I have joined Toastmasters since 1996.
I earned my CC award 15 years later. Why?
There is a saying “if it's important to you you'll find a way. if not,
you'll find an excuse”.
in the following 6 years I achieved my DTM which proved the quote.
我在1996年時加入演講會, 在15年後獲得『中級演講員』的榮銜,怎麼回事? 有句名言
How can I change my mindset? After taking an intermission for 5 years, I
turned back from
Guangzhou and attended Happy Life club meetings again then I was deeply
moved by some
member’s devotion.
我是怎麼改變心態的? 我曾暫時離開會籍5年,當我從廣州返台後,再度復會參加「樂
Kevin Ho
2018.01.07. |
I was so impressed that they were only new members
when we met, but a few years later, they took officer roles and
shouldered all the burden and responsibilities, acting like guardian
angels of Happy Life.
At that moment, I told myself “Now it’s my turn to lighten their burden
by joining them”. When I shifted my role
from a taker to a giver, I had an "aha" moment.
Quoted from a keynote speech by George Yen, the International President
2013-2014, I started to feel that I was
“peeling the Toastmasters onion” and reaching towards its inner layer.
You know there are two key points to keep members stay when running a
club. For one thing, members must enjoy
the meeting. for another, we must prepare some benefit for members to
walk away with.
The more I involved, the more I discovered my ignorance. The feeling of
regret not acquiring enough knowledge of
Toastmasters motivated me. It drove me to pursue the DTM award.
『傑出會員』之路學習。 |