Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful girl in the world ?

Definitely not you
Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the smartest girl in the world ?

Huh silly girl

Dear Contest master, and fellow members,
Do you have this kind of negative mirror in your mind?

Have you ever experienced this negative thoughts coming out of your brain , whisper in your ears : come on you¡¦re not as good as you think, face the reality and stop daydreaming!

Just like a strong, powerful fist keep punching punching punching you down

My mirror is controlled by two things -

Number one: people¡¦s opinion and judgement ¡V
when I was 18 years old, I hate to answer every question related to my major in college.
Because I¡¦d always receive many ¡§caring comment¡¨ by people ¡V after they heard my major is Chinese literature

Like So your English must be poor, huh? Or you will be so hard to find the job in the future

Although I know this stupid opinions were non-sense, People¡¦s judgement was still like a strong and powerful monster, keep swallowing my confidence and faith.

Number2 My limited belief -
Around 5 years ago, I was such an unconfident girl, whoever talk to me, or even speak my name, my face would turn red without a second, Not to mention public speaking, it was a disaster to me

I can totally remember what¡¦s exact feeling for my first speech.
That day was the first day I entered in college, and professor asked everyone to come on to the stage for a brief introduction

I was so embarrassed , kept repeating myself, can you believe that i said Hi I¡¦m Tina, almost 10 times ,
I could even hear my heavy breathing like an asthma, my heart beating dondondon like a drum, My palms got sweaty
It feels like a combination of fear, anxiety and self-doubting all at once. At that time, I didn¡¦t believe i can deliver a great speech.

For people¡¦s judgement
One day, I couldn¡¦t help but talk to my mom¡G¡¨Mom I was so frustrated by people¡¦s opinion on Chinese literature thing ¡§
Suddenly, She turned to me, hugged me hardly and said : ¡§ hey sweetie, Do not allow people¡¦s judgements to control the direction of your life.

Don¡¦t dim your light to fit into people¡¦s expectation. Shine bright AS YOU ARE, those who really care for you will see your light and shine with you. You¡¦re unique ¡§

This conversation totally blew me away! I don¡¦t let anyone define me, I define myself.
Then I start to change my mindset, follow my heart. Don¡¦t care peoples opinion, even I failed , then I became an international youth ambassador to have meetings with 6 countries government in English.

And I work for AI technology company as my first job, now I even take charge of America market in ASUS! Chinese literature huh ?
What about my fear to presentation?
After that embarrassing introduction,
I decide to trust myself, i made up my mind to evaluate my each speech, write down detailed pros and cons of my every speech, keep evolving, progressing now I¡¦m standing on the stage of final level speech contest, it¡¦s the moment!

I know I¡¦m not perfect, but I can practice, I can improve myself! I have faith in myself
As the saying goes:
¡§When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm¡¨

When you have nothing inside holding you back, there is nothing outside can hold you back either.

I believe this negative mirror lives in everyone¡¦s deep heart and mind , sometimes makes us feel less confident by people¡¦s opinion or our limited belief
So Next time when your negative mirror whisper in your ears again , tell them (Shi**** shame on you)

Look at your mirror and said
It¡¦s okay to not be perfect I was born to be real, to be unlimited!
There it goes

mirror mirror on the wall I don¡¦t need you anymore

Life is controlled on my own I never doubted myself at all