
The Power of Practice
Allison Huang

"Wow, whoˇ¦s that pretty girl? She dances so well!ˇ¨ Me? Thank you!
I couldnˇ¦t imagine that one day I could have a chance to dance in front of hundreds of people, all the hard work eventually paid off.
Ms.Contest master and my fellow toastmasters. Have you ever abandoned a dream because you felt you were not good enough?

Few years ago, I was a very different person. I didn't dare to stand on the stage. But just like other kids, I had a dream to become a star and to shine on the stage. Thatˇ¦s why I decided to join the high school dance club to pursue my dream. But things didnˇ¦t follow my plan.

When I was preparing for the dance show, there was a dance move that I just couldnˇ¦t get it right. On the dance performance day, I prayed and encouraged myself, I can make it, I can make it. I / didnˇ¦t make it, I failed again on the stage, in front of a full room of audience. I could hear the laughter from them, not so loud but hurt so much.

After that, whenever we had a dance performance, my position was always at the back, at the corner of the stage, or behind the curtains where nobody could see me. I skipped the practice and cried in the school corner. ˇ§Should I give up?ˇ¨ Jessie, the best dancer in our club. Walked over to me and showed a video of a girl dancing. I started to laugh because it was so bad, even worse than I did! But quickly, I realized it was actually little Jessie! I apologized right away. And she replied ˇ§Not everyone is so talented. But with the power of practice, we can become who we want to be.ˇ¨

If 10 times is not enough, practice it 100 times. If 100 times is not enough, practice it 1000 times.

This woke me up! Even though it meant that I would need to sacrifice the time hanging out with my friends or gathering with my family. I would do it. Because the dream was there and I didnˇ¦t want to give up.

When I was taking a shower, I practiced; When an earthquake hit, I still practiced. After constant training, I felt extremely painful and sore. I could barely move my arms, my legs, my whole body. I was only 18 but I walked like a grandma. The situation could be even worse! Imagining that your legs were suffering from soreness, suddenly your stomach started to ache. You finally found a restroom and opened the door, there was only a squat toilet, the one on the floor. Believe me, It would be a really really hard time to get up.

Day by day, My dedication began to pay off. I was elected as the dance lead and my position was always in the center! I didnˇ¦t stop there, I practiced even harder. Hello? I donˇ¦t know how long the time passed by, but I could feel my tears sliding down my face. I got to dance for my favorite singer ľHµµ´Ń. At that moment, the dream came true.

The power of practice is life changing.
It not only helped me transform from a backstage shadow to a starting dancer.
It also opened a new chapter in my toastmaster journey.

Few months ago, I decided to join the speech contest. In the beginning, I never thought I could go this far. But after Numerous hours of practicing, countless nights of revising the script. The power of practice brings me here today, standing on this District stage.

Dear Toastmasters,
We might encounter lots of challenges on the road, but with dedication and persistence. They will be flowers and rainbows in the end.

The power of practice is the door that opens all hope. The power of practice pushes us beyond our limits. The power of practice is with me and with you, but how bad do you want it?

Contest master.
