102.06.23.會議記錄 |
日期: | 3:21 - 3:40 pm, 6/23/2013 |
地點: | 台中市西屯區福科路88號 星時代風華會館 |
主席: | Joy Tsai / District Governor 總會長蔡嬌燕 |
紀錄: | Teresa Chang / District Secretary 總會秘書張海星 |
2013-2014第一次執會會會議記錄 |
1st ExCom Participants:
Total 37 Members出席人數共
37人 |
★ |
call and certificated the quorum by District Secretary Teresa Chang
that 37 of 59 Excom members attended. It reaches the quorum. 祕書長張海星確認開會人數超過法定出席人數, 59位委員們有37委員出席。 |
★ |
Call to order by District
Governor Joy Tsai, DTM, who also made welcome remarks. 總會長蔡嬌燕宣布會議開始,並致歡迎詞。 |
★ |
Reading of the District Mission by Lt GET Eric Liang, DTM. 教育訓練副總會長梁守誠宣讀總會使命。 |
★ |
the adoption of the agenda. No one objected; the new agenda was
adopted. 確認本次會議議程,無人反對,議程確認並通過。 |
★ |
minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read by District
Secretary 祕書長宣讀並確認前次會議記錄。 |
Reports of Officers執委報告: |
District Governor Joy Tsai's report
總會長蔡嬌燕報告: |
a) Speaker Bureau in in
process 講師團進行中 |
b) 2013-2014 Yearly
Calendar is confirmed and posted on District website
年度行事曆已確認,並上傳總會網站 |
c) District fiscal year
budget is not confirmed. Hope to finalize before 6/30. 總會年度預算未定,希6/30交接前能確認 |
2. LtGET Eric Liang's
report 教育副總會長梁守誠報告: |
a) Spring Con venue : Tainan Labor Center 春季大會場地:台南勞工中心 |
b) Fall
Con venue: Taipei CPC building 秋季大會場地:台北中油大樓 |
c) Deposit needs to be paid before 6/30 訂金6月底前支付 |
Motion from the floor 臨時動議 | |
J2 Area Governor Paul Chiang : Area/Div Governors' name cards can also
have the mother club name J2區總監江俊毅提議把母會名稱放入部總監、區總監名片。 |
Voting result
: For: 9, Against : 12, Motion not passed 表決結果: 贊成:9,不贊成:12,提議未通過 |
Announcement by District Governor
總會長宣布事項: |
1) | Annual Transportation Subsidiary for Area Gov NT$1000 and Div Governor NT$3000. Don't forget to apply. Public transportation tickets are applicable. As for gasoline receipts, need to confirm again. 年度交通補助費:區總監NT$1000,部總監NT$3000,請大家務必記得申報。車票可以申報,加油發票是否可用,需再確認。 |
Time and Place for Next
Meeting: 9:00am Nov. 24, 2013
確認下次開會時間:2013/11/24上午9:00 |
Meeting Minutes Briefing
and Confirmation 會議記錄簡述及確認 Meeting adjourned at 3:40會議於3:40結束 |