
  傑出會員回顧 - 高若庭  

I started my Toastmasters journey back in 2013 in Taiwan Toastmasters Club and Hsinchu Toastmasters Club. Although I couldn’t continue at that time, the Toastmasters seed of life-long learning and positivity has been planted inside my heart ever since. In 2018, I joined Tainan Toastmasters Club without any hesitation after a job transfer back to my hometown.

The best thing about being a Toastmaster is that you are always surrounded by outstanding people who are passionate, positive, good at communication, and lead by example. Following the steps of several role models and embracing the spirit of always saying YES, I served as Club VPE, President, Area Director, Club Coach, and Division Director. By accepting the opportunities, I was able to meet different people, build meaningful connections, work with teams on various projects, and most importantly, find true and lasting friendships.

Leah Kao
As for the DTM award, I used to think of it as running a marathon, which seemed impossible at first. Luckily, I had senior members who kept encouraging me to break it down into smaller milestones, continue my efforts, and be open to any possibility. They were confident that I would reach the goal sooner than I imagined, and I did manage to achieve it within four years. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to Division K and D67 Toastmasters family. Thank you for seeing my potential, nurturing me to become the best version of myself, and offering ongoing support along the way. Love you all!


