





日期: 9:00 11: 35, Sunday, Apr. 18, 2011
地點: 台北市信義區松仁路3號  中油大樓
主席: Mike Yang/ District governor
紀錄: Tony Lee / District secretary

The 3rd Ex-Com Meeting 第三次執行委員會會議

3rd ExCom Participants: Total 39 Members出席人數共 39
Executive Committee Members:59 
執行委員總人數 59

Roll call and certificated the quorum by District Secretary Tony Lee
that 39 of 59 Excom members attended, reach the quorum.
祕書長 李德祥確認開會人數超過法定出席人數, 59位委員們有39位委員出席。
Call to order by District Governor Mike Yang, DTM at 9:15. He welcomed all members from Taiwan, island-wide, and toastmasters from Canada and Japan.
總會長 楊冀光 於上午9:15宣布第三次執行委員會會議開始,並歡迎所有來自各地會友。
Reading of the District Mission by Lt GET Grace Shih, DTM.
教育訓練副總會長 施惠芳宣讀總會使命。
Upon the adoption of the agenda. No one objected; the new agenda was adopted.
確認 本次會議議程,無人反對,議程確認並通過。
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read by District Secretary
祕書長 宣讀並確認第二次會議記錄。

Special Committees Report: 特別委員會報告
2010 Fall Conference Financial Report---- Tim Wu, Division K governor
秋季大會財務報告---K 部總監 吳庭耀

Thanks to members commitment and diligent hard work, the FallCon Committee got a satisfied number of members attended in this high quality and joyful programs.
Participants #: 603
Income: NT$1,132,222
Expense: NT$1,118,192
Balance: NT$147,481
參加人數: 603
收入: 台幣$1,132,222
支出: 台幣$1,118,192
結餘: 台幣$147,481

Translation Committee ---- Dick Fu
  總計翻譯Toastmaster Magazine演講人雜誌篇數,截至20113月份雜誌止,總計翻譯114篇文章,均掛本會網頁,歡迎各位會友們上網閱讀。

Speakers Bureau ----  Steven Chuang, ACB, CL
講師團報告--- 莊士勇
  Speakers Bureau events and achievements sharing
To draw up & execute a training programs in June 2011
2011 年六月在中部再舉辦一次課程培訓。
District Alignment Committee Chair---- Marian Hsiao
重組委員會主席報告--- 蕭敏環  前總會長

Please refer to attached report, 請參考附件

No one objected, the new organization was adopted.

Motion from the floor臨時動議

Meeting Minutes Briefing and Confirmation 會議記錄簡述及確認
Meeting adjourned at 9: 44會議於9:44分結束

The 2nd Council Meeting 第二次會員代表大會

Council members: 282, attended 206 members
Executive Committee Members: 59, attended 39 members

Roll call and certificated the quorum by District Secretary Tony Lee, that 245 of 341 members attended.

Call to order by District Governor Mike Yang, DTM at 9:50. He welcomed all members.
總會長楊冀光於上午9:50 宣布第二次會員代表大會議開始,並歡迎所有來自各地會友。

Upon the adoption of the agenda. No one objected, the new agenda was adopted.

District Officers Election and result   地區總會幹部選舉及當選名單:
District Governor: Grace Shih, DTM

: 施惠芳

Lt. Governor Education & Training: Y.S. Liao, DTM
: 廖義瀋

Lt. Governor Education & Training: Joy Tsai, DTM,
: 蔡嬌燕 ( 157 李威霖 85 票當選)


.Division A Governor

Betty Hsiug, CC & ALS

Area A-1 Governor, 2009-2010

 Division B Governor

Philip Yuan, CTM.

Area 6 Governor, 2000-2001

 Division C Governor

King Ling Lee, ACB.

Area C-4 Governor, 2009-2010.

 Division D Governor

Tammy Tsai, ACB.

KCG TC President , 2010-2011
Scien-tech TC President, 2005-2006

Division E Governor

Alvin Lee, CC.

