
  傑出會員回顧 - 陳敏楨  

「退而不休 築夢踏實」
10年前正當在我人生最低潮的時候,碰到我的貴人Athena 帶我認識Toastmasters 從此我找到了第二個生涯,改變了我的人生!



DTM對我而言是開啓另一個學習之路的里程碑,「活到老,學到老」,退而不休,追求理想不是夢。希望有生之年能參加國際大會Convention ,獲取更多自我成長、開拓視野的機會。人際溝通,培訓領導是一輩子的功課,而國際演講會Toastmasters就是你我改變

Michael Ginkgo Chen

The day it turned my life around was the day I attended my first Toastmasters meeting. And the person who took me there is Athena. What a journey of "Never too old to learn"!

Did I ever feel tired going to meetings? Yes sometimes, but I felt even bored not to go! The excitement, challenges and lifelong friendship are always there to summon me and satisfied my restless curious heart of learning!

Of course I wanted to be a DTM, so I can be up equally with my mentor Athena. But I thought it was impossible until I learned that Paul Chiang achieved his DTM. How Toastmasters changed a young man who'd been a trembling speaker becoming a DTM with a natural posture and a style? So, I'm convinced that I can make it too!

Thanks the support from my mother club YMIC, fellow members from Sunflower Club and fighting companions Nico Chung and James Wu from ChungLi Sounder Bilingual Club. It is just amazing to see a new club organized from nothing. and most of all, my mentor PDG Athena Lien, DTM! Indeed, Toastmasters is a life changing business!