
  傑出會員回顧 - 蕭鐘玉  



2000年入會,擔任秘書長、教育副會長,在2003年當了會長。在那之後,我放棄了幾次當區總監的機會。因為每次的例會對我而言,就像一場嘉年華會。我非常享受每月一次的例會。我幾乎都得全勤獎;我樂於在會裡當「前輩」,當mentor 輔導後進,讓新來會員早一日進入情況。每當年輕會員叫我一聲「前輩」,我就樂得心花怒放。

Chung-Yu Hsiao







It has been 19 years since I joined Toastermasters. When I first joined the  Japanese club, I didn’t aware the goal of TM. Instead, I just need to practice speaking .My mother is a Japanese, after she passed away ,it took me great efforts to reconnect with Japanese. With the help of my classmate from English class 葉文琴,she introduced me to join the central Japanese club(中央日語會).I still couldn’t forget the thrilling moment when I walked into the venue of the club.Also, there are reward and feedback I ever expected.

After joining the club in 2000, I became secretary ,Vice President Education, and president in 2003.Though I gave up the opportunity of becoming area governor, I still cherished every moment to part in as mentor to help those newcomers. I even won the Perfect attendance award every year.

However, when I found out that the new program pathways was about to replace old ones in two years, and it was frustrating that the rules of pathways is complicated to me.I found myself in a dilemma and really didn't know what to do for the best.To achieve the DTM , I would have to accelerate my speech presentation, which by the way I only finished A14 speech and projects in Old Competent Leadership.

Thanks to my co-worker in the club who gave me courage to overcome the odds─蔡惠娟 has pushed me to join HPL program, 李雲貞 constantly kept me informed of resources about DTM . Also, when I first met 劉雨軒 in 高峰 Chinese and Taiwanese club, she told me “you can do it ” , it gave me quite confidence. She also introduced me to the 國美Chinese and Taiwanese club, later I was luckily elected as F1 area director. 王君揚 and 蕭平 invited me to become the coach of 大里 English club and山川 Japanese club ,which fulfilled the ACG、ALS.

Finally, with new rule of double credit reward(coach and district leadership) I can apply DTM earlier .Owing to the help of D67 Director Program Quality方麗慈,who sent a letter to Toastmasters International in the US to help me apply the DTM successfully.


Looking back the journey to achieving DTM, there are obstacles I’ve ever met, there are also benefactors who reached out to me. Lastly, I would like to thank Toastmasters and fellows of English Chinese &Taiwanese and Japanese clubs. I wish I can become a better person in the big family of Toastermasters.
