I started my Toastmasters journey back
in 2013 in Taiwan Toastmasters Club and Hsinchu Toastmasters Club.
Although I couldn’t continue at that time, the Toastmasters seed of
life-long learning and positivity has been planted inside my heart ever
since. In 2018, I joined Tainan Toastmasters Club without any hesitation
after a job transfer back to my hometown. |
![]() Leah Kao 高若庭 台南英語 |
As for the DTM award, I used to think of it as running
a marathon, which seemed impossible at first. Luckily, I had senior
members who kept encouraging me to break it down into smaller
milestones, continue my efforts, and be open to any possibility. They
were confident that I would reach the goal sooner than I imagined, and I
did manage to achieve it within four years. Last but not least, I would
like to express my gratitude to Division K and D67 Toastmasters family.
Thank you for seeing my potential, nurturing me to become the best
version of myself, and offering ongoing support along the way. Love you
all! 我的演講會旅程始於2013年,我先後加入台灣雙聲帶及新竹分會。雖然只參加了一年左右就因工作因素而離開,演講會終身學習的精神和正向能量已在我心中悄悄地埋下了種子。回到台南工作後,我在2018年重新加入台南英語分會,延續未完的旅程。 演講會最吸引我的地方是能夠接觸到許多熱情、正向、善於溝通且以身作則領導團隊的會友,他們都是我的偶像!跟隨偶像的步伐,並秉持永遠說YES的精神,我陸續擔任教育副會長、分會會長、區執行長、分會救援教練、部執行長等職務,並盡可能地造訪分會。我因此認識了許多會友、建立有意義的關係,並和團隊合作完成各式各樣的活動。更可貴的是,我獲得了真誠且長久的友誼。 以前的我總覺得,成為傑出會員就像是新手跑馬拉松,幾乎是不可能的任務,但身旁的會友總是鼓勵我,將目標切分成較小的里程碑、持續穩定地付出、保持開放的態度,相信能很快水到渠成。之後在許多人的協助下,我順利的在四年內達到傑出會員的目標。最後我想透過這個機會對K部和D67的演講會大家庭表達謝意,演講會激發了我的潛力、推動我往前,讓我成為最好的自己,我愛你們! |