Specialty Speeches 專門演說(226E) |
第一篇: Speak Off the Cuff 即席演講 | ||
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在一個熟悉的情境中,你可能被請到台上做一篇即席演講。 Develop an awareness of situations in which you might be called upon to deliver an impromptu speech |
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了解如何準備一篇即席演講。 Understand how to prepare for impromptu speaking |
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在即席的情況下,以一種或多種方法來處理一個主題; 例如:
以過去、現在、及未來或者以前及以後做比較,來發展演講技巧。 Develop skill as a speaker in the impromptu situation by using one or more patterns to approach a topic under discussion; for example, comparing a past, present, and future situation or before and after |
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時間: 5 ~ 7分鐘 5-7 minutes |
第二篇: Uplift the Spirit 激勵演講 | ||
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了解激勵性演講與其他演講的不同及相同處。 Identify and understand the basic differences and similarities between inspirational speeches and other kind of speeches |
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學習如何評估聽眾的感受以及建立情感交流。 Learn how to evaluate audience feeling and establish emotional rapport |
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做一篇可以感動聽眾,使他們採納你的觀點的激勵演講。 Develop a speech style and delivery that effectively expresses inspirational content by moving the audience to adopt your views |
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時間: 8 ~ 10分鐘 8-10 minutes |
第三篇: Sell a Product 推銷產品 | ||
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了解推銷技巧與說服能力的關連。 Understand the relationship of sales technique to persuasion |
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熟練地運用推銷四步驟:引起注意、激發興趣、創造購買慾望、誘發行動。 Skillfully use the four steps in a sales presentation: attention, interest, desire, action |
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點出並推薦某一個銷售展示會中獨特的推銷手法。 Identify and promote a unique selling proposition in a sales presentation |
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有能力處理異議並且向一個顧客推銷成功。 Be able to handle objections and close a prospective buyer |
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時間: 10 ~ 12分鐘 10-12 minutes |
第四篇: Read Out Loud 大聲朗讀 |
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能瞭解(1)口語詮釋之要素及(2)朗讀與發表演說之不同。 Arrive at an understanding of the elements that comprise oral interpretation and how it differs from preparing and giving a speech |
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學習有效詮釋的準備工作,或相關的規畫技巧。 Learn the preparation or planning techniques of effective interpretation |
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學習詮釋朗讀時的基本原則和朗讀技巧的培養,能充分運用聲音和肢體做為溝通工具。 Learn the principles of presentation and develop skill in interpretive reading with regard to voice and body as instruments of communication |
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時間: 12 ~ 15分鐘 12-15 minutes |
第五篇: Introduce the Speaker 介紹演講者 | ||
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擔任活動主席、會議主持人、或者各種慶典的司儀),在特殊場合該講些什麼話 Focus on the special occasion talk from the standpoint of the introducer (function chairman, toastmaster, master of ceremonies) |
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瞭解並掌握所有與節目主持人相關的活動。 Become knowledgeable and skilled in the functions associated with the master of ceremonies |
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負責介紹分會會議中其它的演講者。 Handle the introduction of other speakers at a club meeting. |
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整個會議的時間。(跟教育副會長一起安排時間) Duration of a club meeting. (To be arranged with the EVP) |