Area E-1 Governor 2010-2011

Division F Governor



Division G Governor

Alex Wang, ACB.

Spark TC President. 2003-2004

Division H Governor

Assam Chen, ACB, CL

Area H-2 Governor

Division I Governor

Jennifer Huang, ACB.

Area I-3 Governor 2010-2011

Division J Governor

劉基欽 CC
Vincent Liu

Happy TC 2008-2009

Division K Governor

Dinger Chen, ACG, CL

Red Hill TC 2004-2005

Division L Governor

Teresa Chang ACB

Area L-1 Governor

Reports of Officers: 執委報告
District Governor 總會長報告 ---- DG. Mike Yang, DTM 楊冀光
1. Charter  More New Clubs. Goal by June 30, 2011 at least 151 active  clubs!
Now 133 clubs, behind 18 clubs including 5 clubs that have not yet met minimum payment requirement!
要創新分會! 目前差目標18個分會,包括5個繳款人數未達最低標準的分會!
So far, 4 new club have been chartered ( 2 have not been counted).
Any new club will have a 5,000 NT$ worth of award. At least, we should try to reach 1 club net growth of each  division!
2. Recruit More New Members (including reinstated, dual members)!
Goal by June 30, 2011 at least 6860 members. (Now 5,802, behind 1,070)
Encourage each clubs to have at least 20 members!  We still hold Membership building contest! 
3. More Education Awards. Goal by June 30, 2011 at least 235 CCs (now 96, behind 139), and 67 ACs. (now 30, behind 37) CC不足139,AC不足37!Education Award Contest, Speech Marathon
4. courage more interactions with neighboring districts such as D85(China), D76 (Japan) and D80 (Singapore)
5. Division & area governors could apply for your travel subsidy and  shipment subsidy of each division by May with the same amount of invoices and receipts.
Lt. Governor Education & Training--- Grace Shin, DTM
1. Result of the 2st Club Officers Training
Clubs with 7 officers trained 七位幹部受訓之分會 5
Clubs with 4-6 officers trained  四至六位幹部受訓之分會 98
Clubs with less than 4 officers trained  少於四位幹部受訓之分會 46
2. New Club Officers List   新任分會幹部名單    6/30 (12/31)
3. New login system  新登入制度
4. Educational Achievement Goals for 2010-11
CCs to Date 目前中級演講員數 96
Goals for June 30 六月卅日應達成數 235
District is behind 尚不足數 139
ACs to Date 目前高級演講員數 30
Goals for June 30 六月卅日應達成數 67
District is behind 尚不足數 37
5. District Officer Mid-Year Training
: 2 23 台北
Manual Training/手冊訓練
3/13 Div. D & K
5/15 Div. B, I, L
Community Service/
Speechcraft Program 演講訓練營課程
12/2010 to 3/2011
CPCDA in Kaohsiung
Radio Program 廣播節目
1/2011 to 3/2011
Youth Leadership Program
Lt. Governor Marketing ---- LtGM. Y.S Liao, DTM
District Marketing  Highlights
1. Membership Status:
July base: 6738
April 15: 5592
New Members: 1063
Lost: 1136
2. Goal for Distinguished District: 6872
Gap: 1280
Club base: 147
Active Clubs to date: 149
Paid Clubs to date: 145
Goal by June 30 2011: 151
 District is behind: 6
3. Members more 30 members: 3  clubs:
Hsinchu,  Top Bilingual,  Kaohsiung
Members 25~30,  8 clubs :
Skal , Taipei Metro,  Fengyuan,  China ,  Taipei, Y.W.C.A. ,  Premium,  Yuan-Shan
Members  22~25 : 17 clubs
FEIB, Fluency, Huatan Bilingual, Chinatrust, Innovative , HP Taiwan,  Prestige , Scien Tech, Legacy Beast , Nantou, MSD Taiwan,Chia-Yi, Taichung, Spark  Pingtung, Chung Hsing Chinese,
Members 20~21,  11 clubs :
Tainan, Grand, ALE MAX, Excellence,Taoyuan ,KCG ,Yuanlin, Red Hill, PECL, Happy,
New clubs:
CYCU、Millennia Bilingual、Taipei  DSC ( First one Chinese in Taipei during 8 years)、NTUST、Young Banker

