
  傑出會員回顧 - 陳凰櫻  

我很高興在民國107年10月終於達到傑出會員DTM的目標了。雖然比原來預計送給自己的56歲生日禮物晚了一個月, 心中還是難掩喜悅之情.

猶記民國103年在中華民國建設研究會第28期的劉佳艷學長邀我成為企業家演講會創會員時,我對於演講會還不是十分了解. 由於她大方自信的台風和激勵人心的口才,流暢的英語, 挑起了我當年在學生生涯中因為選擇合唱團而放棄加入滔滔社的遺憾. 加入吧! 重新啟動年輕時學習的願望吧! 我也邀請10位好朋友參加老爺酒店的創會典禮. 資深會友們精心安排的高品質典禮上, 也讓我對這個優質社團印象深刻.

從民國104年開始第一篇自我介紹演講開始.演講會完善的教育體制漸漸地吸引我的投入並享受學習的樂趣. 但是對於土司的教育體制, 尤其是例會角色扮演也有不知所措而產生壓力,擔心表現不好而退縮逃避,還有找不到題材和如何撰稿的盲點, 更有比賽沒得名的失落和失去信心的不舒服感. 一路來的關卡, 在在都考驗著自我的耐力和堅持.

Gloria Chen

演講會和我所參加的其他10個聯誼和公益性質的社團很不一樣. 除了看到一群樂於挑戰自我,持續向上, 學習心旺盛的人以外, 更看到一群默默付出,不求回報,樂於分享,不藏私,不居功的人.

感謝演講會所有的貴人! 更感謝一直為我解惑的張可云會友,她是典型的模範,傳道,授業,解惑,沒有你們的共同支持,鼓勵與付出,我是無法辦到的. 僅將我的傑出會員分享給每一位演講會的夥伴們! 我可以在3年內依照計畫,做完作業,達到DTM傑出會員的目標, 你們一定也可以的 !

I am so happy that I achieved DTM in Oct 2018. Although it’s one month late than my plan, I am still proud to have this 56 year-old birthday gift I prepared for myself.

It was just like yesterday, when Eva Liu, we are same club member of 28th Council for Industrial And Commercial Development CICD, she invited me to be chartered member for Entrepreneur toastmasters club in June 2014. Her inspiring eloquence, fluent English did recall my dream to learn communication skill when I was in college. So, I joined Entrepreneur toastmasters and invited 10 of my good friends to attend impressed chartered ceremony in Hotel Royal Taipei.

My first speech started in 2015, Toastmasters perfect educational system gradually attracts me, I enjoy the pleasure of learning. However, I also faced problem to play meeting roles, did not know how to write script, so I felt pressure and ever want to escape from the meeting. Furthermore, I lost confidence when I failed speech contest. Now, I realize that all of these obstacles was to test my endurance and persistence.

Toastmasters is very different than my joined 10 friendship and charity clubs. In addition that I see members are willing to challenge themselves, keep going upward and learn to be exuberant, I also see members willing to share knowledge and experience sincerity.

During my DTM journey, I receive many of warm and sincere assistance from my fellow toastmasters. Especially Caroline Kiang, she achieved 4 DTM and are going to achieve another DTM soon, she is my role model, I keep question her for all my doubts. Without her company, answering questions, guild, support, encourage and inspiration, it’s not possible for me to keep go further.

I want to share my honor of DTM achievement with all of my fellow toastmasters. I can achieve it in 3 years and I believe you can do it too !