
  傑出會員回顧 - 蘇美燕  

從剛開始,每一次演講都是個壓力,到每一次的例會,變成下班後最好的紓壓方式,和會友們一起談演講的感動,聊會務的困難,生活充實而開心 ,大家也變成好朋友。


Amy Su
Ta Ren

突然教育制度要改版,於是就下定決心,好好研讀進階課程,訂定目標,趕在舊制廢除前,完成我的DTM。加上每次見到DTM的會友,總是展現成熟自信風采! 更是我學習的榜樣。

接下來的挑戰就是,一年內(2019.7~2020.6)要完成超過30篇的演講,每一個演講都要先安排,甚至更多必需安排去其他分會講,連日本的線上演講會都去; 許多個夜晚跑會就是去演講,及救援輔導工作; 許多個休假,待在家裡寫稿背稿,常要問問外面的藍天,下一篇演講素材在哪裡? 然而壓力刺激潛力,終於如期完成演講目標!



You are the product of your OWN decision!

Being a DTM has never been on my bucket list since I joined TMC in 2015. As a dual member, I finished 10 speeches in Mandarin and 10 speeches in English. After that, I stop giving speeches. I do not know how to go further. I have lost my motivation.

With the traditional education program migrated to “Pathways”, I realized if I can’t be granted DTM award by mid 2020, all of my previous credit records will be removed. Thus in July 2019, I have decided to kick off my mission impossible plan - to grant my DTM in one year!

The biggest challenge is to complete more than 30 speeches in one year. On Average, I need to finish 3 speeches every month. So for the most of my weekends, I stayed at home to look for materials, to write script and memorize it. All of the speech schedules had been pre-arranged. Speech delivery was from Taiwan to Japan. Also, I must be a coach and a mentor for a club outside of Taipei. Nearly every night I joined meeting and went home late. I could still recall so many nights where the moon was shining in the sky. It was such a busy year yet my mind has never been so fruitful! I can feel the passion inside of me!

Because of the impact by COVID-19, the deadline for ALS & DTM submission was extended for one year. Finally, thanks for Division Director’s supports, I was successfully granted the last piece of DTM jigsaw puzzle in Jun.

DTM is not only an award, it presents how far for the growth that you have made for yourselves. Of course DTM is not an end either, it is just the first step in the long learning journey in TMC. Dear Toastmasters, are you still roaming around in your club? To set a goal for yourselves, and you will make it too!