Potential  Clubs:
Gamin, Nan Tou, Taoyuan, Yuanlin, MiaoLi, NDMC

District Secretary ---- Tony Lee, ACS, ALS
1. Excom, Council, and Association Meeting preparation
執委、代表、協會 會議準備
ExCom members( 59 ): 執委會成員 (50)
Council members( 282 ):
地區代表委會成員 (282)
2. 總會副秘書長 Bonnie Chen 的全力協助
3. Trophy and educational materials for conference
District Financial Report 2008-2009 ---- DT. William Huang, CC
Financial Report as attached.
財務收支 報告,參酌附件。
District Web Master---- Dio. Robert Chou
1. The competition of website design.
2. To update the website data before 7/1 in District 67 and in the HQ of Toastmasters International.
District PR Officer---- DPR. Victoria Wang
A. here is a list of what took place
  Facebook 669 members
  Kaoshiung Radio Program
  Flora Expo Service for two months
  ICRT Interview for JANA
  Singles party in Taipei
  updated PR website
B. not able to accomplish
  island wide PR team
  better press coverage
  district video

Motion from the floor 臨時動議

  總會長 Mike Yang 回覆, 因時間因素, 無法詳答. 基本上Toastmasters 的組織在分會之下有 area, division, district 有很多的幹員, 都可協助分會處理問題, 可善用組織幹部的資源協助.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35
會議於11: 35分結束


Div. I Report   by Joy Tsai

So far, everything looks great in Div I. I'm sure that we will get Distinguished President Div in this term. Thanks to our hard working Area Governors: Nathaniel, Irene & Jennifer. They take good care of our clubs and have been contributing a lot to our division.

Yet, we still have some hidden problems:

1. For Area I2 & I3, it's very hard for us to maintain membership for campus clubs and advanced club. e.g. Taichung Tech TC, Asian University TC and Taichung Advanced TC. That's becuase they have different features of the members. How to sustain members in campus clubs will become a bigger and bigger issue in the future becasue members are so unstable there. We spent most of time and energy to educate students and when the senior members graduated, everything has to start all over again. It feels so frustrated.
2. Another serious problem in Area I1 is we have three junior bilingual TCs. In their meetings, most of the time they are using mandarin as communcation tool. Their presidents prefer to stay in Div I, yet, for this year, they never joined any English officers' trainings, advanced trainings, joint meeting or area, division contests. And they never paid for above occasions which make us feel so troublesome. Not only for Div I, but also for all of clubs in central Taiwan. Some clubs in central Taiwan would respond unhappily: " We don't want to go to the Div I contests or Div B I L joint meetings becasue we live so far away. And why should we pay for that? If those three bilingual clubs don't have to pay, we don't want to pay either."

Above problems have to be solved and conquered by the future Area Governors and Div I Governor. We were trying our best to fix them, yet, unfortunately they are beyond our ability. 
Report from Division D  by Jeffrey Huang

Major activities:
1. Fall conference – co-worked with Division K, task was successfully done.
2. Speechcraft – held an eight-week Speechcraft for the Chinese Professional Coach Development Association.
Radio Program – produced the “Twelve lessons about communication and leadership” program on Kaohsiung Broadcasting Station.
New club building:
1. University of Kaohsiung(高雄大學) schedules to charter a campus club in September, Demo meeting was held in March.
2. Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages(文藻外語學院) campus club still need more time to charter.
Weak club:
  Vitality is struggling for its survival. The noon meeting time makes it not easy to get support from other toastmasters and the club tends not to open to the publics.