99.04.18.會議記錄 |
日期: | 09:00 – 12:10, Sunday, Apr. 18, 2010 |
地點: | 新幹線花園酒店 台中市五權西路三段236號 |
主席: | James Lin |
紀錄: | Joy Hung |
The 3rd Ex-Com Meeting 第三次執行委員會會議 |
2rd ExCom Participants: Total 35 Members出席人數共
35人 |
★ |
Roll call and certificated the quorum by District Secretary Joy Hung that 35 of 50 Excom members attended. 祕書長 洪朝鎰 確認開會人數超過法定出席人數, 50位委員們有35位委員出席。 |
★ |
Call to order by District Governor James Lin, DTM at 9:15. He welcomed
all members from Taiwan, island-wide, and toastmasters from Canada and
Japan. 總會長 林義雄 於上午9:15宣布第三次執行委員會會議開始,並歡迎所有來自各地會友,以及加拿大,日本會友。 |
★ |
Reading of the District Mission by LtGET Mike Yang, DTM. 教育訓練副總會長 楊冀光 宣讀總會使命。 |
★ |
Upon the adoption of the agenda. No one objected; the new agenda was
adopted. 確認 本次會議議程,無人反對,議程確認並通過。 |
★ |
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read by District
Secretary 祕書長 宣讀並確認第 2次會議記錄。 |
Special Committees Report:
特別委員會報告 2008 Fall Conference Financial Report---- April Cheng, ACB 秋季大會財務報告---鄭寶珠 |
★ |
Thanks to members commitment and diligent hard work, the FallCon Committee got a satisfying number of members attended in this high quality and joyful programs with favorable balance of NT$120,000. The special activities are 1, Theme setting contest. 2, Couch surfing. 3. Invitations for your friends and relatives.
NT$120,000。本次大會特色: |
Spring Conference Committee---- 春季大會報告--- Vickie Chang 張永維, Chair, Div. B Governor, Jim Chiu 邱垂珍, Chair, Div. I Governor, Guan Zun Wu吳恭讓, Chair, Div. F Governor |
★ |
Division F, B, I, hosted Spring Conference 2010 on Apr. 17-18 at Shinkansen Grand Hotel Taichung . Thank you all for supporting us, the number of attendees is more than 700; we will make this conference successful with team hard work and members’ support. Please enjoy the Spring Leaping and Dancing in Taichung. F, B, I部於4/17-4/18在新幹線花園酒店主辦春季大會,感謝會友支持,報名人數已超過700人,我們會在團隊努力不懈與會友的鼎力支持下,讓大會圓滿成功。請盡情享受台中春之律動。 |
Translation Committee ---- Dick Fu 翻譯委員會報告---傅憲成 |
1. |
2010年2月1日世界總會同意本會將演講人雜誌Toastmaster Magazine翻譯成中文,並提供會員們閱讀。本項同意書,由總會長James Lin代表簽署。 總計翻譯演講人雜誌篇數如下; |
2. |
目前執行翻譯作業的會員名單如下; 邱香慈Deborah-Red Hill施淑芬Kathy-Elite 洪晏瑩Kero-NCCU 洪梓煌Albert-Chang Hua 劉采蛉Nora-Tainan 李元琪Vicky-Legend Advanced 陳美珍Dinger-Red Hill 簡素玫Sue-Legacy and China 陳建能Jonathan-ALE Max 傅維君Genna-ScienTech 傅憲成Dick-ScienTech 另外邀請陳英明Edward為指導老師。 |
3. |
建議事項: 本委員會目前除正常翻譯演講人雜誌文章外,對一般教育及訓練教材中譯作業,尚未得到世界總會的授權,之前本項作業尚未執行。 本委員會名稱建議改為:中華民國國際演講協會「演講人雜誌翻譯工作小組」,以名實相符。 至於爾後的教材翻譯作業,俟世界總會授權後,再編組另一工作小組負責作業。 請指派教育副總會長LGET,為台灣地區總會向世界總會連繫的窗口。 請各與會代表多加宣導,有興趣參與翻譯作業會員,向本人連絡,加入我們翻譯工作小組的工作。 |
Speakers Bureau ---- Steven
Chuang, ACB, CL 講師團報告--- 莊士勇 |
Speakers Bureau events and
achievements sharing |
To draw up the regulations of organization, scrutiny, and visiting
teachers. 研擬規章,組織,審查,外派辦法。 |
To draw up the training
programs. |
★ |
District Alignment Committee Chair---- Marian Hsiao 重組委員會主席報告--- 蕭敏環 前總會長 |
1. |
Report of Re-alignment of D67: 重組結果報告:新分部為 K, L 部 |
2. |
10 divisions (10個部);
33 areas (33個分區) |
★ | Motion from the floor臨時動議 | |
1. |
Tony Lee: How to deal with the
balance of the conference budget? 請擬定大會收支辦法。 無人反對,組織確認並通過。 |
Minutes Briefing and Confirmation
會議記錄簡述及確認 ★Meeting adjourned at 9:30會議於11:00結束 |
The 2nd Council Meeting 第二次會員代表大會 |
2nd Council Participants: Total 212 Members出席人數共
212人 Executive Committee Members: 35 members 執行委員出席人數 35人 Other 1247Council Members: 其他會員代表出席人數 247人 |
★ |
Roll call and certificated the quorum by District Secretary Joy Hung,
that 247 of 344 Council members attended. 祕書長洪朝鎰 確認開會人數超過法定出席人數,344位會員代表們有247位會員代表出席。 |
★ |
Call to order by District Governor James Lin, DTM at 11:05. He welcomed
