


選票憑證 / 委託書 注意事項  


一、 持有選票的會友
Members who hold the ballot

District Council member 每人一票,包括各分會(Club)會長及教育副會長、各分區(Area)總監、各分部(Division)總監、秘書長、財務長、公關長、推廣副總會長、教育副總會長、前總會長、以及總會長等。
Each District council member has one ballot including each club president and VPE,Area governor, Division Governor, District secretary, treasurer, PR officer, LGM,LGET, IPDG and District governor.

二、 任何一位具有效會籍的會友(members in good standing),持有該同一分會會長教育副會長的委託書者,可領取 2 張選票。如果這位會友同時也是地區總會執委會的會友(District ExCom member),他就可以領取 3 張選票。
Any member, who is in good standing, holds the proxy of his/her club president and VPE, it's allowed to have two ballots. If the member is also the District ExCom member at the same time, he/she may have three ballots.
三、 其他的會友,不論他/她參加1個以上的分會,他/她所持的票數,被限制最多只能有 2 張選票。也就是說,如果某一會友同時屬於 2 個或以上的分會,仍被限制最多只能領取 2 張的選票。
For the rest members, no matter he/she has joined more than one club the maximum number of ballot he/she may have is limited to two ballots. Namely, if a member belongs to two or more than two clubs, it's still limited to have two ballots at most.
四、 補充事項:
Supplementary items:

The Credential Certificate/Proxy is signed by District secretary as the proof to take the ballot. It's invalid if it's copied.


Only club presidents and VPEs are eligible to ask others to use the proxy on his/her behalf. The rest officers (e.g. ExCom members) should be present in person to exercise his/her right.


Proxies can be only used by the member in good standing and in the same club as the President or VPE. Should any Area or Division governor who is not the member in the same club as President or VPE, it's not allowed to use the proxy as well.

  4. 委託書必須事先由各分會會長或教育副會長填妥,並只能委託同分會的會友,於領取選票時,發票工作人員會詢問是項要求,受委託人應據實答覆。
Proxies should be well filled out by club presidents or VPEs and can be just used for the member in the same club. During the procedure to take the ballot, election staff may possibly inquire related questions to verify theidentification, the member who uses the proxy should answer based on truth.
  5. 如果各分會會長或教育副會長,只有一位出席選舉,另一位並未委託任何會友代行職權,則這位出席的會長、教育副會長、或委託書持有人,自然擁有2張選票,本項規定的目的,為確保各分會擁有2張選票的權利。
If only one of club president or VPE is present and another one hasn't asked other member to represent him/her, then the president, VPE or the proxy holder who is present will be allowed to have two ballots. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure each club may have the right of two ballots.
  6. 委託書由總會秘書長簽署後,以郵寄各分區總監,再請轉交各分會會長及教育副會長收取,委託書影印無效。
After the signature of the proxy by District secretary, the proxies will be delivered to each Area governor and send it to respective club president and VPE by Area governors accordingly. It's invalid if it's copied.
  7. 如委託書遺失,請直接向總會秘書長要求補發。
If the proxy is lost carelessly, please ask a make-up one from District secretary.