞典國王展現一場,來自內心的肺腑演說。 As the head of state, the King's words represent Sweden publicly, but his words at this wedding were directed only to the two families involved. As a public person, King Carl XVI Gustaf has so many things to be aware of; many duties and many speeches. This makes it hard to believe that he actually writes his own speeches most of the time. However, the speech during the wedding banquet was different: It was about his daughter, Victoria. 身為國家元首,國王說的話,代表著瑞典公開聲明。但是這次的在婚禮演說,只關係到兩個家庭。身為公眾人物,卡爾十六世古斯塔夫國王,有許多事情需要了解:許多的職責和演說。很難相信大部分演說,來自他自己寫的稿。然而,婚禮宴會上的演說是不同的。這是有關他的女兒,維多利亞。 The speech could be divided into three distinct parts: two personal pieces surrounding a formal section. I would say the first part was a bit of a surprise, a piece of gold many audience members and television viewers did not expect. The King alluded to his own marriage, to Queen Silvia, and did it so vividly that I was captivated by his imagery. (This day was the King and Queen’s 34th wedding anniversary, and they had married in this same church – Storkyrkan Cathedral in Stockholm, Sweden.) 這個演說可以很清楚地分為三部分:兩個個人的素材,圍繞一個正式的主軸。我想要說,其中的第一部份,另我非常驚訝,這是一個令許多現場,或電視機前觀眾意想不到的演說。國王略為提到,他與西維亞皇后的婚姻。他生動的描述,讓我被深深的打動。(這一天是國王與皇后結婚34年結婚紀念日,在同一座教堂結婚-瑞典斯德高爾摩天主教堂) “We as parents take joy in the affection by which you look at each other,” said King Gustaf. “But – as so many parents before us have experienced – the joy of seeing one’s children standing on their own to build their families is also spiced with a touch of grief. I wish that you also one day will be able to experience such happiness that we feel today.” 「身為父母的我們,被你們深情款款的看著對方,而感到喜悅,」古斯塔夫國王說。「但是,如同其他許多的父母有相同的經驗,看到他們的子女站在前面,即將建立自己的家庭,一樣的歡喜交雜悲傷。我希望有天,你也能夠感受我們今日的快樂感覺。」 The emotion expressed in the second part of the speech was different from the first. The King spoke about royal traditions and duties in a way that seemed to lack the true passion that existed when he spoke about his marriage. Addressing Victoria, he said, “You are the successor to the throne of Sweden. It is a mission that comes with duties and responsibilities.... One day you will – because it is so stated in our Constitution – succeed me as the head of state of Sweden.” This middle section was very formal and did not show much emotion. 第二段演說的情感表達,不同於第一段。國王談到皇室傳統和職責,在某種程度上,是當他在談到他的婚姻時,缺乏一種真實熱情。他對維多利亞期許:「你是瑞典王位的繼承人,它是一種帶有責任及職責的使命…..有一天,你將繼承我,成為瑞典的國家元首。」這中段的演說,牽涉到憲法,不會有太多情感在裡面。 Suddenly, in the third part, the tone returned to that of a father addressing his daughter. I was spellbound by the speech once again as the King told us about his and the Queen’s thoughts about true love, and how Victoria’s choices for marriage didn’t need to be confined to other royalty. “No one should believe anything else than that my highest wish has always been – and is – to see you happy,” he said. “It has therefore always been self- evident to your mother the Queen and me, that you...should have the freedom to choose your life’s companion as your heart desires.” 突然地,在第三段演說裡,又回到做為父親,向自己女兒演說的聲調。當國王再次告訴我們,有關他及皇后,對真愛的想法,以及維多利亞所選擇的婚姻,不被侷限於其他的皇親國戚。我再一次的被震懾打動。「沒有任何事情,比我一直很希望的,是看到妳高興,」他說:「因此對皇后與我來說,很明顯的,妳一直都有自由,依你自己的想法,去選擇你的終身伴侶。」 The King’s tone was compassionate and his body language animated. The nation was captivated. 國王的聲調是熱情的,身體語言是生動的。整個國家人民都被感動。 I have seen King Gustaf give many speeches, and I have never seen him deliver one this well. I wondered, What is the difference between this speech and all his others? There was no change from his usual techniques and only a slight change in his vocal quality, but not enough to produce this kind of impact. It suddenly struck me that he was speaking from his heart. 我聽過古斯塔夫國王許多次的演說,從未看到像這次那麼好。我在想,這次和以前的演說有甚麼不同?一般演說技巧性,只是一點點聲音品質上的改變,但不足以產生太大的影響,他突然地打動我的,是來自他內心的演說。 The King’s speech demonstrated how important it is to put a personal touch on what you say. It doesn’t matter whether you’re speaking at a royal wedding or a community event: True, heartfelt emotion adds an extra dimension and lifts a speech to the skies, even for the experienced speaker. 國王這次的演說,顯示出把個人感動的因素,放在你要說的內容裡面是如此重要。它無關於是婚禮上的演說,或是社區場合:即使是對有經驗的演說者,也需要由心裡發出的情感,加注了額外的面向,以及提昇演講的深度。 Daniel Bengtsson is a member of PwC Communication & Leadership club at PricewaterhouseCoopers, in Stockholm, Sweden. Reach him at [email protected]. 作者:Daniel Bengtsson瑞典斯德哥爾摩市,Pricewaterhousecoopers公司的PwC溝通及領導演講會會員,他的電子郵件 [email protected] 譯者:鄭小玲Sherry, Hsin Chu Toastmasters Club |