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Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Andrew M Bott, DTM   D67 Area L1 Director 2018-2019

Toastmasters, Toastmasters, Toastmasters! Is there a better organisation to help you succeed?

"I never want to be DTM", I repeated. "There's no need to be DTM!" Oh, how I was wrong

6 years ago, I joined TM just to practice my English. It's true! As my Mandarin Chinese grew from strength to strength, my mother tongue went from bad to worse Chinglish. So practice was genuinely needed, a lot of practice!

But there was more, much more to TM. By standing on stage making a fool of myself, I quickly discovered that I could build confidence while learning better communication & leadership;

Andrew M Bott
Asia University

3 essential qualities required for effective managerial skills (as a boss, I really needed to improve this). Through stage time, working with fellow members & building up new clubs, I learned how to build long-lasting personal relationships, inspire a strong & effective team, and above all, resolve conflicts.

Toastmasters is a "practice life" club.    Watch: bit.ly/2L3mXkC

Greatest TM achievement? FYTCCon. To celebrate our club's 20th anniversary I wanted to create something special; an opportunity for all our members to grow quickly by giving them BIG stage experience. But how? I flew in world champion Manoj Vasudevan for Fengyuan TC's regular meeting #547. An audience of 200 turned up, giving all FYTC members the opportunity to present in front of a large audience. A great success! That was only possible due to the great team behind me.

Greatest achievement outside TM: Raising GBP £1.4 million in 2' on TV – the ultimate Table topics response! Visit my website to see the performance. Watch how I stood strong under pressure, remained calm and answered some very tough questions – simply by using skills learned at TM.

Always here to help you, I've shared the 10 strategies I use when Making Powerful Speeches. Join here:
udemy.com/2174250  [free]

Why become DTM? TBH the award in itself isn't important – doesn't inspire me. It's the learnings, personal growth & success you gain along your journey of achieving DTM that are thoroughly beneficial to your own success. Thoroughly recommended so I hope you all become DTM soon.

How to become a DTM yourself? Easy! Just make many speeches and help out whenever you can and *bingo*, you've earned your DTM.

This DTM is official recognition of the team work & support received over the years from my dream team: Division L's Patrick Lu, Susan Lin and Sam Hong along with many, many others. For without their eternal support, I would not be the success I am today. For that, I'm deeply grateful to you all and in your debt for a lifetime. Thank you again. Team work made my dream work.

6 years later, DTM gave me strong, effective communication & leadership skills. My English improved, too. J

DTM + TM have also greatly benefited my partners, family & clients.

When will you reach your DTM? Or next DTM? Ping me a message when you do.