Be careful!  Or I can kill you with my looks.  Hah, man, try me? Speaker moves sun glasses and stare at some guy on the stage, then that guy lies down immediately.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Killer No. 1.

Last week, on behalf of ROT
Republic of Toastmasters, I attended the International Male Boxing Match.  After knocking out 50 rivals, I got into the final. 

As usual, I put on my lucky jacket, then I jumped into the ring.  But you know who was the man standing in front of me?  He was evil, powerful,  terrible - “Ear Biter Tyson.” 

But I wasn't scared.  In the beginning, he came out swinging.  Then I was dodging, ducking and crouching,  and in spite of a few heavy blows to my face and body, I  never gave up.  I even taunted him.   “Come on, little boy!  Don't be a chicken!  I'll tear you apart!”  Now, it was my turn.  A blow to one side, more fast sweeping punches.

Then in the 12th round, just before time was up, I connected with my super hook against his big pig head!  He fell down immediately.  He's dead!  He's dead! 

The judge was counting 5, 4, 3, 2…Suddenly, goddammit, Tyson was jumping up and grabbing my breast.  Oh, no, don't, don't stop!  I tried to stop him, but…but it's too late! 

He tore off my jacket, and to everybody's shock, I was a woman.  Then I was disqualified from the game, and my champion belt was taken away.

Tyson won the game that day.  But you know what?  I'm the winner too!  After the contest, Tyson was crazy for me and has asked me out. 

(Cell phone belling)  Excuse me, “Hello, oh, darling!”  It's Tyson.  “Meet tonight?  Ok, your place or my place?  You bad dog!  See you!” 

Oh, now I need some powder, and, of course, hot, red lipstick which shows my feminine part.  What do you think, am I sexy?  Oh, oops!  I forgot to put on some perfume.  So charming, so easy! 

It's time to go.  By the way, you've got to know one more thing.  Now Mike Tyson becomes a feminist.  It is because of me, from now on, this is a new Era of Feminist Movement.
Put on sun glasses

 Gentlemen, wanna join?  Or try me?
Take off sun glasses and show threatening looks