
  傑出會員回顧 -Mark Blank  

 You might be wondering,
“Why did you complete a second DTM?”

As Sir George Mallory responded when asked why he wanted to climb Mt. Everest: “because it's there!”

Luckily, my DTM challenges were not as dangerous (even when it felt scary). We often progress towards a Toastmasters milestone simply because we've reached one milestone and the next one is here - waiting for us, calling for us, challenging us.

This self-motivating Toastmasters system also drove me forward via the DCP, which pulls members together to meet goals. When my club needed an advanced award for the DCP, I completed speech manuals. As a result, I couldn't avoid advancement toward DTM, and even

Mark Blank

(2nd DTM)

Triple Crown.

My second DTM was easier than my first one because I had a head start. Firstly, I had already started a second CC manual with Chinese speeches. Secondly, when I started Toastmasters, I bought all the advanced manuals and did speeches from about twelve of them. So when I completed DTM-1, I was part way through other advanced manuals and on my way to DTM-2. Though this approach slowed progress to DTM-1, it created valuable learning experiences with relevant, meaningful and memorable speech guidance. I used the Humorously Speaking manual to prepare for contests, the Persuasive Speaking manual to motivate members, and so on. I had relevant training material to support my speech planning, and my speeches were well suited to the manual objectives.

“So, what's next?” you might ask. Well, I'll complete a third CC manual while I eagerly wait for the Taiwan
launch of the new Pathways program. Then, as soon as it's available in Taiwan, I'll start this new training and eventually earn a Pathways program DTM - because it's there.