all members. 總會長林義雄於上午11:05宣布第二次會員代表大會議開始,並歡迎所有來自各地會友。 |
★ |
Upon the adoption of the agenda. No one objected, the new agenda was
adopted. 確認本次會議議程,無人反對,議程確認並通過。 |
Reports of Officers:
執委報告 District Governor 總會長報告 ---- DG. James Lin, DTM 林義雄 |
1. |
are on track toward our District goals, You support, DCP program
progress 正依總會計劃朝目標前進,需要你的支持,DCP進度報告 |
2. |
To achieve more Chinese version
of toastmasters manuals. |
3. |
Clubs and Membership, education and training. 新分會的成立與會員人數成長,教育與訓練。 |
Lt. Governor Education & Training--- Mike Yang, DTM 教育訓練副總會長楊冀光報告 --- |
1. |
Training Activities Review, Encourage members to get
CC, We need 152 C.C., and 35A.C. to reach the goal of this year. 教育訓練活動檢討, 鼓勵會員達成CC,欠缺152 個C.C., and 35個A.C. |
2. |
Educational activities by June 30 六月三十日前的教育活動 |
3. |
Education Achievements Review 目前總會所獲教育榮銜成果檢討 |
4. |
Top 10
clubs get more CCs & ACs will be awarded. 獲最多CC與AC的前十名分會總會將頒獎 |
Lt. Governor Marketing ---- LtGM. Grace Shih, DTM 推廣副總會長報告---施惠芳 |
1. |
Report 現況報告 Club Base Active Clubs to Date Paid Clubs to Date Goals for June 30 District is behind Membership Payments Base Membership Payments to Date Goal for June 30 District is behind |
142 143 137 146 9 6883 6083 7020 937 |
2. |
Building Report
創會成果報告 10 New Clubs 十個新會 Dong-Shih 東勢 Tan-Zih 潭子 Ding Ding 頂鼎 Winners Bilingual 贏家雙語 Skal Taipei 順風台北 Chung-Gang 中港 Ministry of Justice (MOJ) 法務部 Outstanding Bilingual 傑出雙語 Da-Li 大里 Vitality 活力 |
3. |
Membership Building Report
招募會員報告 Membership Campaign Campus Clubs Top 3 clubs: NT$2000, NT$1500, NT$1000 Non-Campus Clubs Top 3 clubs: NT$2000 4 ̶ 6 clubs: NT$1500 7 ̶ 10 clubs: NT$1000 |
District PR Officer---- DPR. Y. S. Liao 公關部執行長報告---廖義瀋 |
1. |
Media and Sponsors support: T-Bar 媒體和廠商的支持:巨勳廣告公司T-Bar廣告贊助。 |
2. |
ICRT Interview |
District Secretary ---- DS. Joy Hung 秘書長報告---洪朝鎰 |
1. |
Council, and Association Meeting preparation執委、代表、協會會議準備 ExCom members( 50 ): 執委會成員 (50位) Council members( 344 ): 地區代表委會成員 (344位) ExCom members + Club president & EVP (2 * 147) 50位執委會會員+分會會長及副會長 (2位*147會=344位) |
2. | Trophy and materials for 2009 Fall conference 2009, 2010 Spring Conference秋季大會,2010春季大會獎盃獎狀準備 | |
3. |
Centralizing buying of Members achievements’
badge 總會統購會員成就名牌 根據世界總會網站報告 (分二階段) 第一次: 2009.11.30 第二次: 2010.5.31 |
District Financial Report 2008-2009 ---- DT. Jenny Chen, CC 總會財務收支報告---陳素珍 |
★ |
Financial Report as attached. 財務收支 報告,參酌附件。 |
District Web Master---- Dio. Robert Chou 網路長報告---周鈞豪 |
1. |
The competetion of website design. 分會網站設計比賽。 |
2. |
To update the website data
before 7/1 in District 67 and in the HQ of Toastmasters International. |
District Officer Election 67區幹部選舉 | ||
Candidate 宣佈侯選人 | ||
Campaign Speech 競選演說 | ||
1’ for each candidates, 2’ for District Governor and LT. Governors only. 競選演說略 | ||
Vote 投票 | ||
Division Governor Reports. ---- Every Division Governor 各部總監報告---各部總監 |
★ | The updated current situation of Division.各部現況報告(略)。 | |
★ | District Officers Elected Announcement 區幹部當選宣佈 | |
Governor: Mike Yang, DTM LGET: Grace
Shih, DTM LGM: Y.S.
Liao, DTM Division A
Governor: Candice Lo, DTM Division B
Governor: Vitinna Yang, AC Division C
Governor: William Lee, DTM Division D
Governor: Jeffrey Huang, CC Division E
Governor: Kevin Lin, CC Division F
Governor: S.Y. Huang, ACB Division G
Governor: Su Yuan, CC Division H
Governor: Tim Wang, CTM Division I
Governor: Joy Tsai, DTM Division J
Governor: Steven Chuang, AC Division K
Governor: Tim Wu, ATMS Division L
Governor: Michelle Lai, CTM |
Motion from the floor 臨時動議 |
No motion from the floor | ||
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 會議於12:00結束 |