

Technical Presentations 技術簡報(226H)

第一篇:   The Technical Briefing
Using a systematic approach, organize technical material into a concise presentation.
Tailor the presentation to the audience's needs, interests and knowledge levels.


時間: 8 ~ 10分鐘
-10 minutes for speech
第二篇:   The Proposal  
To prepare a technical presentation advocating a product, service, idea or course of action.
To present your viewpoint logically and convincingly, using an inverted-pyramid approach.
To effectively use Microsoft PowerPoint with a laptop computer to illustrate your message.
To effectively handle a question-and-answer period.  

時間: 8 ~ 10分鐘,3 ~ 5分鐘問答
8-10 minutes for speech; 3-5 minute for question period.
第三篇:   The Nontechnical Audience  
Understand the principles of communicating complex information to non-technical listeners.
Build and deliver an interesting talk based on these principles.
Answer audience questions that arise during the presentation.  
Use a Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow to  illustrate your message.  

時間: 10 ~ 12分鐘
10-12 minutes

第四篇:   Presenting a Technical Paper

Deliver an interesting speech based on a technical paper or article.
Effectively use a Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow to illustrate your theme.
Provide additional information, such as answers to questions, using a flipchart.

時間: 10 ~ 12分鐘
10-12 minutes
第五篇:   Enhancing a Technical Talk with the Internet  
Understand the nature and process of a technical presentation supported with professional-level visual aids.
Arrange pre-meeting communications via e-mail

Find or create a post-meeting Web site for further dissemination of information supporting or enhancing your verbal presentation. You may create a web page and add it to your club's Web site, making use of podcasting, webcasting or a basic internet template

時間: 12 ~ 15分鐘
12-15 minutes