
  傑出會員回顧 - David Liao  

It's a surprise for me to join Toastmasters 3 years ago. I didn't have much spare time except for my job. But things changed. The more time I spend in Toastmasters, the more I benefit from it.

As a charter officer of PEGA PEGA Toastmasters club, I'm lucky to build up a club with a passionate and creative team. I was inspired by many great ideas from each individual, and I was motivated by the actions after the discussion. I tried to take every assignment and deliver speeches, and started to visit other clubs. In these years, many people became my benefactors in my life, and all the above helped me a lot to become a better speaker.

I also learned the leadership in Toastmasters. Mentoring a new club was a mission and duty. Things became easier when we inspired the club officers and members. Serving as Area A1 Director was a challenge. It's my first time to  handle the big events. The results were amazing cause of wonderful team work and communication. Working on the HPL project was a be

David Liao

whole new experience. I learned to draw the vision and turn it into reality. All the above helped me a lot to become a better leader.

What I learned in Toastmasters is beyond my expectation, and I would like to owe the glory to all friends in Toastmasters. I appreciate that you tolerate me when I make mistakes, and I am grateful to your feedback so that I could grow. It's not the end point to achieve DTM, and I will keep moving forward, and supporting others to achieve their goals in Toastmasters. Toastmasters is where leaders are made, and I believe that you will become the new leader!



