



Dear Chief of Marketing committees and  Governors,

    How are you recently? Hoping every thing is smooth during the deep Autum season.

    I was encouraged by DG Jack Tsai to charter an advanced club last month. I believed that it was a good idea, so, I followed and the new advanced club --Taichung Elite Advanced TC --was chartered successfully. 

    Now I believe that if we have complete data of CC and AC level speakers' list and combine with our hard work, then we can build many advanced clubs in D-67.

   The following data is my proposal of building advanced TC:



       上個月總會長 Jack鼔勵我在台中創立進階演講會,我相信這是很好的意見,因此,我接受建議並己完成進階演講會--台中菁英進階演講會--的創會工作。

      這個經驗讓我相信,只要有完整的中级 (CC)以上的演講員名單,加上我們努力的運作,我們就可能在台灣地區創立更多的分會了。


Proposal of building advanced club 創立進階演講會的建議方案

1. Background:
  a. There are 1007 members reached the level of CC (CTM) and AC(ATM) in past 3 years. Now, total over 2000-3000 speakers were recognized as CC and AC in D-67.
過去的三年中,D-67產生了 107位 CC(CTM) 及 AC(ATM)的演講員,而到目前為止,總共有 2000-3000位 CC與 AC的演講員了
  b. My impression is that many missing CTM or ATM speakers are eager to come back if any advanced club was chartered.
經電話訪問後的印象,我覺得許多消失的 CTM 或 ATM 會員都很熱切地表示,如果有這種進階演講會的成立,他們都會想再回來。
2. Definition and purpose of advanced Club :
Toastmasters International has explained the purpose of advanced TC as:
  a. to provide an opportunity for exposure so that members may learn and practice advanced communication skill and receive evaluation in harmony with their specific needs.
  b. to enable members to share their common interests in communication skill and development.
  The Toastmasters international policy governing advanced clubs reads:
  “…. members who have developed skills to an advanced level and wish extended time for the practice of communication and evaluation techniques nearing professional level may participate in a Toastmasters club with programs devoted to this purpose.” 



3. How to avoid obstacles from mother club members:
  a. Still a dual member of both clubs
b. Only one meeting per month at beginning to avoid to overload our members
  c. Running of a different meeting style 
  d. Education award of AC will submit for mother club first except mother have 2 AC (2 Goals) already.
教育認證時,以在母會申請為主,母會如達到二個 AC時,才在新會申請。
4. Qualification & source of new members
  a. All are dual member
  b. Members are members with CC (CTM) or level above CC (CTM)
會員需為 CC(CTM)以上之程度。
  c. New member: May from the related clubs who finished their C-10 speech.
5. Key to charter an advanced club:
  a. Collect the CC or level above CC speakers’ list from WHQ (I got it already.)
從世界總會申請CC (CTM)以上程度的會員名册(己申請到,如附件2)
  b. Build 2 to 3 advanced clubs in one Division (The same Area (3-4 clubs) may produce 10-16 CC speakers which are enough to recruit 8 new members for the advanced clubs and get 2 goals.)
在每一分部創立 2到 3個進階分會。每分區有 3到 4個分會,每年可以產生 10到 16個 CC會員,預計可以招到 8個會員而獲得 2個 Goals。以部為單位來招募會員可能比較容易掌控。
  c. If recruit 20 members, submit the application after collect the membership due (27x20=$ 540) and new club charter fee ($ 125.00) total $ 665.00.
如招募到 20個雙會員後,在收集會到會員會費 (20x27=540美元)及創新會費用 (125美元)共計 665美元後,儘速向總會申請創立新會。
  d. Decide the special meeting style by Officers’ meeting.
  e. Chartering ceremony.

Best  Regards

James Lin. DTM / LGM